Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2491: God of darkness

Soga's pupil shrank sharply.

He saw an incredible scene in history.

After the six offensive dark armors broke out, the spear pierced straight out, and never moved again, maintaining the same action.

If it was a Dark Goddess doing this, it might not be a big deal.

But the six Dark Angels are all in the same action, and the situation is obviously very bad.

Soga tried to command, but found that they could not control these dark armors at all, as if the connection was broken.

But there was still a feeling, and he was confused for a while.

"What the **** have you done to them? Why don't you take orders?"

Lin Fei smiled lightly, "I didn't do anything, I just felt that these puppets weren't perfect, so I plan to take them home and reform them."

not perfect?


This is Soga's most arrogant words ever heard, but this is the dark angelic handed down by the Dark Church. When is your turn to give pointers?

"Go, let this Archbishop also teach you, your Dark Angel is awesome."

Lin Fei reached out to Soga.

The leader of Nasolga snorted, and found that the connection was broken, and he completely lost control. What shocked him even more was that the six dark armors turned and stormed, and countless gun shadows came over.

Suga secretly said not good, did not dare to resist, turned into a blood shadow, and avoided going out.

The scene in front of him made Suga somewhat unbelievable, and she was actually besieged by something from the Dark Church.

"What's the taste of being besieged by the Dark Angels? It should be pretty good." Lin Feidao said, "Your dark church dares to want me, there is always a price to pay, these puppets are the first compensation."

Lin Fei came with a smile.

Soga kept backing.

It is very difficult to deal with these dark angels.

This was not expected by Soga.

It was a surprise to be killed.


Soga took the opportunity to seal his hands and perform another secret method of the dark church.

The onslaught of Dark Soul Armor was immediately imprisoned in place, maintaining the original movement.

At this time, Soga also appeared a dark rune all over his body, full of darkness.

Soga was completely different from before.

"My lord, the leader of Sorque called the **** of darkness."

Shouted Duke Mike.

Soga did summon the God of Darkness, the most powerful being of the Dark Church.

The breath of the mighty shore resounded from the Sultan.

"Those who offend the Dark Church have no pardon."

Soga's voice also changed, without a trace of emotion, high above him.

With his left hand extended, he raised it towards Duke Mike.

Loud bang.

The Duke of Mike was hit hard.

A dark force rose from the ground and blasted Duke Mike out.

"Now it is your turn."

The leader of Sorga reached out and grabbed the darkness.

"That's interesting. The light church has archangels, and the dark church has dark gods. Sure enough, they are quite equal."

Lin Fei printed his hands, and the ripples spread all over his body, blocking him in front of him like flowing water.

Next second.

The black light coming from all directions drowned Lin Fei.

Soga, who summoned the Dark God, reached its peak.

There are hundreds of offensives under this move.

Power is extremely penetrating.

Normal masters will definitely die under one face.

Lin Fei could see that Soga's power was naturally in the God of Darkness.

It can be said that this will not be shot in Soga, but the God of Darkness will be shot.

Soga's knife is very sharp.

A knife often carries dozens of knife attacks, which are very tricky and difficult to resist.

Lin Fei's whole body is like a stream of water, which easily blocked Soga's offensive.

"You are the **** of darkness. Shouldn't old things like you have perished long ago? Or do you have a kingdom?" Lin Fei asked with a smile.

"Small ants, this is not what you should know." Soga changed his knife again, holding the knife to his left and right.

One set of left-handed swords and one set of right-handed swords. The two sets of knives combined together turned into a set of combined knives, and the power increased by more than three times.

"Don't be so upset, I just ask, maybe I will go to your kingdom as a guest someday, such as the archangels of the Bright Church, and I have a good chat with them, archangels As soon as I was happy, I gave me a lot of gifts. Your **** of darkness should be more polite than them. Don't fight like this. "

Lin Fei stepped on his steps, with a bright smile on his face.

"Shut up, I'm the God of Darkness, and the Birdman like the Archangel is simply not qualified to stand with us."

Soga's double-blade method is very powerful, and he will be killed if he is not careful.

Lin Fei himself knew that he met a powerful opponent.

This **** of darkness is much stronger than the archangel.

The important thing is still a master with a knife.

Don't look at Soga's sword technique. After the combined attack, the power soared, but in Lin Fei's eyes, there are still many flaws.

"I think you should talk more, don't look so brazen. Anyway, let me know that you are the **** of darkness. People who are worthless think that I encountered Soga. This is so shameless. "Lin Feidao.

A single-handed grasp, a long sword fell on the hand, and resisted forward, just blocking the node of the double-knife combination, which was accurate.

"You see, my eyes are not very good, and I immediately grasped your flaws. Speaking of your double-knife method, it has good power, but there are too many flaws. Do n’t you plan to study them well Fortunately, I have met someone like me. If I meet the archangels of the Bright Church, I think they are very willing to study it. Maybe you can have a good exchange next time you meet. "

There was a slight stagnation in Sauga's swordsmanship, the swordsmanship was withdrawn, and the left and right swords came again.

But this time Lin Fei was stabbed with a sword, and it was on the node.

Don't look at these two knives, it's prestigious, but there are also many flaws. As long as each hit on the node, you can resolve the combined power of the two knives.

Soga apparently realized that the young man had quite a doorway before. He could see through his sword. Even the archangel of the Bright Church could not see the doorway.

"Who are you? I also know, and I should leave you even more."

Soga's double-knife no longer hits, and the speed suddenly increased by 50%.

"You can't do this, don't I just say a few words to you? As for it."

Lin Fei laughed, and slid out his sword obliquely.

Soga is ugly.

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