Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 375: Invincible swordsmanship

Mo Qiu brought 10,000 soldiers, and everyone below felt fortunate.

If they rushed up and lost, under the attack of 10,000 soldiers, they must have died, become a pair of rotten meat on the street, and eventually become the nourishment of the plants in the mountains.

Ten thousand soldiers, the combat power can make the Xuanzong strong retreat.

Two or three Xuanzong shots may not be opponents.

Between "future combat power" and "recent combat power", the soldiers belong to "recent combat power"

Through the armor, Lingbao, and medicinal herbs, the strength will be raised to a certain level, and then the tactics will be cultivated. This is a famous soldier who is famous for being discolored.

"This kid is dead."

"Under the 10,000 warriors, you can't die!"

The powerful Tigers and the Sky have been driven away. A kid in the realm of the Emperor, how to fight against 10,000 soldiers, is not a matter of life and death.

Although they are jealous, under the 10,000 war, they can only blink.

"Slow, I have something to say."

Mo Qiu's left hand is vertical, and the rear soldiers are brushed and stopped, neatly and orderly. However, the 10,000-piece gods lock Lin Fei, only one thought, one gesture, and the arrow can shoot anything in front of it into pieces. .

This includes people.

"Why, want to surrender?" Mo Qiu laughed, there are thousands of soldiers, he can be said to be unfavorable.

Lin Fei shook his head. "I have never thought about surrendering this kind of shame. I never wanted to know, you are going to deal with me, is it because of the Mu family."

Mo Qiu smiled coldly. "You know why you must ask again. We are just helping the Mu family to be a little busy. Now you have to choose to surrender. I am a soldier, killing you is easy, Hu Xiaotian knows, in me. Under the war, you must not be willing to leave. Do you think it is more powerful than Tigers?"

"it is as expected!"

Lin Fei wondered how the people of the Mu family knew about themselves and quickly spread them.

Here is the battlefield of the dynasty.

Lin Fei remembers to kill Mu's sky. Nothing spreads out, and the gods and gods are sure that they have not spread the news. Otherwise, they will not be the two of them outside, but the people of the Mu family will wait for themselves.

Strange, it’s weird, what happened in the end?

Lin Fei’s indifferent appearance once again stimulated Mo Qiu.

"I don't know how to be good." Mo Qiu waved. "Hands!"

Mo Qiu did not have the patience to continue, in case of a mistake, lost a great opportunity.


Ten thousand soldiers were fully moved, and the angels of the gods turned into a black arrow and the rain screamed, and the black screamed. Don't wear the end, just block the day.

The dangerous atmosphere is shocking to everyone.

Lin Fei glanced at it and revealed an accident.

"The original rune is arranged, no wonder so sharp. The refiner encounters this warrior and will die."

After seeing the demon soldiers. Seeing the soldiers again, Lin Fei didn't have anything to be surprised. At first glance, the arrangement on these arrows.


Lin Fei started the Qinglong body, shouted, broke through the void, and appeared in the scope of the soldiers.

Kill the sword and kill it.


Black light, like the waves, goes in all directions, forming an arc of a road.

Mo Qiu is only a slight glimpse, and he does not care. If the soldiers are so good to kill, it is not a war.


Tens of thousands of soldiers formed a battle, and they were so angry that they were not afraid.

But they don't know who they are.

The black light circled out and the "bang" hit the warrior's armor. "哗啦~" The hard armor was quickly torn open, and the warrior broke into two pieces and fell from the sky.


Black light is like a harvesting weapon, and the past is like a wheat.


Lin Fei continued to perform three times.

The violent black light swept down, and the soldiers suffered heavy casualties, less than two, and completely lost their fighting power.

Easy to kill the soldiers, Lin Fei is not surprised, after becoming a sword fairy, the sword is intended to blend the golden system of artistic conception, and the power of the development is further advanced.

In the face of the attack of Jian Xian, the eight-piece armor is just like a broken iron.

Everyone was shocked.

When is the 10,000 soldiers, so useless.

This is a warrior, the armor of the body is all eight, Lingbao is also the top quality Lingbao, and the cultivation is the battlefield, how can it be so fragile, this is the battle to kill Xuanzong.

Killing the realm of Xuanhuang is as easy as killing chickens and slaughtering ducks, not to mention the little guys like Xuanwang. It can be said that the soldiers are in, how many dead, how to cut vegetables and cut vegetables.

Mo Qiu roared, "How can this be, my warrior."

Ten thousand soldiers, almost exhausted Mo Qiu's family, finally trained, and saw that each of the soldiers was killed, turned into a **** rain, the heart is bleeding, these are their own treasures, I rely on the existence of my own, the face is stunned, and the blue veins rise.

Mo Qiu has never seen it. When someone shoots out, he will be proud of the 7787-80, which is no less than a good one.

"Kill him, kill him, I want him to die."

Behind the four men behind him, it was Mo Qiu’s right-hand man, and his right arm came.

