Such a list of heaven and earth hangs in the entire universe like this.

  Everyone can see it.

  Some people even went to check where this list is.

  No matter how they fly, they can't get close to the list.

  It's like being in a distant place.

  That is to say, this heaven and earth list blesses the spatial means of piercing one path, even if you can see it, it is impossible to approach it at all.

  Lin Fei decided to give it a try, wanting to see what this so-called world list looks like.

  Can you sign in?

  Swipe the reward.

  It turned out that I didn’t have any chance to get close.

Without any choice.

  Lin Fei can only try to sign in within the closest range.

  See if you can pick up some cheap, after all, this is the world's list of things.

   In front of the heavens to pick up some cheap, this kind of treatment is not everyone can have.

   "Ding, sign in the world list to get 5,000 mana!"

  Although they were far apart, Lin Fei actually checked in.

  Even he himself felt very surprised.

   can actually sign in.

  It's as if you are stalking wool.

  This is completely different from what he imagined.

  Laughing in my heart.

   "I really picked up a big deal today."

  After all, not everyone can sign in the world list.

  Sign in today to get five thousand mana.

  Check in tomorrow.

  I can really make a fortune this time.

  Unfortunately, I can't get close to this true center point. Otherwise, I can still sign in more so-called mana.

  The mana in the body has now directly exceeded 20,000.

  Very thick.

  Lin Fei also knew that although his mana reached 20,000, the strength of other people was certainly not weak.

  Fortunately, his mana can converge anytime and anywhere.

  No one can detect it.

  Return to Jiuqu Tianhe.

  Chu Qingqing and others are also extremely excited.

   also knows the ranking of the Taixu Gate where he is located, and it actually only ranks one thousand or two hundred.

  It’s not that easy to get into the top 100.

  Although there are only ten years to fight for, but this one hundred is really under pressure.

  The competition will not be fierce.

"Seeing that the ranking list that day is not, do you have this motivation? If you grab the top 100, you will get strong strength, lifespan, and even more cultivation methods. This world ranking is better than yours. The imaginary is even more powerful, and even more terrifying."

  Lin Fei experienced the benefits after signing in once.

  It can be imagined that if this world list enters the top 100, it will naturally be different.

  Taixumen everyone said in unison.

   "We are motivated! We are motivated to reach the top 100, and no one can stop us."

  Of course these people know the magic of the list.

  They have heard a lot of news.

  I heard that even the people above came down here, just to get the blessing of the world list.

  It is conceivable that the world list can appear in this world, and it is really a super cheap.

  If they don't work hard at this time, they all want to give themselves a slap.

  This is simply a waste of resources.

"Seeing that you have such an idea and such a passionate motivation, then I am naturally very relieved. Starting today, we will continue to expand the Taixu Gate. We will take down whoever blocks, and those who submit will not kill. Those who do not surrender will directly kill without mercy, so that everyone knows that we are so powerful!"

  Lin Fei's voice is not very loud.

  In the eyes of these people, it is like a chicken blood.

  Everyone said in unison.

  "All for the Taixu Gate!"

  Even Chu Qingqing is the same. At this time, he is more excited than anyone.

  It's finally time to expand the site.

  Although it has expanded a large area before.

   But seeing the rankings on the list today, you know that they are still very lagging behind.

  Look at the gate of the first place.

  The second-ranked fairy gate, the third-ranked holy gate knows what's going on.

   is full of mist.

  They are more challenging.

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