Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2403: Find something to do

From the hands of Han Jiang, the loss of the earth is the biggest gain of Lin Fei.

This trip does not hesitate.

After solving the Hanjiang River, Lin Fei left the scene and finally opened up a simple Dongfu house in a place, and carefully understood the starry sky star map.

"I didn't expect that I would get the whereabouts of the earth!"

Lin Fei has never been able to guarantee that he can go back.

After a long period of time, Lin Fei almost forgot the words of the earth.

Dealing with Han Jiang, but Lin Fei wanted but had a thought. I really didn't expect Han Jiang to have such a good thing. The sky map of Tianjitang and this comparison are simply not comparable, and they are not at all.

After the ban on the law, Lin Fei took out the starry sky map and studied it carefully.

"The earth is in this position, my current position, it should be in this area!"

This starry sky star map is complete.

The above recorded a world of territories, both large and small, have been recorded in detail, so that it will shine at a glance.

"This is the wind and cloud territory!"

One place was found by Lin Fei.

I don't know if I don't know. After I understand it, Lin Fei knows that this big star world is very big, far more than just imagined.

"The battle of the organization's territory may be this eternal empire!" Lin Fei looked at it all the way, and finally the finger fell on a territory. This territory is so big that even he himself feels blank.

Yes, this territory is called the Wantian Empire.

The most terrible thing is that this eternal empire, with hundreds of territories, is the strongest.

"I want to return to the earth, then I must go through this eternal empire!" Lin Fei secretly said, "There is almost no record of the position of the earth. It must be very ridiculous. It is estimated that the worst and the immortal strength can go forward. Explore the road."

Collapse the map, Lin Fei has a plan in mind.

The near-term task is to collect the remaining five pieces of treasures to form a complete armor.

The composition of the Emperor A, the strength of the rise, there will be real strength to leave the territory.

At the same time, you can also try to wake up the system.

For returning to Earth, if the system can wake up, you may still know more clearly.


"Lin brother, this thing is afraid of hanging!"

The Heavenly Emperor found Lin Fei, and he was very sorry about the confession. "No one of them is willing to hand over the remaining Emperor parts, but also left a message. If you want the Emperor parts, go to Tianfeng City!"

Lin Fei has not been idle for a while.

It is not surprising that I heard this news.

"They are going to fight against me in the end!" Lin Fei blinked. "Then don't blame me, don't give them face!"

The Emperor of Heaven is now the leader of the horse.

"Lin brother, what do you want to do, my first support!" The Emperor of Heaven did not eat the beat of the old god, and now has the opportunity to revenge.

"The territorial war, there is still a long time, then I will have a good time with them!" Lin Fei smiled. "They plan to join the alliance and hide in Tianfeng City. Then they will hide in Tianfeng City for a lifetime." !"

Lin Fei is ready to force them out.

See who can't help it first.

Anyway, there is no loss to themselves, and those who can't hold on at the end must be them.


"Lin brother, here is the abyssal tiger family who is relying on Fang Jue."

The **** of the gods pointed to a mountain road ahead.

In the vicinity of the Emperor of Heaven, there are also the Emperor of the Snow and the Emperor of the Bone.

As soon as I heard that there must be major events, the Emperor of the Snow and the Emperor of the White Bone came to take the initiative. The pattern of the situation of the Fengyun was almost the first five Emperors and the Lin Fei Emperor.

As for the three of them, it doesn't make much difference.

They alone did not have the treasures left by the ancient gods, and invisibly opened a large distance, which is not a short time to catch up.

"Abyss Devil Tigers, hey!"

The territorial war did not begin, but did not prevent Lin Fei from continuing to collect the power of the gods, and the top race became the object of Lin Fei’s shot.


A huge bang, the void has a myriad of ripples.

The masters of several tiger heads rushed out, and the arrogant and overbearing momentum came out.

"The Abyss of the Devils and the Tigers have the support of the Emperor of the Gods, and they are very arrogant, and they have a strong fighting power. In the stormy territory, no one dares to offend them!"

The **** of the snow and the **** of the bones are unfortunately unfortunate.

"It is really strong." Lin Fei glanced. "I don't know if there is no such abyss of the Devil Tigers. The Fangjue God can still sit still!"

Persimmons should be softly pinched, and Fang Jue is the soft persimmon.


The Emperor of Heaven broke the cold and the Emperor's powers swept out.

The masters of the devil tigers were shaken by the blood of the earthquake, and they fixed their eyes and their faces could not change.

"God, the **** of the gods, the **** of the snow, the **** of the bones, how come they came, and who the young man is!"

The devil tiger master was shocked and recognized three gods.

They are not afraid of others, but they are still afraid of God. When they are killed, it is also white.

"I am very interested in your Devil Tigers!"

Lin Fei faintly said that only a small part of the entire Devil Tigers can meet his requirements. As for the rest, there is also a lot of interest, and the power of the gods that has not contributed much is suppressed.

"All the realms of the king of the gods stand out, I can give you a happy!"

Under the king of God, Lin Fei couldn’t look up, and he would suppress the level of the king of God.

The five gods are all in Tianfeng City. It can be said that Lin Fei is unscrupulous and not afraid of anyone else.

The master of the Devil Tigers got the news and rushed out. After hearing the sound, when the eyes looked over, several of them were not indifferent.

"The Tenth Emperor, Lin Fei!"

When a few words come out, the Devil Tigers are stupid and know what it is.


"Great Emperor, help!"

Fang Zhen Shen Emperor went to Tianfeng City, but still left a detachment, but also the combat power of the Emperor, just in case.

Fang Jue, who has been closing his eyes, splits his body, opens his eyes, grabs his hands, tears open the void and walks in.

"I really went to Tianfeng City with the Emperor, and those guys can be confused!"

Fang Jue’s eyes are cold and cold.

The magic tiger is over the sky.

All the strongmen of the king level are suppressed, and a million pools bless the time and space. No one can live, even the most powerful one.

"Three, these devil tigers, if you want, even if you take them, I will have them enough!" Lin Fei said to the three gods.

Without the strongman of the king level, the Devil Tigers are the top races after all. The three emperors are still very jealous. If you train them a little, it is the **** king. ‘

Where to find such a good thing!

The three people all smiled and accepted.

"Who is making trouble!" The avatar of Emperor Fang Jue came down, and the emperor released it. "The Emperor will destroy you one by one!"

"The tone is quite big. If the deity is coming, maybe it can be, but it is easy to get rid of it!"

Lin Fei sacrificed time and space to cover the river, step by step, Gu Heng boxing a punch straight into the Huanglong, ten times the power burst, instantly bursting the avatar of Fang Jue.

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