Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2178: The special envoy is here!

There is no sign of this sword, the real killing.

After Lin Fei was hit by a sword, a large amount of prestige consumption solved the power of this sword. Besides, the body shape directly dissipated, and the real body escaped.

"The thief is really a courage, dare to come to the eternal holy land to learn the eternal **** stone, but unfortunately failed to kill with a sword, and even the ability to escape makes the old man feel strange!"

After Lin Fei left, a figure condensed out, but it was a gray robe old man, and the brows of the knife were wrinkled, which seemed very doubtful.

"Check, you must find out!"

The old man in the gray robe is full of doubts.

The eternal holy land is the top secret place of the Holy See. It is absolutely incredible to be lurked in now. The most intriguing thing is that the other side has a sword and not died.

This person is worthy of doubt.

"In the eternal universe, no one can take away the eternal **** stone, and it can be safe and sound!"

The old man in the gray robe suddenly split into five and disappeared.


"My luck is so moldy!"

After Lin Fei left the eternal holy land, he repeatedly applied his skills and directly circled a large circle. At the same time, he showed several skills and felt safe before returning to the government.

Not long after returning to Yuanfu, Lin Fei suddenly frowned and secretly screamed.

"Good guy, my three avatars are actually dead, this action is too fast!" Lin Fei closed his eyes, through the system, saw the skills split out, was killed by the other party in a short period of time.

That is an old man!

"The Eternal Holy See is really a master!"

Lin Fei felt that he underestimated the power of the eternal Holy See and stole the eternal **** stone in the other's nest. It was really exciting.

The old man in the system has been staying for a long time before leaving.

"Hey, I have system skills, but I have to be unlucky!"

If you are known by the entire Eternal Holy See, Lin Feizhen does not necessarily live in sorrow.

"My ultimate body reached the fourth floor. I thought it was very strong. As a result, the old man was hit by a sword and it was broken. It seems that my body is still weak!"

This time, Lin Fei was splashed with cold water.

"Xinyi got a group of eternal **** stones back, and after another hundred years, my ultimate body will inevitably break through to the fifth floor!" Lin Fei bite his teeth, and then upgrade.


Lin Fei closed again.


The celestial museum owner and Li Hu came to the outside of the room.

"This is all one hundred and seventy years, and the Yuanfu continent will soon be merged. The people of the Eight Great Houses are all cheap, and the younger brother is really calm!"

This is the one hundred and seventy years after Lin Fei retired.

The integration of the Yuanfu continent, what characters are coming out, plus more than a hundred years, Lin Fei, the owner of the house almost disappeared.

In today's Yuanfu, Lin Fei, the owner of the house, has no concern, but the influence of the four families has expanded rapidly.

"Who knows, those guys are more and more shameless!" The celestial museum owner remembered them, and suddenly he was very angry.

"This thing has to let the owner come forward!" Li Hu smiled bitterly. "The special envoy of the Holy See is still here, and the government will not go out!"

The two shot to the door of the secret room.

This is what was left after Lin Fei entered.

After a while, the door of the Chamber of Secrets opened and the figure came out.

When this figure came out, the emptiness around the celestial museum owner and Li Hu began to collapse, and the power of one circle and one circle swayed, causing the two to change color.

"Teacher, your body is so strong!"

Lin Fei's body is full of sly scent, and a wave of breath slams into the void, constantly letting the void collapse.

"Hey, don't mention it, it's almost two hundred years, I haven't broken through to the fifth floor!" Lin Fei shook his head, wondering.

The celestial pavilion has turned its eyes straight, and the fifth floor is really mad!

Lin Fei really wondered that the fifth layer of the extreme body was too slow, and only one third of it has progressed until now. It really is not mad at him.

Such a bottomless hole method is really not cultivated by people.

The cheap teacher was chased and killed in the past, and there are enemies everywhere. It is also excusable.


"What is worthy of coming together!" Lin Fei changed the subject. The topic just now is really a blow to people. Look at the expression of the celestial owner.

"The special envoy of the Holy See is coming!"


In a quiet courtyard of the city's main government.

Non-natural feelings are drinking tea leisurely.

"Special envoy, this Lin Feifu, I don't see how much, even worse than that of the year, I went out to understand, now in the Yuanfu, everyone only knows the four, and does not recognize the owner!"

Standing on the bottom of the heart, the whispers of the whispers are reported.

"It's really different from the rest of the day!" He took a sip of tea. "When the rest of the year came up, it was a big killing. Once the emperor was a courtier, it was unimaginable to think about Lin Fei in the end!"

"I heard that he has been retreating. He should be practicing the limit exercises. However, this method consumes a lot of resources. When the ultimate universe was able to become a god, he won the peak, and his disciples were not so easy. Everyone Everywhere, I don’t want to see the second ultimate universe god. So, I said that Lin Fei’s brain has problems and is still studying a rib!”

Those who are not the head of the Eternal Holy See are not interested in the following people. No matter how influential they are outside, they are always weak in front of them.

"Special envoy, the owner is coming!"

The voice of the celestial museum owner came from outside the courtyard.

"A very interesting person!" A cup of tea was taken from the rest of the world, and the ventral body behind him recovered facelessly, standing coldly.

"come in!"

The door was gently pushed open to reveal a young figure, not everyone else was Lin Fei.

"I heard that the special envoy has come. I will be here the first time. I hope that the special envoy will not be angry!" Lin Fei smiled and came in, and his sigh of breath disappeared without a trace.

At the moment of coming in, Lin Fei looked at the special envoy.

Not very old, but there is a special danger in the body.

A master who hides strength.

“Lin’s owner laughed!” Philippine smiled. “Come, drink tea together!”

Lin Fei's big knife Jinma's sitting down, non-natural sentiment took Lin Fei down a cup of tea, "Linfu, you are younger than I thought, the Holy See does not know how many people are dumbfounded, you are a **** horse. what!"

Don't look at just a house owner. I don't know how many people are eyeing, but the result is really a big surprise.

I don't know how many people are disappointed!

"I am lucky this person!" Lin Fei smiled.


It’s true that Lin Fei is not in the air. You are so lucky.

After some chat, the non-natural feelings also felt that Lin Fei could not be seen, but at least there was a little bit of this kid has not been pulled over.

"I am here to inform you of one thing!"

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