Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2347: I don’t want that thing.

"Kid, I want to tear you up."

The ancient **** of the gods roared, and the Tianzhu, the strength of the whole body, swayed, seemingly to break free.

A bang.

Lin Fei punched the chest of the ancient gods, and the burning power of the gods was enough to incite the body of the ancient gods, especially after the strength was stunned.

"Little brother, don't get rid of him, we will solve these avatars right away!"

After Xia Hu broke free, no Gu Li Shen Wang personally shot, the pressure was reduced, and the treasures were combined to attack one of the ancient gods.

After Xia Hu joined, the situation changed immediately.

"The ancient king of God, you are the first person who can fully bear my strength, I will remember it all my life!"

Lin Fei punched another in the ancient sacred king, his left leg violently pumped on the other's waist, and the violent force continued to blast on the ancient gods.

Really on the king of God, he knows that the power of the gods is indeed weak.

Under such a violent blast, the ancient sacred king had no specific bruises except for his nose and face.

"You are dead."

The ancient king of the gods is killing the cold, "Dare to do my good deeds, the entire Biyou Kingdom will not have your place, you are dead, no one can save you!"

Lin Fei is very clear about the meaning of this statement, the other party does have this capital.

"Threaten me, then I will fulfill you!"

Ten thousand yuan pool sacrificed, aimed at the ancient king of the gods, "give me crazy plunder!"

A brilliant sword was smashed on the body of the ancient sacred king, and the fire was splattered. However, Lin Fei succumbed, and a sword and a sword were cut. The body of the **** king was finally cut open.

Hey! ! !

A large amount of blood was plundered and entered the pool of ten thousand yuan.

"Sucking the blood of your body, see what you do!" Lin Fei was overjoyed. He was purely trying it. If he couldn’t do it, he would be disgusted with the ancient king of God. He didn’t expect it to be, "I still underestimated 10,000 yuan. The role of the pool."

"Damn, my blood!"

Under the mad plunder of the 10,000 yuan pool, the ancient lord of the king could not resist the passing of the blood, and his face became paler and paler. He could not believe this treasure and would have such a effect.

"That is the 10,000 yuan pool of the **** god goddess, which is also overbearing!"

Xia Hu was shocked. This is not the same as the information. If you know that the pool is so good, you will definitely insert a hand and it will be cheaper.

However, the ancient king of the gods lost his blood, and his body became weaker and weaker. Everyone was overjoyed.

The strength of the ancient **** of the king is too strong.

If it wasn't for the key moment that the black man had first suppressed the opponent's avatar, they knew exactly what ending they would be.

"I remember you." Gu Li Shen Wang regrets, why do you want to play one by one to break the game, now it is really broken by the other side, and even a blood is plundered, "I will wait for you!"

"God is bloody!"

The ancient king of the gods drank aloud, and the whole person burned into a blood group, rushing out from the town Tianzhu and turning it into a blood shadow.


Lin Fei can't even stop it.

The rest of the ancient kings of the gods and gods collapsed and disappeared, and the pressure on everyone disappeared.



The escape of the ancient king of God is really beyond everyone's expectations.

Lin Fei blinked. "I finally understand that the pool of ten thousand yuan has another effect. Unfortunately, a **** king, it is definitely a waste to not dry it all!"

Under the secret law, Lin Fei had no chance to stop it. He did not expect the magical family to have such secrets. However, after such a secret method was applied, it cost a lot, not to mention the blood of the body. It’s a hell! ”

"Brother, this is really thanks to you!" Xia Hu flew over and marched toward Lin Fei. "The ancient gods are afraid that they will not be killed, and will leave in this way."

Lin Fei put away the pool of ten thousand yuan. "The ancient **** of the gods is too embarrassed, but fortunately my skin is thick and thick, or else I can't help him."

"Brothers and towers are good!" The invincible also flew over, and the body was very embarrassed. "I can't help but almost!"

"The ancient **** of the king is a big heel!" The master of the town Tianwang also followed.

Everyone's face is happy again and again.

"Ye Feilong, we met again!" Lin Fei turned to another person, "I don't count as everyone, is it not very reconciled!"

Ye Feilong’s heart was secretly shocked. The strength of the other side was more horrible than imagined. The body of the body was attacked by the ancient gods. “I think you misunderstood it.”

Lin Fei said that the remaining four have seen it, and their eyes are unfriendly.

When the ancient king of God shot, they all heard the words, and with Lin Fei mentioning, everyone came back in their minds.

"Who are you guys!"

Xia Hu shouted, "Dare to count us, who will give you this courage!"

"I advise you to be honest and honest!" Blackbird took the master and came to the place not far behind them. His eyes were like a knife. "If you want to count us, you have to pay a price."

In fact, Lin Fei does not say, they will not forget.

The most hated thing for them is to be counted.

Nowadays, people count them, it is simply a behavior to find death.

"You Tianshitang secretly sells the news, and finally wants to be cheap, this idea is quite good, almost really succeeded you!" Lin Fei smiled. "Everyone is a smart person, you want to get away with it." ”

Ye Longfei is going to swear, as for being so aggressive.

"I really don't understand what you are talking about!"

Ye Feilong knows that today's things are terrible. He has just dealt with the king of God and consumes a lot. If he is besieged again, the odds are extremely low. "We are also participating in the besieging of the king of the gods. As for crossing the river to break the bridge!"

Lin Fei is unhappy because he is so calculated.

"Don't argue!" Lin Feidao, "I did it. Do you all be fools? The emperor's armor parts, the temptation, I think you must know a lot of secrets, otherwise, Nor will the news be sold to multiple forces."

The people present were indeed not fools. With Lin Fei’s saying, the face of Ye Feilong’s party changed a lot.


Ye Feilong and others mobilized a treasure, forcibly tore the void and left the devil's nest.

"I am not interested in the armor components!" Lin Fei said after they left, "However, I need some heaven and earth spirits, I think everyone should not be reluctant!"

Xia Hu, invincible and others, can not help but be shocked that this person will do things.

In the field, the king of the gods is the most difficult, and they have consumed a lot before, if it is really fighting, the trouble will be great.

Now Lin Fei has taken the initiative to show his attitude, which will undoubtedly make everyone shine.

It can be said that after seeing the defense of the king of the gods, they secretly regarded Lin Fei as the biggest enemy.

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