Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2321: First step

Lin Fei, the power of the eleven gods, is not vegetarian.

A punch, killing this Liu Guang guy.

The master behind Liu Guang was affected by the power of this punch, and was instantly divided, and the dead could not die any more.

"Foreigns, you... you broke through!"

Shui Yumei is full of shock, and some can't believe that the scene is true.

Liu Guang’s strength is extremely strong, but in the hands of Lin’s predecessors, he can’t catch a fist and directly smouldering. This is not a breakthrough to the gods, who can be.

"Your eyes are good, I really broke through!" Lin Fei did not care about this person from beginning to end.

Under the gods, it is not a joke.

"Former Lin, the little woman will take you in the past, this Liu Guang chasing me, just want to know the treasure left by the first Dan God." Shui Yu did not worry.

The name of the first Dan **** is still very attractive.

"If there is a treasure, I will leave you a copy!" Lin Fei smiled.

The medicinal herbs that are scraped outside are directly condensed out of the power of the six gods. If you get the first Dan god's remedy, you are not going to fly.

"Master, you are so lucky. The first Danshen is the first strongest person in the Kingdom of Heaven. It is a medicinal herb, the strength is unfathomable, and the technique of one-handed alchemy is superb. No one can match."

The words of the old man of the tree will undoubtedly make Lin Fei very interested in this treasure.

"You lead the way!"

Lin Fei waved his hand, and the power of the gods wrapped in water jade into the void.


"Former Lin, the treasure of Dan Shen, I also got it unintentionally. I wanted to go in and see, or underestimate the horror of the treasure of Dan Shen. Not only that, but the top family came three, namely, the iron family, the virtual door, Heaven Cangmen."

Shui Yu knows a lot of news and has said it in detail all the way.

Lin Fei thoughtfully thought, "No wonder no one came to the gods of the gods. It was also my luck. I got a pool of ten thousand yuan. If they intervened, they would have to fight a battle!"

Compared with the 10,000 pool, there are better treasures, and Lin Fei can't help but fortunately.

No matter how good the treasures are, after trying to bring the benefits brought by the 10,000 pool, it is not inferior to those treasures. In a short period of time, the strength of the eleven gods is condensed, but not everyone can do it.

The treasure of Dan Shen has undoubtedly become a thing that Lin Fei is expecting.


"Former Lin, that is the entrance to the treasure of the gods. If it is not for the little girl to see it, I will not believe that the entrance to the treasure of the gods will be in such a place!"

It turned out that there was a mountain in front.

At the same time, it is also a very inconspicuous piece of mountains, basically without any highlights.

"The entrance is just under the lake."

Lin Fei’s knowledge covered the surface of the lake. Under his knowledge, three masters were hidden under the lake. The Tianxian Wuzhong Tianfeng Peak was even arranged, and even a formation was arranged.

"In order to prevent others from entering, it is really a great thought!"

Lin Fei shook his head and rushed into the bottom of the lake.

Boom! ! !

As soon as he stepped into the bottom of the lake, the formation of the Fa, and a virtual shadow came across the sky, the vast force came in, a knife rushed to the face, and the void was opened.

"A powerful array of methods, summoning a god-level master!"

Lin Fei raised his hand and grabbed it. He didn't have a big palm. He took the light and grabbed the knife. The knife was very extraordinary. He could disappear from his hand and erupted in front of him.

These powers are absolutely a nightmare for Tianxian masters!


Lin Fei opened his mouth and blown a piece of force on the knife light, blowing away the knife light, accompanied by a powerful knife, disappeared without a trace.

Hey! !

The sword light glimpsed and opened the sacred shadow of the gods. It is really that this **** is too weak, the strongest on the heavens, the weakest existence within the gods.

This kind of goods, how much Lin Fei came to kill.

Under the perfusion of the power of the gods, the killing of the sword is so powerful that a sword breaks out and smashes the shadow.

"You can also get on the road together!"

After killing the sword and drilling into the void, the dull voice disappeared, and the formation lost control. At the bottom of the lake, a stone gate was also exposed.

At this time, Shimen was opened.

"Let's go in!"

Lin Fei waved and took their storage ring and rushed into Shimen.


"They are inside!"

Lin Fei rushed into Shimen, walked through the passage, felt a strong scent of medicine, gently sucked a bite, and the pores of his body stretched out.

This feeling is very wonderful.

"This is definitely the treasure of Dan God!"

Lin Fei determined that Shui Yu did not deceive himself. He believed that the other party did not have the courage to deceive himself.

The **** of the gods is angry, not everyone can afford it.

At least in the thirteen gods, Lin Fei has this ambition to say such things.

"There is energy fluctuations coming out in front, it should be someone who is fighting!" Lin Fei moved very fast. Because some people first marched, the arrangement left by Dan Shen was mostly broken.

Even if there is nothing left, it is impossible to threaten Lin Fei’s body.


Boom! ! !

In the big palace.

There are a lot of medicinal herbs floating.

These medicinal herbs are of very high quality, but at this time they are covered by a seal.

A group of people are breaking.

Nearly a dozen or so masters on the scene gave up and played against each other, but joined forces to break the battle.

The power of seals seems to be somewhat powerful.

Twenty people sacrificed treasures, rumbling and attacking the seal power, and a large curtain of light.

At this point, one of them, his face suddenly changed. "Not good, someone broke in, and the layout left by our iron family lost contact!"

An iron man wearing a black armor, his face suddenly changed, and the big array outside lost contact.

That big array was made by him.

Once you lose control, the first one will feel.

Tie Xiong said that the other two top forces, the face changed at this time.

"We are three, one of the two masters in the past, and people will be killed in the future!" The master of the virtual door, the virtual heaven, the body alternates between the real and the real, "How do you think!"

"Good!" Song Yuan of Tian Cangmen nodded.

No matter who you are, break into their layout, then die!

The treasure of Dan Shen does not allow the fourth party to compete.

The three parties are united together and there is no one to stop.

"You don't have to stop me, I have come in!"

There was a laugh in the palace.

Two figures appeared in the palace.

"Void emptiness!" The virtual sky screamed coldly, raising his hand was a knife, and his hand was a knife.

This knife smashed out, the virtual and the real alternate, the former moment is imaginary, the latter moment is real, and it keeps changing back and forth, very strange.

Hey! !

The void is like a streamer, crossing the body of Lin Fei.

The virtual door, the best thing is the virtual and real attacks, a very painful attack.

"In the face of the virtual door attack, I dare not care so much, you are the first one, I really don't know where the rookie came out!"

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