Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 3692: I'm here for vacation

"Wow, there is an inferior artifact here!"

Fairy Biyou picked up a treasured sword that was a low-grade artifact.

Although a little damaged, it is also a genuine inferior artifact.

"What is your low-grade artifact? I also have a low-grade artifact here to restrain your treasured sword."

Bai Shengnan also picked up an inferior artifact.

This is a trapped treasure, it seems powerful.

There are not many things exploded here.

At least a dozen of them are some strong people who died here.

Being plundered by this tree monster, but now this tree monster was beheaded by Lin Fei with a few stabs.

Everything burst out.

It's really exciting.

Whether it is Fairy Biyou or Bai Shengnan, they have all seen scenes, but now so many low-grade artifacts have been lost in a blink of an eye, and there is even a middle-grade artifact, which really makes them feel very shocked.

The most important thing was that this tree demon was very difficult to deal with, but was easily killed in front of Lin Fei.

This is the most shocking thing.

Lin Fei watched quietly like this, but didn't expect this Eternal Forest to be quite different.

These inferior artifacts burst out so many.

It is conceivable that there were not so many people who came to this Eternal Forest before.

It's a pity that he was killed directly after coming to this place, and even the treasures were left here.

Now this is cheap to yourself.

Whether it was Fairy Biyou or Bai Shengnan, they had picked up six or seven low-grade artifacts and returned.

Together, there are more than ten low-grade artifacts, in addition to one middle-grade artifact.

The huge gain is really shocking to everyone.

"Good harvest, let's go ahead and clean up another tree monster. There are really a lot of tree monsters along the way. This tree monster is not powerful yet."

Lin Fei continued to move forward. As for the lower-grade artifact, both of them were put away first, but they were both very excited.

Even if they have seen some scenes, but they have so many inferior artifacts alone, they have not really encountered it, this is definitely the level of a monopoly.

On the way down, I really encountered a lot of monsters from the Eternal Forest, some of them like ghosts.

But these things are inaccessible, they were destroyed before they even approached or even started.

But the strength of these tree monsters has become a lot stronger.

No matter how powerful the tree demon was, they were all killed in front of Lin Fei.

This method really makes everyone feel what is called shock.

After Lin Fei and the others left all the way, a group of people came from behind.

They also came to this road, which is this direction.

At this moment they did frown slightly.

"The situation seems a bit wrong, you see, this tree monster was actually killed by someone, and those low-grade artifacts were taken away, but it's a pity that it's a step late!"

They came at the tree monster once they came.

But now that the tree demon is missing, this is a headache.

"It's okay, there should be a tree demon in the next one, let's continue, can we not kill this tree demon with so many people?"

Those of them were indeed directed at this tree monster.

The Eternal Forest is a treasure hunting paradise, knowing that killing the tree demon will explode many artifacts.

This is definitely a secret that many people don't know.

So they gathered a lot of masters this time.

But now it seems that something unexpected happened.

"None and nothing"

"Damn it, who actually took these tree monsters? This strength is too forceful. Even if you have the ability, there is no such speed."

Down the road, all the places where the tree demon existed were destroyed, and no tree demon could be seen.

At this moment, all of them changed their faces, and they felt scared while shocked.

This person's strength is definitely much stronger than them, even if they want to deal with these tree monsters, they must be fully prepared.

Even so, it would take a lot of time, but now the situation is really different from what I imagined.

"Or let's follow along and have a look!"

This is the only thing they can think of, they don't have any intentions to find revenge anymore.

Can destroy the tree monster is definitely a powerful master.

I'm afraid it would be easy to kill them.

They followed all the way like this, but it made them feel the pressure loose.

Never thought that I would encounter nothing on this journey.

Safe and secure.

Even if there are some sporadic ones, they can be dealt with easily.

This makes them feel as if they are on vacation, not for adventure at all.

This feeling is really love and hate, how did they encounter such a thing.

But they really didn't dare to say anything, they were still very fast this way.


There was a moving sound from the front.

"This kind of tree monster has to fight them so well, just to hone your following combat experience, this is a rare fixed master."

The sound in front is not loud, but it is full of calmness.

They came cautiously, and they could see from a distance. There were two women attacking the tree monster in the distance.

This tree demon looked a little horrible at this time.

All the tentacles on his body were cut off, leaving only two or three!

It seems that the strength is greatly weakened.

And this time.

After being besieged by two women, green blood continued to emerge, and it seemed that it would not last long.

The play style of the two women is also very fierce.

At the very least, watching them was very shocked and terrified.


The young man who had been standing still suddenly turned his head.

It was a faint smile at them. With this smile, people like them were instantly numb with their scalp.

Although the realm is not visible in the opponent, no one would think that he is not a god-level powerhouse.

Such a person is very likely to be a strong man of the upper gods.

"This dryad belongs to us, you can step aside."

Several figures came out, and they became excited when they saw this tree monster.

A golden light surged over.

It seems that it is more of a hidden weapon, shrouded in the scope of the three.

It's just that as soon as they attacked with these methods, they saw the young man wave his hand, and these original hidden weapons flew back directly.

His face paled instantly.

It's crashing.

Within their range, there were few people rushing out in a flash, and the remaining two fled directly.

This tree demon smashed into a plume of blue smoke, and dropped seven or eight precious lights.

After packing these precious lights, the three of them continue to move forward

Never looked back, as if nothing happened just now.

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