Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2325: My ant will kill you.

The Tiandan Kingdom has a good harvest.

It also allows Lin Fei to really improve his strength, and his realm is infinitely close to the gods and gods.

The strength of the gods also determines the strength of the gods.

For the rest of the gods, Lin Fei has little interest for the time being, and there is no heaven and earth spirit. He goes straight to the world of the gods. ,

Lin Fei was stopped by a sea when there was only one kingdom in the distance from the Kingdom of Bihang.

"This should be the Haitian **** country on the map."

The endless sea, the island is not seen, and the waves are calm.

Lin Fei, who has seen the map, knows the specific position of the thirteenth kingdom, and really underestimates the Haitian **** country. It will be an endless blue sea.

"The sea is so calm, it is really a problem!"

The sea in front of me is too calm.

This is different from Lin Fei’s imagination.

"It seems to be a bit difficult to cross the Tianshen Kingdom!" Ye Xiaolong stepped into the sea.

Oh! !

As the body sank, a horrible force sucked.

Boom! ! !

Lin Feitian’s physical strength broke out, stopping the momentum of the fall, while at this time calming the sea, setting off a whirlpool of whirlpools, the terrible power echoed in the whirlpool.

The void on the sea was twisted on the spot.

"This power is infinitely close to the power of the gods!"

Lin Fei was shocked by the fact that this power surpassed the Tianxian Wuzhong Tianfeng Peak, and there was a part of the power of the gods.

Hey! ! !

After the first vortex appeared, the second vortex appeared, and even the third, in an instant, the sea turned into a Jedi.

Lin Fei struggled and broke away from the sea and returned to the shore.

Soon after, the sea surface returned to calm, blue waves, and stars.

"It's a place that will be concealed. If you don't see it with your own eyes, who will believe that it is a death trap under calm!" Lin Fei looked at the sea. "The suction is very terrifying. There must be big horror under the sea. Although I am a god-like body, I am forced to take it down, not taking any cheap!"

For a time, Lin Fei had a headache!

This Haitian **** country is not good.

On the map, it is a very special place to mark the sea **** country across the country of God. It is basically impossible to go around.

If you want to go to the Kingdom of the Gods, you must go through the Haitian Kingdom.

"This time I really got into trouble!" Lin Fei really didn't know what to do. It was so good outside the sea **** country. What's more, there is definitely a big horror in the depths. "How can those people pass?"

Lin Fei does not believe that someone will be stronger than himself.

Forcibly rushed over? Still save it!

"Wait, I don't have a tree spirit. Maybe, he knows some details of the Haitian Kingdom!" Lin Fei almost forgot that he had the tree spirit brought by the **** of heaven.

I haven't waited for Lin Fei to ask, there is a broken voice coming from afar.

"This is someone coming!"

Lin Fei temporarily put away the idea.

Not long after, a group of people appeared in the field of vision.

The number of pedestrians is as large as nine. It is a relatively large team. There are men and women in the team, and they are urging a treasure to come to the beach.

"There is a ants in the field, and it is definitely not going to go to this sea and heaven!"

One of the frivolous sons sneered at him. "Hey, this place is not for you to come, or to roll it, so that you don't have to die!"

"Sure enough, it is a cockroach ant. Doesn't he know that this sea and sky is desperate, you have to take the sea wreck to pass the past!" A cold woman sneered.

This pedestrian did not see that Lin Fei was a god-level powerhouse.

Lin Fei is speechless!

Standing by the sea, I was despised.

Lin Fei is listening to the news.

"If you want to go in the past, you must take a boat ride?" Lin Fei asked, and he was not angry.

The former frivolous son scorned, "Even if you know how, the sky ship is also you can go on, you still die that heart, you certainly do not know why the sea **** country across the country, is to use To stop you like this uninformed, powerless person."

Lin Fei suddenly realized that the daring is such a thing.

"This brother, am I sleeping with my wife? As for you, are you so arguing?" Lin Fei is also a temper, and he has returned to the past.

"Damn ants, how do you say it!"

The frivolous son reached out and a sword was shining.

On this sword, sitting on a plate of a respected man and woman, doing shy movements, a special force invaded, and a double attack.

"What a ghost thing!"

Lin Fei banged out with a fist, and the punches were bombarded on Jianguang, and the fight was broken.

"You ants, the strength is quite good!" The frivolous son is quite unexpected, his sword was broken, the other is still a smelter, it is rare.

"Wang Shao, one of the scattered repairs, why should he kill, and drive away the matter!" At this time, in the team, a son of a son is faint.

The frivolous son heard this, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and he snorted. "You are the ant, today the hero brother opens, I give the hero a face, spare you a life, how far is it now!"

"Not going fast!"

"This place is not something you can wait for!"

In the team, the son of the son is cold, obviously not taking this as one thing.

Lin Fei's eyes fell on the so-called 'hero brother', the atmosphere is very tyrannical, and even has a familiar atmosphere.

"Not a strong god, but there is a treasure of the gods, you can erupt the attack of the gods!" A look away, Lin Fei sees the bottom of the other.

This is a guy who has a head.

Maybe it's the top family.

Lin Fei’s eyes turned to Wang Shao, a frivolous son. “You should be thankful, don’t continue to do it, or I will kill you with a punch!”

The prince's face is gloomy and terrible, and the killings are surging. "The guy who squats, I remember you."

Lin Fei smiled. "I remember you too. When I kill you, I will be killed by a cock!"

Heavenly hero turned his head and saw that there was really no interest in a dispersal.

From this point of view, the face changed slightly.

"Less Lord, this person is dangerous, can't offend!" A voice appeared in my mind.

The hero of the day is not moving, "God level?"

"The other party has not revealed the power of God, it is not easy to judge, but at the moment, he has not offended this person."

There are counts of heroes in the sky. As a treasure from the mysterious world, I don’t know how many times I have helped the heroes of the heavens. The reminder of this treasure has always been very heart-warming.

"We wait for the boat!" The hero of the day speaks, standing at the beach and waiting for the boat. "Wang Shao, don't forget my rules, break everyone's good things, go to the ground, you have nowhere to hide!"

The prince glanced at him. "I understand."

Lin Fei didn't shoot again. The hero brother's guy had a lot of cards, and these boys, Miss, seem to have special strength protection.

As long as they are not too much, Lin Fei is too lazy to kill them.

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