Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2387: Must kill them

The news brought by the Snow God is really shocking to Lin Fei.

The battle of territory?

Immortal **** Dan?

There is even a chance to refine the strong, which is absolutely attractive and tempting for Lin Fei, which means that the strength can be improved.

"Can you talk about it carefully? After all, I am just a newcomer. I really don't know what territorial wars are." Lin Fei curiously asked, "It sounds like the scene is very big, I am ready to understand!"

Lost face? Not a shame, Lin Fei's face is very thick, I don't know how to ask.

The Snow God is not unexpected.

Regarding the territorial wars, in the entire stormy territory, no more than twenty people are known, which are top secrets, and even a trace of news has not been passed.

Lin Fei’s question is also normal. If you don’t ask, it’s not normal. Maybe they will doubt it.

"This is no problem, the territorial war is not a trivial matter. It is really necessary to have a good understanding and be prepared!"


"It turned out to be like this, then I am really open-minded!"

After listening to the explanation, Lin Fei made it clear that he had to feel the world's greatness, far beyond his own imagination.

"It is not impossible to promise you to participate in the territorial war!" Lin Fei realized that this is a great opportunity for a strong strength. According to what the other party said, he went to participate in the masters of the territorial wars. The opportunity for everyone to fight is to step into the immortal level!

The immortal level is the real immortality.

Even if a territory is destroyed, the immortal strong will not be affected by any influence, sitting and watching the ebb and flow of one era.


It is very normal for the Emperor of the Snow to hear Lin Fei’s request.

It is a strange thing to not come up with it.

"You say!"

In the territory, basically nothing is what their gods can't do.

"I don't think my strength is enough. I would like to ask you to do me a favor. For example, let me suppress the top races such as the Shura, the Dragon, and so on. I don't want to go to the place where the territory wars, the strength can not be killed!"

Lin Fei said seriously, "I think you also hope that my strength will become stronger!"

Even if he went to participate in the territorial war, Lin Fei did not forget to improve his strength.

The strength is not up, everything is virtual.

What's more, that kind of place, only powerful power is fundamental.

"Other racial problems are not big, but the Shura and the Dragons are not so good!" The snow-capped gods frowned. "You may not know that they have the shadow of the emperor behind them. To be frank, they They all rely on the Emperor, and because of the support of the Emperor, they can always exist!"

God Emperor?

Lin Fei really did not think about this.

"So, if I want to do it, I will start with the Emperor!"

The Heavenly Emperor nodded. "In theory, this is the case. Let us tell you that we are three emperors, there is a gap in strength, and there is a gap in power because they have recruited top races."

Lin Fei suddenly realized that there is such a way in it.

Even if you haven't shot the top race, you can be sure of one thing with your head. That is, the old gods do have a lot of resources, and the top races are even weaker, and they are infinitely close to the gods. Fighting power can be said to be a war.

"Then I think it should be more hands-on!" Lin Fei blinked. "It's better to start with the six gods."

Lin Fei still has to do it.

The three gods, such as the Snow God Emperor, admire the Lin Fei.

This is really young and frivolous.

Ming knows that there are gods behind the top races, and they dare to do it. This kind of courage is really big. Compared to the scruples they care about, there is absolutely no comparability.

"Lin brothers want to start, the only thing we can do is to contain the other side." Breaking the gods, "For example, go to the guest, help you to contain the other side, but once we take it, the meaning is different!"

contain? Also become!

You can do it without it!

As long as Lin Fei has enough time to suppress the strong, even if the Emperor comes, what can be done, unable to return to heaven!

Losing a few strong ones, Lin Fei really does not think that the Emperor of the Emperor dares to shoot, especially after his physical body reaches the level of the Emperor, he has the most powerful life-saving ability.

An unkilling existence will definitely become a nightmare of a god.


Lin Fei and the three emperors formed a short-term cooperation.

Everyone did not mention the territorial war.

The little things are fine, and the things behind are naturally no problem. Everyone knows it.



The six gods lived on the Liudao Mountain.

The Liudao Mountain is a supreme treasure. There are six barriers. Each barrier is extremely horrible. Even if it is a strong Emperor, it can't be attacked.

The name of the six gods is from the six mountains.

In the Sixth Palace, the six gods suddenly opened their eyes, revealing a trace of doubts, "How come they came!"

The atmosphere of the three emperors is like the scorching sun. When entering this area, the six gods are sensed, and he himself is the four heavens of the gods.


The six gods came out of the submerged area.


In any case, the visit of the Emperor is always a guest.

As the old gods, the six gods are still very good for them. After all, between the life and death, between the gods and the gods, they will not easily be offended.

The revenge of a god, it is very terrible.

As the old **** Emperor, the Six Emperors will not easily go to offend. Even if they can kill each other, they will have to pay a great price, not to mention the other gods who are watching.

It is precisely because of this invisible containment that any of the gods will rarely hit the big ones.

"Three, it's a rare customer!"

Six gods went out to meet.

The **** of heaven broke down. "In fact, we are looking for people. Not long before my yang land, something happened. Someone killed a caravan. The man took away a treasure from the broken temple. I This is the Emperor’s, I have to come to see it myself, and please ask the six brothers for forgiveness!”

The reason?

The six gods did not believe so much. After all, the six gods looked down on the gods, and there was no less irony in the dark.

"Flying snow god, what about you?" The six gods looked at the snow god.

"I recently made a big sword and I want to learn from the six. After all, your six defenses are the most famous among our gods, and they are also recognized."

There is a conspiracy!

Come to a broken **** to find people!

The Snow God Emperor tried.

The reason for the last Bone God is simpler.

I want to redeem a treasure in the hands of the six gods.

It doesn't seem to be a trivial matter. It seems to be a trivial matter in the eyes of the six gods, but it is still received.

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