Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2408: Half set of changes in the armor

Lin Fei naturally does not know the changes in Tianfeng City.

After suppressing the Fangjue Emperor and capturing the fourth component, Lin Fei gathered a half of the Emperor's equipment, and the strength has improved a lot and has stronger strength.

"Lin Shendi, your battle is so beautiful!"

"Tianfeng Shendi, they have suffered so much, it is estimated that they have to silently lick the wound for a long time!"

"It’s so happy, I didn’t expect you to have such a day, the old god, oh!”

The faces of the three emperors showed little joy, which allowed them to suffer big losses from the five emperors. They definitely had a good thing to celebrate, and they wanted to have a big feast and drink a drink.

At the beginning of the nine emperors, there are now five, and the two gods are planted in the hands of the goddess Lin Fei. They are very glad that they have made the right choice. Otherwise, the six gods and the Fangjue are the foresight. .

"It’s even harder to deal with them!" Lin Fei shook his head and said with regret, "I want them to run out again, I don't know the Year of the Monkey!"

Lin Fei wanted to suppress a few more. As a result, he still underestimated the consumption level of the armored parts. It could not last forever. It could only be a quick fix. It can only be said that the accumulation was not deep enough.

The three emperors sweated, and today's World War I will definitely sensationalize the entire situation. As a result, it seems that people are still very dissatisfied.

This is really a human being, and we are also a god.


"The fourth part is hand, half set of armor, hehe!"

After leaving the three emperors, Lin Fei did not idle, studying the additional effect of this half of the Emperor.

The ancient gods can dominate the wind and cloud territory, and this set of emperor has made great contributions. Lin Fei naturally has to study and study. There must be a connection between three and four pieces.

Refining and refining the memory of the ancient dynasty **** Emperor, after Lin Fei slightly operated, the hidden mark on the throne was also dug up.

"Ha ha ha, the original emperor is wonderful!"

Lin Fei laughed and thought about it, urging four pieces of treasures. "I really underestimated the ancient gods, this original treasure, not only can enhance the strength, but also can be combined, it is really top design!"

In this aspect of light, Lin Fei will have to praise one.

Good things, good treasures!


Four treasures flew out and they were combined in front of Lin Fei.

"With time and space as the bottom, six reincarnations are integrated in it, Guheng boxing is assisted..." Lin Fei reached out and grabbed a black long gun on his hand. The force of time flowed, six emerged, and the meaning of killing God was condensed in the gun. On the head, hegemony is incomparable.

Hey! !

Lin Fei grabbed a long gun, and at random he swept. The force of time cut through the void, reaching the depths, and the power was unlimited.

"I have a random blow, the power is not inferior to the Gu Heng boxing's killing fist, even more above, this is also..." Lin Fei secretly sucked in the air, "This has not shown a secret law outbreak!"

Lin Fei grabbed a long gun, a long thorn, a cross, a trick, a power.


Another shot was stabbed, the reincarnation of the world emerged, and a round of killing.

"This is stronger than the six reincarnations I have shown before." Lin Fei saw the collapse of the frontal void, a reincarnation of the world, a full six outbreaks, and the power was more than one weight.

So killing, Lin Fei can clearly sense the death of the inside.

"If I used this kind of move to deal with Fang Jue, I was afraid that the other party couldn't hold a shot. It was a big consumption. I almost consumed the power of 30,000 gods at one time, but it is so worthwhile! ”

Lin Fei was horrified, but also sucked up the air for this huge consumption.

"This kind of big killings, three consecutive bursts, it is estimated that no one can live!" Lin Fei quickly recovered, "four things are like this, then I really look forward to the remaining four pieces of treasure!"

Lin Fei put away this long gun.

"Time and space reincarnation, the name is well-deserved." Lin Fei liked this rifle. In the same year, he used to use a long gun. "I have to enlighten my enlightenment. Then I will collect a batch of gods and then go to the wind." The city blocked them, I don't believe they can keep hiding!"


Inside the windy city.

The Emperor of Heaven and the Wind killed three of the Emperors and was caught off guard, but they also paid a lot of price. They finally suppressed the three Emperors and captured the remaining three pieces of treasure.

Keke cough! !

At this time, the Emperor of Heaven is a blood, still coughing blood, every time he coughs up blood, his face is pale and becomes very fragile. It seems that the wind will fall when it blows.

"I, Tianfeng, finally won!" Tianfeng Shendi grasped three treasures, and not far away, only the bodies of three gods were left. "Lin Fei Shendi, I really want to thank you, help. I am a big help, so I have the chance to get four treasures in one fell swoop!"

For these three treasures, Tianfeng Shendi did not know how long it was planned, and the results failed again and again.

This time, Emperor Tianfeng succeeded.

Three pieces of the hand, he has four treasures, with the armor on the body to avoid injury, the strength of the Tianfeng Shendi suddenly rose up.

"When I refine and refine, when we regain our strength, I will beat you upright, take the hegemony of the world, become the first **** of the real, and create an era!" Tianfeng Shendi wiped away blood, scorpion Bright, ambitious, "But before that, I want to give you a present."


After getting back the shots from time and space, Lin Fei has been immersed in enlightenment and learning, and his shooting has been a thousand miles, and his strength has skyrocketed.

Some secrets of the Fengyun territory have become a good place for Lin Fei to practice guns. What are the dangers in the fistula, basically can't hold Lin Fei's gunshot attack.

The long gun was unfolded in Lin Fei’s hand, and his heart was free to move. Any blow was full of great power.


The long gun is like rain, the black rain is looming, and the power of time and space is shrouded.

A huge beast, a huge brain, left a blood hole, and fell down, blood flow like a note.

In the secret, Lin Fei stood up with a gun. "My guns are also almost enlightened. These days, I have also gained a lot of power from the gods. I can count the time and go to Tianfeng City!"

For the remaining four treasures, Lin Fei was reluctant.

In the subconscious, Lin Fei believes that as long as he gets four pieces of spare parts, no matter which one is, it will be greatly improved.

"Someone is coming in."

Lin Fei’s ear moved slightly. “There is a strong and powerful atmosphere. It’s actually a half-step god, and there is a trace of emperor.”

This secret is not a name, Lin Fei has not met people since he came in.

At this time, I encountered seven or eight guys with Diwei, and I couldn't help Lin Fei to create a surprise, but I didn't care. After all, it was normal for people to experience more.

"just in front!"


Lin Fei is ready to leave the secrets and go to Tianfeng City. A huge array of enemies has enveloped the entire secret space.

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