Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2363: I go first!

Whether it is the strong of the demon family or the five kings of the human race.

At this time, they were all shocked by this punch.

"That kid's punch, how might the power be so terrible!" Nie Qing Shen Wang sucked in the air, "this punch transcends the power of the **** king five heavens."

"It’s ridiculous, we are trying to win this kid!"

Under the blessing of Gu Heng's boxing, Lin Fei's power of this punch is thick and thick, and a virtual shadow comes out, punching Huang Long and bombarding it on the big hand!

boom! ! !

The terrible power swept through the scene!

Under the gods and devils masters, but not so good luck, under the swept of terrorist forces, vomiting blood and flying out.

"have equal shares."

Someone exclaimed.

The palm of the demon Lord's palm was photographed, and the atmosphere was majestic. It could be touched by Lin Fei with a fist, and the power of the 10% was disintegrated, and the remaining 20% ​​to 30%.

Lin Fei does not move like a mountain, the sword is intended to flow, once again remove some of the power, and hard to bear the power of these two forces. ,

"God Lord, I am a little guy, you can't take it, the strength is not good!" Lin Fei laughed, sacrificed a million pool, and rushed to the injured gods.

"Give me a receipt!"

Ten thousand pools once again spurred, and the injured gods were inhaled into the pool.


"That kid is too embarrassing, absolutely deliberate!"

The master of the gods and demons turned around and ran.

In the face of the injured, Da Yu Lin Fei is shameless, fleeing one by one, but there is a horrible sucking force in the pool.

"you wanna die!"

The demon Lord once again shot, this time the power is more powerful than before.

"Madin's, the power of the demon Lord is really more terrible than my tyrannical, I am so good at the power of four thousand gods!" Lin Fei once again banged out, Guheng boxing outburst super power, but also the void A punch hit.

The power of this punch is obviously more terrifying.

The palm of the demon Lord is down, such as Mount Tai, and Lin Fei only removes some of the power. The whole person is photographed into the ground. After all, the demon Lord is the god-level powerhouse.

"The power of the demon Lord has improved."

Nie Qing Shen Wang shook his head and was full of jealousy to the demon Lord.

"It's a pity that Gu Heng gloves!"

After the gods and devils have the Guheng boxing, the strength will be stronger. It is not a good thing for the Terran. It is not good to confront. In the future, I am afraid that I can only blink.

"and many more…"

Under the original place, a figure rushed out, and the blood flowed like a note.

"God Lord, unhappy, you still can't kill me!" Lin Fei laughed, put away the pool of 10,000 yuan, before the crowd did not respond, rushed into the magic lake.

After Lin Fei’s impact on the Magic Lake, a stalwart giant’s anger was taken, but it was still a step late.

Everyone who saw this scene was dumbfounded.

"The kid was not killed!"

"The flesh is so tyrannical."

"God Lord is really looking at this time!"

The five **** kings admire them, and no one can survive after the gods and masters.

boom! ! !

A big horror breath came, and a virtual shadow came out, it was the **** of the devil.

"Nie Qing Shen Wang, you can enter the chase to kill the kid, if you do not bring the other out, the devil will immediately destroy you!" God demon master eyes cold, look at Nie Qing position, a deafening voice in Their hearts blew open.

The five gods changed their faces on the spot.

"God of the Devil, what do you mean?" Nie Qing Shen Wang runs the power of the gods, resisting the pressure of the demon Lord.

"Do not obey, kill innocent!" The demon Lord's voice is cold, without a trace of emotion, with one of the killing intentions to lock them, in front of this breath, the five gods are cold.


"Ha ha ha, big harvest, big harvest!"

After escaping into the magic tank, Lin Fei felt the number of gods in the pool of 10,000 yuan, and his heart was overjoyed. The wounds on his body also felt nothing, value for money.

"The tens of thousands of gods, the million pools are mighty!"

Lin Fei’s cracks at this time were shocking, but for him, it’s all worth it.

"God Lord is really strong, and I shot it in the air. I put on a Gu Heng box, or a big cut." Lin Fei secretly said, "But it doesn't matter, just wait for me to refine this **** of the pool, my god. The power will have a big breakthrough. After all, these gods are all elite, this time it’s really cheap!”

Lin Fei rushed to the depths of the Shenmo Lake.

Eating a lot of medicinal herbs is just to keep the body from ruining. The strength of the other side contains more advanced power and constantly destroys the power of the gods.

"Someone is coming in!"

Lin Fei brows slightly wrinkled, and sensed five strong temperament rushes in. "Five people, strong vitality, although not as good as the gods, but also a master, is it..."


"God and Lord, it’s too much to deceive!"

Broken King of God is furious.

Under the threat of the demon Lord, the five kings of the Terran have to choose to come in.

In the world of the gods, the gods and gods are the first strong, far from being able to confront them.

"Don't we really want to find the kid!" Demon King killed the bitter smile. "There is an ancient Hengquan glove on the body, the realm of the gods, the physical strength, beyond imagination, I am worried that we will join hands and may not be able to hold it. That Lin Fei!"

The five gods are collectively silent!

The short confrontation, the five gods and kings are clear, the Lin Fei is indeed a horror, even if it is seriously injured, there is no confidence.

"Who said that we want to catch that Lin Fei!"

Nie Qing Shen Wang laughed. "The gods are mainly the ones we catch people. Do we have to catch them, the gods are so big, it is hard to find!"

"Can this" devil **** king frowned.

"Nothing is wrong!" Nie Qing Shen Wangdao, "The kid has a pool of ten thousand yuan. If he has not guessed wrongly, he should continue to unlock the role of the pool of yuan and collect those gods, which must be used for promotion. I don't think it will take long for the strength of Lin Fei to break through again, even reaching a very high level."

God King is not stupid, Nie Qing Shen Wang said this immediately!

"Yes, yes, God Magic Lake is so big, it is really hard to find!"

"When the strength of Lin Fei is soaring, it is difficult for the gods and devils to win again. And those gods and masters will not become the booster of Lin Fei's strength!"

"No wonder that the first strongest person in the country danced in the same year, and it was the help of the 10,000 pool. However, even if the 10,000 pool is more powerful, it is not for everyone!"

"We just have a look at the show!"


Lin Fei thought that they would catch up. As a result, in the perception, all stopped.

"It's all smart people!"

Who is the five breaths, Lin Fei is very clear, the five kings of the Terran.

If they catch up, Lin Fei doesn't mind killing them, even if they are injured, they are not the five of them who can resist him.

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