Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2385: God's arrival

People in the Fengyun territory know that Lin Fei has entered the Broken Sky City.

No one dares to rush in to catch people. It is the site of the Emperor of Heaven. Besides the gods, who dares to go easily.

Pay attention to the spies of the broken sky and keep sending out news.

The Emperor of Heaven did not take the shot, but instead broke through Lieyang and personally came out to meet him. I don’t know how many people were shocked. This is not the same as the imagination.

Shouldn't you take it?

The Lin Fei slaughtered several races and reinforces and reinforces himself. It is not a magical means and what is it. Why did the Emperor God not shoot?

For a time, this question does not know how many people are irritating.


"The ancestor is, why don't we take Lin Fei this person!"

In the big volcano.

Lin Fei, who was surrounded by flames in the distance, was very unclear.

"You feel that you have won Lin Fei, what benefits can we get from breaking Tiancheng!"

"As long as the ancestors got the ancient Heng = gloves and ancient constant time and space pendants on his body, the strength will skyrocket, even those emperors, they must become polite." Ding Liyang said, "We broke The influence of Tiancheng will also increase, and the future will be the first god."

The **** of the gods shook his head. "You can't do it. Who said that you have taken two pieces of ancient treasures, and the emperor can call them? You are too stupid. I really want two treasures to come. The six old gods It will definitely be the first time to shoot, destroy our broken city, even, you and me!"

Breaking the sun and screaming, "Impossible, how dare they..."

"Nothing dare to dare." Breaking the gods, "Do you really think that Lin Fei is so easy to suppress? You think it is too easy. You have seen the gods and gods and can kill the super king. Fascinating?"

Broken anger is silent.

"Lin Fei is alive, the advantage is the biggest!" Breaking the heavens and emperor, "Districts break the fire of the gods, although precious, used to pay for Lin Fei, there is no loss to our broken Tiancheng!"

It’s not enough to break the head and shy.


Hey! ! !

Breaking the gods fire is more overbearing than Lin Fei’s imagination.

I am tempering the flesh all the time.

Also Xin Yunfei practiced the ‘13 heavy golden body 诀’, and got used to the pain. The pain brought by the fire of the gods is actually a half-pound.

Time goes by day by day.

The first half of the year has passed.

Lin Fei always sat on the plate, letting the fire of the gods temper the body.

The fire of the gods has also gradually weakened from the beginning of the hegemony, and the effect of tempering the flesh is becoming less and less.


On this day, the power of the gods in Lin Fei shattered the residual fire of the gods, slowly opened his eyes, and revealed a sigh of breath in the depths of the scorpion.

"This breath... too shocking, too shocking!"

The fierce sun was separated by a long distance, but it was also shocked by this breath.

"This breath can even be compared with the Emperor!" The fierce anger was shocked. "This guy's body has become more terrible. I really don't know how to cultivate it!"

Lin Fei really broke through the limits of the physical body with the help of the **** of fire.

At this time, the flesh is infinitely close to the Emperor.

"The distance between the real gods and the flesh is still a little worse!" Lin Fei felt the changes in the flesh and sacrificed a pool of ten thousand yuan. A large amount of the power of the gods poured into the body.

As soon as the power was injected into the body, Lin Fei’s breath followed.

The number of the power of the gods is also increasing.

31,000 thousand!

32,000 words!


36,000 roads!

Three thousand eight thousand!

42,000 words!


The last breakthrough to 50,000 roads stopped.

The power of all the gods accumulated in the pool of 10,000 yuan was refining by Lin Fei, and he was able to raise the power of 31,000 gods to 50,000.

Lin Fei’s body is full of pressure.

"This strength..." broke the fierce anger and was "more powerful than before."

Lin Fei was overjoyed. "The power of 50,000 heavens and gods, and then the first weight of killing the gods, can burst the fierce force of the power of 500,000 gods in one breath."

In a short period of time, it has increased the power of more than 10,000 gods.

This is a huge increase in volume.

Power has also become horrible.

"It’s not good to fight against the Emperor. Now it’s the last step!” Lin Fei blinked. “I will raise the 13th Golden Body to the fourth. At that time, my body must be the Emperor.”

With the body of the gods, coupled with the cooperation of treasures, Lin Fei truly achieved the invincible under the Emperor.


"I still practice!"

Breaking the fierce Yang thought that Lin Fei would go out.

After all, he has been staying here, just to wait for Lin Fei.

When I saw the scene of the re-reorganization of the broken body, I couldn’t help but **** a cold air.

"It’s a crazy guy. This kind of person who doesn’t have great determination and determination is really afraid to practice this kind of sculpt.” It’s a huge pain in the body and mind.

Breaking the fierce yang finally understand why Lin Fei’s body will be so strong.

The body is strong, and the accumulation is naturally rich.

It seems that simple things, the entire Fengyun territory can do very few people, not to mention the dangers, one is not good, afraid of being killed on the spot.

"The words of the ancestors are correct."

It can be imagined that if Lin Fei’s physical breakthrough is successful, it is not the realm of the gods, but the body of the gods, even if it is the Emperor’s shot, it is difficult to hurt Lin Fei.

The flesh is strong, and that is the object of helplessness of countless powerful people. The strong defense is simply impossible to start, and there is nothing more tangled than this.

The time to break through the flesh is longer than before.

A full year before and after.

During this year, the fierce yang has been staring. During the period, the Emperor of Heaven has come once or twice, and every time he comes, he will leave, but a slight change from the eyebrows is enough to prove that the Emperor is very satisfied with the current Happening.


this day.

In the land of extreme yang, there are two powerful atmospheres.

When these two breaths appear, all the masters feel your repressed breath, and can't afford the slightest rebellion.

"The Snow God and the White God God are coming!"

"The emperor is the emperor, this pressure is too horrible, too uncomfortable!"

Looking at the Emperor of the Emperor from the void, the master of the broken Tiancheng is only awe.

"Two, it's a rare guest!"

The Emperor of Heaven broke out. "I don't know what the wind has blown you. This is rare!"

"We are **** emperors, shouldn't we move more?" Bai Bing Shendi said, "After all, unity is power. If the ancients stayed, it makes perfect sense!"

The Heavenly Emperor smiled. "This is not a place to talk. Is it better to sit inside?"

"it is good!"

The two gods followed the Emperor of Heaven to enter the city government.

The snow-capped gods and the white-bone gods, the news that appeared in the broken sky city also spread quickly, especially at this time, the arrival of any god, will be a major event.

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