Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2310: If you can’t talk, you will kill you.

Thirteen God Kingdoms are getting closer!

The mighty sacred atmosphere fell on everyone, and there was a warmth in the body, very comfortable.

"Thirteen Kingdoms!"

The closer to the thirteen gods, the more Lin Fei can feel the mighty atmosphere of the thirteen gods.

The pillars of light wrapped around them, and they traversed the endless space, ten hundred thousand or even ten thousand.

It’s only a matter of moments before and after.

"The front is the lead of the thirteen kingdoms!" The water jade of the water house, whispered.

When it was approaching the thirteenth kingdom of God, a large round table floating in the space appeared in the eyes of Lin Fei.

"Your water house is worthy of being one of the top five families of the God of War. The situation is very familiar!" Lin Fei smiled. In the direction, on the big round table, there were many people gathered.

"This is not a secret!" Shui Yu shook his head. "It is cruel to pick up the battle on the ground, because in the area of ​​the land, there will always be battles, such as the battle for the ancient swords, it can be regarded as a test before entering the thirteenth kingdom! ”

"The battle is actually to fight for the ancient swords. Anyone who robs the ancient swords in the lead can pick up three people. Every time those who hold the ancient swords are weak, they will be under siege!" Shui Yu continued, "Lin Shangxian, you have to be careful!"

In this case, Lin Fei really does not know much.

But it doesn't matter.

Fighting, whether it is group stand or heads-up, there is nothing to fear.

"Actually, I really like this lively atmosphere, hehe!" Lin Fei wanted to see if the two came to the thirteenth country.

If you really met, Lin Fei didn't mind killing them.

As an outsider, this secret, the less people know the better, Lin Fei believes that the two are also the same thoughts, after solving the danger of exposure, you can slowly investigate.


Hey! !

After everyone passed through dozens of spaces.

Landed on the big round table.

At this time, there were one or two hundred people gathered on the big round table. They looked different and stood guard against each other, occupying a range of each other.

Lin Fei’s is not too early, it’s not too late.

For the time being, you can only stand on the periphery of the Great Round Table.

Looking from the outside, the big round table is not very big. When it falls on the big round table, the size of this place is indeed unexpected.

"A lot of masters, the scent of light is not enough for me to have more than two palms. This is the master!"

Lin Fei looked at it casually, and his heart was also secretly shocked.

"For the time being, I haven't found the breath of the two guys."

In this case, Lin Fei’s power of consciousness does not dare to go all out to check. Once it is so much, it is equal to offending these fairy masters.

"Water jade fairy, we haven't seen you for a long time, I didn't expect to run into it here, you said it is a fate!"

A frivolous voice came from the left.

Lin Fei turned and looked at it. He saw a young man, a contemptuous man with a few people coming up, and the people behind him, surrounded by meaning, if there was nothing, they had their retreat.

"The wind is no good, I don't want to see you, now give me a roll!" After the water jade recognized the person, on the spot was a change of warmth, and yelled at the other party. "If you don't leave, you will be a little girl. You are welcome." It!"

The wind is not bound to be extremely courageous, hahaha, "water jade fairy, when you are angry, it is so fascinating, my heart, all thumped and thumped!" said holding his chest.

This scene falls into the eyes of many people.

"The God of War empire, the Fengyun Empire, is interesting."

"Who said no, the water house and the wind home are the feuds."

"The water family arranged a lot of disciples to come in this time. However, the one who brought in the water jade fairy is very strange. If there is no background, it may be ruined!"


At the same time, the battle is the most common.

"Stop!" Water jade fairy, the water wave behind him, "say another sentence, I killed you!"

The wind smiles without awkwardness, unscrupulous, "I'm angry, then you shot, a few times against my chest, I have been looking forward to it for a long time!"

Lin Fei saw a taste called 'sports abuse' from the other side.

The other party is obviously trying to provoke the anger of the water jade and let it take the initiative.

Lin Fei noticed the gloating eyes of the people around him.

"Then you come!" The wind did not line the water jade fairy, hooked his fingers, "I will kill you at any time, as long as you can kill me, right, by the way, tell the fairy, my 'popular world' has reached the realm of Dacheng !"

Standing on the back of Lin Fei, Ye Longfei, voiced over, "Lin Shangxian, we are afraid that there is trouble, the wind is no way is the disciple of the Fengyun Empire Fengjia, they and the water **** of the God of War, has always been a feud, afraid to stare The ancient sword of Shanglin Shangxian was ordered. If there is no ancient sword order, the power of the ground will kill us!"

Lin Fei is still pondering, this is the beauty of people coming to the water jade fairy, or for another reason.


Water jade fairy waved, a wave of water, descended from the sky, strangled the past.

"Your speed is too slow!"

The wind did not seem to have moved. The water waves falling from the sky did not seem to attack the other party at all, intact.

"The wind school's scholastic ‘ popular in the world’, is the best at speed!”

"Unless it's faster than the ‘windy world, no one can hurt them!'

"The wind home is the wind home!"


Lin Fei’s eyes were slightly stunned.

"Amazing speed can also affect the spatial change. Just a stroke of the water jade fairy attack, the power is great, the other party directly into the space, at least a dozen or so space, one to two, the power of the water wave, all the The space is collapsed!"

This kind of move is still eye-catching.

It seems to have not moved, actually moved.

"Would you like to continue to kill me!" The wind did not know how to do it, and his eyes swept away. "The ancient sword is on your body. I will hand over the ancient swords. I can leave you a whole body!"

Lin Fei hit a sigh of relief. "It’s said that the reception is very lively. I didn’t believe it at first, but now I believe it. This place is really interesting."

"Knowing that we are in the wind, you don't pay, I will give you three breaths to think about. When the time is up, you are really going to die." The wind laughed, "Because I will kill you, a punch is enough." !"

"Hand over the ancient swords!"

"Hand over the ancient swords!"

Secretly surrounded by a few masters of their immortals, step by step, a few people breathe together, the momentum is like a mountain, crushed down to Lin Fei.

Boom! !

The invisible mountains are crushed down, and the voids are as if they are broken.


Lin Fei flexed his finger and a sword smashed the invisible crush. He shook his head slightly against the wind. "You made a mistake, not that I handed over the ancient sword, but you!"

"You asked me to hand over the ancient sword order?" The wind did not laugh, "Do you have a problem with your brain!"

Lin Fei shrugged his shoulders. "We haven't talked, I'm sorry, I want to kill you!"

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