Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2371: God, Lord, I am coming!

Another place in the cave!

The bang of the rumble!

A figure was smashed out and a big hole was broken in the chest. It was punched through the body and the power was violent.

"No, no, how can your Terran hurt the orcs of my mixed-age family!"

The mixed orc lying on the ground is awkward.

I was injured by a human master, and the strength of the other side is beyond imagination.

"No reason, I can only say that I am more powerful than you."

A figure rushed out, like a streamer, a fist hit the other's body, the mixed orcs again flew out, in midair, a Ding furnace emerged, a bang, the mixed orcs were sucked in.

"In this mountain range, the last weaker mixed orc!" Lin Fei squinted and let the torrent flow into the body. "Going in again, those few orphaned orcs are tyrannical, at least the four kings and five realms of the gods. The higher the realm of the Yuan orcs, the stronger the strength and the terrible strength of the flesh!"

Lin Fei's strength has broken through, but he did not dare to meet them at this time.

"The power of twenty thousand six gods."

This is the current limit of Lin Fei.

After taking Tian Xuan Shenguo to break the limits of the body, "Thirteen Heavy Golden Body" also went to the second place, adding more than 10,000 gods in one breath.

"It's time to see the gods and the Lord!"

Lin Fei smiled, and his body was broken, as the streamer flashed.

The void is like a running water, rolling towards both sides, but it has not collapsed.

At this time, Lin Fei, the mastery of strength, has reached an extreme, can say that the heart is free to move, can be just soft, all in a flash.


God Magic City!

This is another big city in Biyou Shen, and the only big city except the Biyou Magic City.

The Magic City covers an enormous area.

This magical city is not built on the plains, but built on the hills, surrounded by a large mountain.

On the foothills of the mountains is the most influential demon palace!

The demon Lord is in the Palace of the Devil!

"God Magic City, the master is like a cloud, but unfortunately, right now, there is no threat!"

Lin Fei came out of the void, looking at the big and small palaces, and the gods and masters who gave off a powerful life, and had to admit that the gods and demons were indeed powerful.

"That should be the Devil's Palace. I can feel the depth of the mountain in the mountains. There is a very hidden atmosphere. It should be the demon Lord!"

Lin Fei’s eyes glimpsed and stepped out to the sky above the magic city!

"God Lord, I am coming!"

boom! !

A fist slammed down against the bottom, the power is like a black torrent, and the impactor is over the magic city!

Hey! ! !

A slap in the face, more and more! ,

After a bang, the proud magic city defense was easily broken, and Lin Fei swayed into it.

"The human race is coming!"

"The defense of our **** city is broken by the other side!"

"Not good, that is Lin Fei!"

"How is it possible, how dare he come!"

Under the deafening sound, a strong breath rushed out, but after seeing Lin Fei, the whole person would be bad, and they all went out to fear.

The masters of the gods and demons have suffered heavy casualties, all because of one person!

Even the gods and gods have to retreat.

In that scene, the masters of the demon family are unforgettable.

When the other side punches the defense of the demon family, the supreme power is as if it is bombarded in the hearts of the gods, and the fear will all float up.

No one of the gods and masters dare to shoot.

"The Terran Lin Fei, you dare to come!"

On the palace of the gods, a roar appeared. "This time you are dead!"

The power of the palm of the hand was suppressed, and the power was better than ever.

Lin Fei didn't look at it. He raised his hand and greeted him with a palm. The loud noise of the bang, the waves and the sky, sweeping all directions.

"God Lord, you can't come to the deity, I really can't do it!" Lin Fei walked toward the Demon Palace, wherever he went, the gods and masters pushed away.

The little demon who has been undercover in the gods, reported the news for the first time.

The five gods also received the news the first time.

"What, he went to the magic city? Also broke the big city defense!"

"This strength!"

"Under the fight, do not win or lose?"

The five gods rushed out of the Biyun Magic City to the magic city.

They can't adapt to one thing until now, that is, how can Lin Fei's strength improve so fast, even if there is a pool of ten thousand yuan, it may not be so fast.

"God Lord, I came in person, are you not going to come out to meet me, you know, this is rude!"

Lin Fei came to the place where the Devil's Palace was not far away, and reached out to the demon palace. The terror power poured down and hit the demon palace. Similarly, the faint defense of the demon palace was broken instantly. .

Boom! ! !

The Temple of God is broken in an instant!

The terrible power permeated the mountains, and the masters of the gods only heard it, and the sound of the cracked sound.

"No, something went wrong!"

"The mountain is cracked!"

"How can it be!"

The gods and masters dare to believe in the scene before them.


The cracks are getting bigger and bigger, covering the entire mountain.

After a loud bang, a deep breath of deep breath broke out in the depths of the mountains. Under the palm of Lin Fei, the power collapsed silently.

The magical mountain banged and collapsed.

The rock broke open and flew around. The whole magical city was full of shocking stones. Each piece contained huge forces, and the gods in the city were embarrassed.

Originally the location of the Great Mountain, it was replaced by a ruin.

Countless gods and gods cry, but they are where they believe, and now everything is gone.

No one has ever been able to beat the power of the mountain.

But today, some people have done it, and it is still a human race, subverting the cognition of the gods and demons, but they are powerless and can only watch.

"How can I still not come out!"

Lin Fei stood up in the air. "Then I can only visit you personally!"

In the depths of the earth, a breath rushes out and condenses into a figure. It is the great shadow of the gods and gods. "The Terran, you are now retreating. This matter, this seat can not hold you alone!"

When the **** demon Lord said this, he did not know how many demon masters were shocked.

"Virtual shadow, you are not qualified to talk to me!" Lin Fei shook his head, waved his hand, the force surged, violently slammed on the virtual shadow, slamming, split.

This scene made countless people look dumb.

The powerful gods and gods are stunned, so they are blown up? ”

Lin Fei arbitrarily smashed the main shadow of the demon, the strength of the other side is too weak, and the power of 26,000 heavenly powers is not affordable for anyone.

"God Lord, I am coming down!"

Lin Fei rushed down and punched the ground.

The whole earth followed the ground and the mountain was shaken, and the masters of the gods were not stable.


The majestic and loud voice echoed.

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