Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2170: Invincible curse

The knife was shining, and the celestial museum owner and Li Hu were scared on the spot.

So take the shots out of the air, what kind of strength is needed, and it is strange to not change color.

At the moment when the knife light is about to fall, there is a layer of defense around Lin Fei. In front of this knife, this layer of defense is immediately broken.

At the moment of the break, the second layer of defense appears, continues to break, and then appears defense.

This knife has destroyed 17 defenses.

The celestial museum owner and Li Hu scared their bodies and began to tremble.

As a strong person, such a distance is close to death, and the cliff is something that cannot be forgotten in this life.

On the verge of death again and again, they have to run, and the knife light seems to appear in front of them, stimulating their nerves again and again.

After seventeen full steps, the power of the knife light disappeared completely.

"Teacher, you are offending who is this, this is definitely the old cosmic **** shot, the power contained in a knife is enough to kill me dozens of times!" The main celestial museum wipes sweat, "It is terrible!"

Li Hu nodded, "I almost felt like I was going to die!"

Lin Fei is also scared, those shameless guys really dare to do it.

"Not good, come again!"

Between the heavens and the earth, there are three more knives, the power is exactly the same as before, and there is a great disappointment that they will not give up.

"Ma Dan, I thought I was bullied!" Lin Fei snarled, and immediately exchanged skills.

The knife light came to the forefront. As soon as it approached, the void appeared, the knife light was diverted out, and the three knives disappeared almost instantly without a trace.

"The big man in the dark, I have more cards on my body. I want to deal with me. I can't rely on this alone!" Lin Fei let out, and it was not unexpected that he was being stared.

"More, this seat will kill you!"

The knife is like a cloud, and the road is shining, illuminating the sky.

Lin Fei is already coming over. This kind of power really has nothing to care about. The only thing I don’t know is who this is against me.

The knives scattered all over the place, some of them passed through the void, and most of the power was still coming. The defense of the cut Lin Fei kept on.

"This consumption is too fast and must be countered!"

Such a super strong, Lin Fei accidentally not.

"Kill me, then I will give you some color to look at!" Lin Fei sneered, "big curse, poisonous!"

This time, prestige is extremely expensive!

Lin Fei doesn't care.

Between the heavens and the earth, suddenly there was a sigh.

Someone is poisonous!

Very toxic from the system.

"Sorry, I forgot to say, I also learned the invincible curse!" Lin Fei felt the hate that came from him. "A poison is not enough, and I will give you a powerful one!"

Lin Fei laughed, "curse, weakness!"

In the midst of it, the other party is weak again!

"Good guy, this body is strong!"

When the attack falls on the other side, the prestige here is consumed instantly, more than any curse.

In order to make the other party unhappy, Lin Fei really does not care about prestige, dare to deal with me, to curse your body, leaving you a deep impression.

The two curses go on, no matter who you are, you have to be cool.

Sure enough, those knives did not appear again, and the heavens and the earth seemed to have returned to calm.


Lin Fei once again launched a large transmission, all the way to continue to transmit, this time and the previous time is not the same, with a detailed route, no need to be so complicated.

And in a space.

A figure looked embarrassed, fell down, and overturned a mountain, leaving a tiankeng.

"Awful guy, how can this curse be so big!"

This man looks like a middle-aged man, but he doesn't actually know how long the monster has lived.

But at this time, a look of shock and anger.

I think that he is a super strong person, actually ate a big loss in the other hand, can't believe it is true.

"That kid is really evil, such a powerful curse should not be left by the ultimate universe gods!"

The middle-aged man is very poisonous and has a weak breath. At the same time, he can't exert a little power. If it is not a strong force, it is estimated that a poisonous person can make him die.

"Hurry and go!"

In the poison and weakness, the super-powerful person has a big sense of killing, and he must leave here first. His enemies can be quite a lot!


On the way after, there seems to be a curse from Lin Fei's display, and everything becomes calm.

It took a few years.

Lin Fei has entered a force of extinction. At this time, he does not need to rely on strength. He can easily withstand the invasion of the Yuan.

Into the power of the Yuan, Lin Fei took out the token and automatically guided the route.

When he was weak, he had been there. He happened to meet a city. After that, he never met the city. It was obvious that the power of the Yuan was very large. If he accidentally went to the wrong place.

"The power of the Yuan is not worthy of the name!"

The owner of the celestial museum said, "The vulgar body can't stop it!"

Li Hu followed, "It is said that the owner can control the power of the Yuan to form a barrier protection, or even a sharp attack!"

"I really don't know about this. I will know when I waited for Yuanfucheng!" Lin Fei blinked.


Three months after the power of the Yuan.

Lin Fei finally saw a looming Fucheng, surrounded by the power of the Yuan, a very special existence.

Fucheng does not look very big.

The outer layer was shrouded in power.

I can clearly see the inner situation. There are people walking around, especially when there are many people standing on the wall. If nothing unexpected, they are definitely welcoming themselves.

As the token came to Fucheng.

The meta-power of the layers is generally receded like tides.

A portal will follow.

Under the token, the power of the annihilation seems to be blocked, and it can no longer be approached anyway.

"Welcome to the owner!"

The people on the wall are singular.

Lin Fei took Li Hu, the owner of the celestial museum, and flew into the portal. The comfortable atmosphere made people feel refreshed.

The people on the wall are welcoming him.

Lin Fei glanced at him. There were a lot of people coming here. But it seems that there are few guys who seem to have a few weights. "It seems that the information given by Ning Jin is correct. There are indeed many people watching their own jokes!"

Ning Jin’s information not only talked about the situation in those continents, but also said some things about the Fucheng in Yuanfu. Overall, it was not good.

For example, now several heavy figures have not come.

"It’s not easy for that person to sit in this position. It’s estimated that it will be suppressed by the iron and blood."

Lin Fei looked at it quietly. "Let's take the lead!" Lin Fei said lightly.

The person who came to watch, I knew that the new owner was a **** horse, but the head of the house was really too young, and people could not believe it was true. 2k reading network

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