Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2564: Congenital fish is ok

Charlene was lethargic.

Not long after, her cell phone rang.

Lin Fei took her cell phone, and there was a cold voice over there.

"Xia Lin beauty, time is up, I don't know if you have found what we want, otherwise your girlfriend Zhang Weiwei will have nothing to end, you have to think clearly."

"The thing has found its hand, it is in my hand. If you want to dare to hurt Zhang Weiwei, then you will get this thing in your lifetime. I think this thing is pretty good. I do n’t know if I put it out for auction. Will it arouse the interest of those people? "Lin Fei laughed.

The person over there was also quite surprised. I did not expect that the young man who answered the phone was actually a young person. After turning his mind, the person understood it.

"It turned out that you wounded those of me, and it was crazy enough to talk. Now you come with something to teach people. As soon as we see something, we will naturally return Zhang Weiwei to you."

"Tell me your address and I'll send it to you now, but if you dare to do something to Zhang Weiwei, then don't blame me for breaking the dead web with you, you know that this thing still looks very precious, if you do n’t know Anyway, I'm going to lose it anywhere, I'm afraid that in your life, you never want to find it again. "

The cold man over there was silent for a moment, "You can rest assured that as long as we see something, we will naturally return Zhang Weiwei to you without hurting her hair. I can still guarantee this, but if you dare take it If a fake thing deceives us, then don't blame us for being rude. "

hang up the phone.

There was an additional address on Charlene's phone.

Lin Fei frowned slightly, his eyes flashed coldly, "Dare to play this little trick, but you have to see what strength you have, it is best to have a big fish, otherwise this trip will run away in vain. "

It is indeed an incredible thing for Lin Fei to encounter a soul jade in this part of Yuecheng South Asia.

So he was going to dig a corner and understand the process, maybe there were unexpected discoveries.

If it was not for the last words of Qian Mo's ancestors, Lin Fei would not have paid special attention.

Now he understands something more or less. Kunlun's mystery and the sacred mountain are actually one, but there is something wrong, and now there is a big secret in this Kunlun mystery waiting for him to dig.

Lin Fei is still very interested in things like this.

These days, Lin Fei also pays attention to news on the Internet, especially in the north.

I heard that there was indeed a dust storm over there, which covered several days in a row, but recently it completely disappeared and returned to the shape of a large desert again.

As for the so-called tiankeng, which has long since disappeared, there is no trace, as if it had never appeared.

Lin Fei had to admire the Qianmo ancestor. Actually, he could still have such a method. That's good. The disappearance of the tiankeng naturally won't attract outsiders' attention.

Some things are better for outsiders.

Lin Fei came out of the hotel.

Stop a taxi and go straight to the address.

This is an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of South Asia.

The driver didn't ask at all. After sending Lin Fei nearby, he drove away, leaving only Lin Fei alone.

"It seems that you are still very interesting. You come alone and don't know where Charlene is. You don't have to do any tricks. Your every move is in our surveillance."

When Lin Fei arrived, his cell phone rang. No, it should be said that it was Charlene's cell phone.

Lin Fei brought Xia Lin's cell phone over, and his own cell phone was placed in the room. In case Xia Lin woke up, he could still find him through the cell phone.

Of course, Xia Lin cannot wake up at once, Lin Fei is quite relieved.

Lin Fei's gaze swept slightly, and he quickly locked a warehouse.

Because there are many warehouses here.

It almost seems to be scrapped, but at this time there are more than a dozen figures in a central warehouse.

These breaths are all good, especially one of them, which makes Lin Fei's eyes lighten slightly, he is actually an innate master.

It looks like a big fish.

No matter whether it is good in the holy mountain or outside, you can cultivate to the innate realm.

If it's just the guru, then Lin Fei is still a bit inconspicuous.

The words of a congenital powerhouse are a little different, and if you catch them, you will definitely get more information, so you won't have to go there again.

Lin Fei was quite satisfied this time. At least he didn't run for nothing in this trip, so he didn't know how many secrets the inborn master knew.

As the other person said.

Lin Fei came over to this warehouse.

After a while, I stood at the gate of the warehouse.

At this time, more than a dozen figures in the warehouse stood up and stared at Lin Fei one by one.

At this moment a figure came out, this is a young figure, also looks like a teenager, but the look was particularly cold.

"Yes, you have the courage to come here, where are our things?"

This man looked at Lin Fei's eyes with a slight disdain.

"Things are in my hands. Where is my friend Zhang Weiwei? I can't give it to you without seeing her."

That soul jade fell on Lin Fei's hands.

When this soul jade appeared.

The young man's eyes lit up instantly. This was what he needed to find. As long as he brought these things back, he made a big contribution.

"Bring it on." The young man snorted softly, and his men helped Zhang Weiwei out immediately.

Zhang Weiwei's face was pale at this time, she was really scared, but fortunately she didn't get hurt.

But sitting with so many strong men is indeed a lot of pressure.

"Take a closer look, we didn't do anything to her at all, except that Zhang Weiwei was relatively timid and was frightened, but that's okay. As long as we wait to get this thing, we will naturally subsidize her. Just give 500,000, I am still very generous. "The young man laughed.

Zhang Weiwei was relieved to see Lin Fei coming over.

Until now, they didn't understand what they took from each other.

After seeing the ball, I finally realized that it was this thing. Zhang Weiwei always thought that it was left by her ex-resident. I did not expect her to suffer so much.

"Then you can leave things to us, and then I will leave the people to you." The young man reached out his hand.

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