Mo Qiu is already crazy.

No one can do anything calm, Mo Qiu can take down the city, all in the thousands of soldiers, the soldiers injured, equal to affect the strength, and now lose 70%, the old end are lost.

Not crazy, it’s strange.


Four people skyrocketed.

"Tianluo network."

It turns out that the four people started the array in an instant, and a white big net descended from the sky. The white big net was green, and it was clearly poisonous.

Lin Fei headed up and moved his left hand, "Get out."

As soon as the sword went down, the white net was torn open, and the sword light was divided into two.

Lin Fei appeared next to the four people, and the sword went down. The killings swept down. The four men were fast, and the other party did not come quickly. They were directly torn open.

The reason why the sword fairy is horrible is precisely because of the fear of the sword.

Lin Feicheng Jianxian. It is the strongest sword fairy, and it is rare in the world. Few people can compete. There is a gold system in the sword, which is destroyed.


Lin Fei backhanded a sword and bowed to Mo Qiu.

The sword is straight to Mo Qiu’s heart.

Mo Qiu’s body trembled, apparently did not expect that this Lin Feiqiang was so terrible, especially this invincible sword. Influence the heart, the combat effectiveness is greatly reduced.

From the dynasty, the heart is strong. Few people can be affected.

"You are a sword fairy~"

Mo Qiu’s entire man plunged away, and his heart was awkward.

I met a sword fairy, a powerful sword fairy, and also cultivated an invincible sword.

The other side of the sword is to make their own souls appear flawed, such a terrible existence.

This sword is fierce and fierce, like a savage tiger.

When Mo Qiu retired, waving his hand was a golden sand. There was a mess of meat in the eyes, a fingerprint, and a golden sand.

" Block ~"

The sword slammed into the golden sand and was trapped by the golden sand. It was compressed within a certain range, which was able to block the other side's sword.


"You can't stop even a sword. See how you block the second sword."

Lin Fei was curious about the golden sand, and he was invincible. This thing was actually blocked, and it looked like it was not an ordinary treasure.

The murderousness is constantly integrated into the sword, and Lin Feiyi shot. When you get out of the sword, you have to see the blood.

The second sword. More horrible than before, tearing open the golden sand, crushing the golden sand, turning it into a piece of powder, and heading for Mo Qiu.

Mo Qiu scared the six gods without the Lord, the other side of the sword actually ruined their treasures.


The sword was hit by Mo Qiu, the invincible sword was torn, and the whole person flew out.

Lin Fei moved, appeared in front of Mo Qiu, one hand grabbed, it was pinching the other's throat, it was very boring to shake his head, "too weak, even my second sword can not stop, still want to catch I am courageous."

In less than a moment, Mo Qiu, who had been murderous before, directly became the defeat of the other side, and the prisoners of the ranks were shocking.

Look at the body on the street, and Mo Qiu caught by Lin Fei.

Everyone wondered if God had made a joke to them.

Someone is so tyrannical.

Tens of thousands of soldiers, in their eyes like the unattainable mountains, in front of this young man like a chicken, easy to break, one side of the massacre.

"Cough, what do you want to do."

Mo Qiu's face was red, and he couldn't breathe.

I finally believed that I lost, and the loss was very thorough. The other two had no invincible swordsmanship. I almost had to clean up myself. The loss of thousands of soldiers was heavy. This time, the strength was badly hurt. It is an unknown number to survive.


Lin Fei took Mo Qiu and went straight out of the big city.

After ten thousand miles, Lin Fei dropped Mo Qiu on the edge of a waterhole. The original monster was scared away by Lin Feijian.

"Don't have any small moves, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Mo Qiu did not dare to move.

He has never seen a sword fairy so powerful, and occasionally encounters a sword fairy, the strength is also outrageous, but this sword fairy in front of him, the strength is too strong, and he can not stop the other two invincible swords.

Lin Fei is very satisfied. "Now your life is in my hands. I ask a question. You answer one. Honestly, if you dare to lie to me, you know the end."


The sword is like a long sword. It flies from the cheeks and falls on the boulder behind it. The boulders are directly shattered.

"Why should the Mushi family catch me?"

Lin Fei does not kill Mo Qiu, the reason behind it is to want to know this Mu family.

Although he knew that he had provoked a big family, Lin Fei was unaware of the fact that he had a big family. The only thing he knew was that the family was very influential.

In just a few days, the other party will find out that the means is definitely not simple.

At least, Lin Fei can't think of how the other party knows how to do it himself. This is the most urgent thing. Of course, I also want to know what is strong in this Mu Family.

If it is not for this reason, Lin Fei will kill the other side.

Incorporating the artistic conception of the wind, the artistic conception of Jin, Lin Fei’s invincible sword is quite terrible, and the heart is unstable and will be killed.

At the moment, Lin Fei must first figure out the situation before making arrangements.

Mo Qiu smashed, this person does not know, what did you do to anger the Mu Family? Also ask yourself?

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