Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2401: Gods Union

As Lin Fei became the tenth **** emperor, it caused great vibration in the wind and cloud territory.

Can win the five strongest gods to join forces, not everyone can do it, especially about the six emperors were suppressed, three pieces of armor in hand, once again the public power.

Lin Fei’s power, over time, surpassed all the gods, even on the head of the first Tianfeng God.

In the wind and cloud territory, there is news about Lin Fei everywhere.

For the tenth **** Lin Fei, the news that everyone has learned is very small. It seems that it has emerged out of thin air, and people have to doubt the origins.

When everyone thinks that the tenth **** Lin Fei will bring movement, the gods have not had any movements, which is beyond the expectations of everyone.

The more this is the case, the more people are at heart.

The tenth Emperor, different from the previous nine emperors, can survive the existence of five gods, even if it is not the realm of the gods, but no one dares to question the strength of the other.

Look at the six gods and you will know.


The wind and cloud territory, ranked first in the Emperor's Tianfeng Empire.

Inside the splendid palace.

Tianfeng Shendi hosted several guests.

There are only four visitors, but any one is worth everyone.

Can let the **** of heaven, the first **** of the emperor to entertain, in addition to the gods, who else.

"I really can't think of it, the six brothers were suppressed like this." The war gods shook their heads and regretted. "I knew that the kid was so deep that he would not let him continue to grow!"

To be honest, the Emperor of the Wars feels too fast.

How long is this?

Rise directly!

It was totally unexpected.

Now, even if they don't admit it, Lin Fei has the qualification of being the Tenth Emperor, and he can't admit it.

The remaining three emperors are also full of dignity. Their strength is not as good as that of the war. In the beginning, Lin Fei was not regarded as one thing. After knowing that the thirteen gods returned, the Lin Fei’s strength leaps and bounds. Before that, who would care about such a character.

But now, the name of the Tenth Emperor, spread throughout the universe.

Even if they are, in the case of a single-on-one, it is a tangled problem to defeat the other party without any control, and even consider their own safety.

"Tianfeng, you are the strongest of us, how to get it!"

Ranked third in the Yuanheng Emperor, the Emperor of the Four Heavens, both have a white hair, with a trace of old-fashioned, is asking the Emperor of Heaven.

Yuanheng Shendi said that the rest of the palace Tiandi Shendi and Fangjue the Emperor looked over.

Tianfeng Shendi is very helpless, it is useless to find him in this kind of thing.

On the same day, the team’s strength was recognized as the strongest. It was the best treasure in the armored parts. It can be greatly protected from injury.

The real strength is only a little higher than the four of them.

If the Emperor of Heaven and Wind is really the strength of the world, it has long been the domain of the wind and clouds, and the prestige of the Tianfeng Empire has covered the entire territory, instead of controlling one area now.

The name of the empire does not match.

"What can I do? The kid got three parts, and the connection was made. The power is also improved. Any one of you and me is not his opponent!" Tianfeng Shendi knows that this kind of words is easy to hit people, or The choice is to say, "Now, the only thing we can do is to join together and not give him a chance!"

In fact, the five emperors had thought about it on the way.

Single-on-one, it is very easy to be broken.

The Lin Fei masters three parts. If it is re-refined, it will only become more and more difficult to deal with. At that time, it is their end.

The war gods sighed, "I didn't expect these gods to choose alliances one day."

Between them, they have always been fighting against each other. They are quite in charge of the stormy territory. In the end, because of Lin Fei’s appearance, they have to join forces to choose confrontation.

The helplessness of the war is equal to the helplessness between the gods.

Tianfeng Shendi did not have the confidence to kill Lin Fei, and the body of the gods seemed to be stronger.

Alliance is the only way.

"However, you don't have to worry so much!" Tianfeng Shendi added, "Our five gods join hands and don't dare to give that Lin Fei a hundred courage. What we have left is waiting!"


The four gods immediately realized it.

"The Battle of the Territory!"

Tianfeng Shendi faintly spit out a few words.



Broken Tiancheng, inside the palace.

Lin Fei heard a message, his brow was not wrinkled, it was really not good news.

This news was brought by the Emperor of Heaven.

Since Lin Fei has become the tenth **** of the Fengyun territory, after the prestige has been far-reaching, the Emperor of Heaven has taken the initiative to rely on it. Now, what is the situation in the Fengyun territory, his mind is clear.


Definitely, there must be some gods, such as resolutely not standing on the side of the Emperor of Heaven.

From a short period of time, the Emperor of Heaven has recognized Lin Fei as a person, and it is very likely that the future will suppress the Tianfeng Emperor and create an era.

The three parts of the Emperor are in hand, and the Divine Emperor is far from Lin Fei’s opponent.

Lost face?

No shame at all.

Is it waiting for Lin Fei to deal with himself? The Emperor of Heaven is not stupid to that extent.

"They are afraid that Lin brother will break them one by one!" said the Heavenly Emperor. "I also heard the news when I heard the news. Those guys are so courageous, I didn't expect to have such a day!"

As the gods who were promoted later, the gods of the gods were always excluded by them, no matter which one could not compare with the old gods.

Can see the situation of their eating, the Emperor of Heaven is more excited than anyone else.

"They are cautious!" Lin Fei shook his head, and was still prepared to break one by one. The action was very fast. Under the joint hand, it was really difficult to deal with.

"Lin brother, you want to deal with them, in fact, there is no chance!" Breaking the gods, "They may be planning to stay on the day of the territorial war. At that time, the real masters gathered, it is normal to kill people by knife!"

Lin Fei didn't care much about it.

"Whoever kills is not necessarily!" For the complete Emperor suit, Lin Fei will definitely want them to do it, unless the initiative to hand over the parts, then Lin Fei can put them a horse.

At this point, Lin Fei will still be merciful.

"Trouble you, give me a word for them." Lin Feidao, "As long as they are willing to hand over the parts, they are still gods, and even in the future, no one will shake their position."

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, it is always right to try it.

Who knows this kind of thing?


After the news came out, Lin Fei was not idle.

The three parts are in hand, then the only thing left is to find Han Jiang and the fire lion.

This time, Lin Fei will take care of the gods and the white-bone gods, and the three gods of the snow-capped gods, with their powerful influence, will surely find clues.

Lin Fei has never forgotten them.

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