Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 3705: Nirvana

This Blood Demon Island is indeed a bit unusual than Lin Fei imagined.

These blood powers are very strange here.

If you don't have any strength, you can't bear it at all.

Even if the Lightning Demon brought the treasure, he still felt a certain amount of pressure, and the two did not go very quickly.

There was a crash.

A figure rushed up quickly.

The Lightning Demon passed directly with a thunder and lightning, knocking this thing apart, it turned out to be a mass of blood.

"In addition to the power of blood, there are some amazing things. The things we just saw are absolutely unimaginable. Things like this are called blood spirits here. They have extraordinary power. Some blood spirits are strong. , Some blood spirits are weak, we have to be careful."

The reaction speed of the Lightning Demon is still very fast.

A thunderbolt killed the blood spirit in the past.

Lin Fei could also see that this blood spirit did have a bloodthirsty aura, it is estimated that there are quite a few such things.

I just finished speaking here.

Whoosh whoosh.

Seeing a lot of blood spirits came straight.

The Lightning Lord cursed, and thunder and lightning came out.

These lightnings are very powerful, with extremely powerful destructive capabilities.

Can't hold back many blood spirits.

Lin Fei suddenly punched out.

This punch swept past these blood spirits like flowing water.

In a blink of an eye!

Quiet down.

The Lightning Demon laughed, "It's still Daoyou Lin's melee method that is powerful, or full range. My method is a lot worse than you. At least it is not as powerful as you. Our team is really suitable Up."

Lin Fei's strength is indeed very recognized by the Lightning Demon.

In this way, the two kept exploring inside one after another.

There are also some palaces and ruins here, but the Lightning Demon didn't stay for long.

Their eyes have always been in this deepest place.

There is basically nothing good in the periphery. After all, this Wangu Mountain has existed for so long.

Every time it opens, some people come in, so there are definitely a lot of people who want to get to the inside and get things.

Not to mention the periphery.

There is absolutely nothing on the periphery.

So the two of them still kept groping inside.

This groping is only a few days.

Apart from a middle-grade artifact found during the period, there was nothing else.

Neither Lightning Demon nor Lin Fei was surprised at all.

Here, if the treasures are really so easy to find, then the treasures here will be all over the street.

"I seem to see a palace. If nothing else, it should be the famous Blood Demon Palace in front of it. I heard that this is the place where good things can be found. I don't know if the other people have taken the lead."

They came here very quickly.

The Lightning Lord was not sure if he was the most advanced, but he still had to check it out first.

Lin Fei also looked at the front.

A palace in the blood mist is full of weird and special aura.

"I hope you don't run in vain. Of course, if you can meet the master of the Golden Sword, it would be nice to just kill him."

The Lightning Demon laughed hahaha and admired Fellow Lin Daoist's temper.

The Golden Sword Sect Master really suffered a big loss this time. If he had fallen here, it would be different.

"That guy is very cunning, and there is a clone. If you want to kill him, you still need some means. Unless you have a special treasure to kill him, then follow the link to kill his clone, otherwise this guy Hard to kill!"

Lin Fei also knew this, so he was not in a hurry.

In a blink of an eye, the two of them walked into the Blood Demon Temple.

As soon as they came in, there was a fluctuating atmosphere inside, and the two looked at each other.

The Lightning Demon rushed in first.

The speed is indeed much faster than Lin Fei.

Lin Fei was shot late, so when he came in, the Lightning Demon saw what was going on inside.

In it was a huge pond, and a huge creature appeared in this pond.

This creature was like a ball, but more like an octopus, bombarding it with arms.

The Lightning Demon was also attacked by a few tentacles at this moment.

Every tentacle came over, causing the Lightning Demon to suffer, and the remaining high-level gods were all here.

Their faces were extremely ugly, and they resisted frantically.

It's just that they are facing powerful creatures, even Lin Fei's heart is shocked right now.


A tentacle came out of the void and blasted over.

This throw is full of the power of the upper gods.

Good guys!

There is such a powerful creature here

And Lin Fei also knew what kind of creature it was at this moment.

This should be the dead creature in the legend.

Such creatures were originally dead, but survived through special means and lost their intelligence.

Lost all wisdom.

But the attack power has become perfect

Such existence is very difficult to deal with.

The nirvana creature in front of him seemed not to be of a low level, at least it was of the upper **** level.

After the first attack came out, followed by the second tentacles coming.

The crazy attack all the way, the strength has reached the limit, it is very perfect, no wonder they are a little unable to hold it, even the Lightning Demon is the same.

The speed is fast, but the strength is weak, so blood is left in a blink of an eye, and it seems that it won't last long.


Not far away, there was a higher **** who was penetrated by the tentacles, and his body smashed.

The upper **** was sucked dry and turned into a pile of powder.

I also saw that the pupils of the remaining upper gods contracted accordingly.

They are really in big trouble.

Great danger.

How could there be such a powerful existence?

Whoosh whoosh!

A dozen tentacles were constantly attacking Lin Fei from different places.

Lin Fei's fists hit these tentacles.

It was confirmed that these tentacles were very tough, and **** mouths broke through the epidermis, followed by recombination.

Sure enough, he was a little capable, no wonder he could hide in this Blood Demon Palace.

"I can't stop it at all, get out!"

The sword light of the Golden Sword Sect master split these tentacles every time, but then the tentacles bounced back.

He couldn't leave at all, and he was even more aware of the difficulty of this thing.

These people rushed in, thinking that they could pick up a cheap one, but when they came in, they were targeted by this nirvana creature.

The other party trapped all of them, making it impossible to get out.

And the tentacles that kept shaking behind the nirvana creatures did not attack at all. This is the most terrifying thing.

Wow, wow.

In an instant, the tentacles behind him turned into a black shadow, which was directly enveloped.

The treasures of these people are extremely bright, but they are full of despair. This is their big killer move.

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