Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2341: Robbery

Chapter 2341, Robbery (page 1/1)

In the depths of the Shenmo Lake, it is actually a nest of magic spirits.

This news is not good news for Lin Fei.

Even if there is a map, in the face of such a place, Lin Fei has no way to start, the situation on the scene and the route in memory cannot be combined.

The only explanation is that this place is not on the map.

Lin Fei knew that Ye Tianhong of Tianjitang had a pit and bullied him. He was unfamiliar with the terrain here, and did not even have a complete map.

When the fear of the body came, Lin Fei couldn’t help but shine.

"No, no, it seems to be this place!"

Lin Fei changed his direction and finally sensed the change of the devil. "It seems to move in this direction. There is a breath that makes them afraid of fear. Here is the magical pot, the place where they can make them fear, except for the devil." Besides, there is really nothing else!"

In these years, in the Magic City of Biyou, Lin Feizhen learned about the Magic Lake in detail.

The most horrible thing in Shenmotan is the demon spirit. The lower level may be able to save his life. Once he encounters a high-level demon, even the legendary humanoid demon, it is basically a life of nine deaths.

"Maybe, I can fear this direction from the devil, find the devil's nest that no one has ever been to, and start to scrape it!" Lin Fei secretly thought.


"It's here!"

At this time, Lin Fei’s body, the devil’s unusual fear, shivered.

Along the way, Lin Fei has learned some of the habits of the devil, as long as they are within a certain distance, they will have great fear.

A dozen or so of the devil's nest appeared in front of Lin Fei's eyes.

After rushing in, the inner self became a space, the magic spirit gathered, and there were dozens of devils. After Lin Fei came in, there was no first attack, but it was also very doubtful.

"No, no attack on me!"

Lin Fei was surprised. "It seems to be more advanced!"

The devil surrounds Lin Fei, and the devils in the body are scared to move.

"It seems that the devil thinks that I am a low-level demon!" Lin Fei secretly said, "For the sake of safety, it seems that you can do this!"

Lin Fei cleaned up the demon in the body and re-captured the magic spirit here. After the replacement was completed, the devil chose to ignore it.


In this tricky way, Lin Fei can't believe it is true.

Known as horrible, it is a demon that will kill the wrong person.

"Or harvest the material first!"

This space is not big.

Lin Fei is getting better and better. The devil's nest here has two thousand pieces of materials, the best of which is five materials and ten.

"It's a different magic!"

After Lin Fei collected the materials, he began to kill these magic spirits. As for the armor components, there was no interest for the time being. It was so big here, plus the big forces came, there was really no advantage.

"I don't look for it. I believe that Ye Longfei will definitely go there. Maybe when the Emperor's parts appear, it will not make a big move. I just need to wait for the rabbit!"

After Lin Fei thought about it, he was even less anxious.

"Magic, I am coming!"

Lin Fei began to concentrate on dealing with the devil.


At the same time.

Deep in the Devil's Nest, there are magical wanderings everywhere, and these devils are larger and patrol along a certain range.

"The front is the restricted area."

The group of people came to a place by treasure.

In front, it is a hundred-foot-tall devil's nest. In the distance, it is a thousand-foot-tall devil's nest that is covered by black fog. There is a dangerous atmosphere everywhere.

"do not move!"

At this time, several devils drifted slowly, stopped at the position where they were hiding, and then continued to swim, the fierce breath, shuddering.

"Ye Laodi, the treasures of your heavenly temple, it is really easy to use, all the way, you can avoid the devil!"

If Lin Fei is here, he will definitely recognize it. It is the Ye Longfei brothers.

At this time, they are carrying a group of people, the five-day fairy, and the gods and strong.

Ye Longfei proudly said, "This place is also our ability to come in. The people who come in outside, do not say anything else, the magic of these lights, they can die without a place to die."

The people behind him nodded secretly, and they were really inferior to the heavenly machine in this respect.

Hey! ! !

Ye Longfei is very proud. After all, this road is safe and sound, but the smile on this face has not been hanging for a long time, and the ground begins to vibrate.

"Someone is coming in!"

In the position on the left front, there is a light. A group of people spurred a treasure and went straight to the restricted area in front.

"Who is this, attracting so many devils!"

"It’s not good, it’s the ancient son of the demon Lord!"

Everyone saw the ancient sacred son, urging a treasure, and rushing into the restricted area. Once the magic spirits approached, they would be sent out by a force.

The Ye Longfei brothers just had a sigh of relief. As a result, Gu Lie’s son was rushing in, and his face could not help but sink.

"Oops, the ancient sorcerer must have gone for that thing too!" Ye Longfei was shocked. "Let's go in, don't be the first to get it!"

For that thing, they spent a lot of thought and could not be abandoned halfway.

Boom! !

In the direction of the east, a thunder to the thunder, the mighty appearance, the thunder of light, made a terrible vacuum.

There was a demon rushing in, and was instantly torn by the Thunder.

"There are people!"


"The fifth, the devil's nest!"

Lin Fei has been busy collecting materials and killing the devil, the body that was stagnant, and finally progressed, and steadily improved.

Lin Fei is full of power every day.

"The magical pool of others is dangerous, I did not expect it to be my blessed land!" Lin Fei rushed into the devil's nest, "If the demon knows, it is estimated to cry!"

There are a lot of devils in this old nest.

For Lin Fei, who came in, he didn't look at it. Lin Fei happily packed up the materials.

Boom! !

Not much has been charged, and there have been violent fluctuations in the old nest.

"There are materials here!"

"killing the devil!"

Inside the old nest, a group of people rushed in and sacrificed a black ball to pick up a large wave of air. The devil of the earthquake kept flying.

"Our treasure is not bad."

A group of people forced the devil to escape, even if they stopped the counterattack, they were blocked by a layer of invisible force, and they could only retreat.

"The people of the town of the king!"

Lin Fei ran out and saw the coming person. It was the last time that the disciples had chased their own kings of the town. In order to kill the devil, they didn’t deal with them. I didn’t expect to run into it!

"It's you!"

The master of the town of the Tianwang nationality is the heaven and the heavens. At this time, the face is cold, but there is also a hint of accident. "You will not be attacked by the devil!"

"We are so clever, actually met here!" Lin Fei smiled. "That's embarrassing. Now I officially announced that I will rob, and hand over all the materials on you, heaven and earth!"

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