Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 4260: I can do it, but you can’t

After the first experiment was successful.

Lin Fei is even more looking forward to the next few times.

Let's talk about Chu Qingqing first, after all, the rewards for this person on the list are quite generous.

Lin Fei looked down on it a little.

Chu Qingqing is different.

With these rewards, you can naturally make your strength grow by leaps and bounds, especially when you get the blessing of mana.

The combat effectiveness has become more fierce.

The rank nine level is eternally powerful, but when you encounter a so-called mana master, it is naturally different.

There is another new small realm in the universe.

It is the so-called mana realm.

This is a fairly simple name.

The two words mana are different, they contain terrible means, not everyone can understand.

To give Chu Qingqing a chance to receive this reward, of course Lin Fei would do it.

He couldn't stay at Taixu Gate all the time, it would be different after Chu Qingqing's strength increased.

There are only a few months left before the ten-year period.

Even for a few months, it seemed to Lin Fei to be very relaxed.

Bringing Chu Qingqing into each place.

Those who are looking for are some hidden masters.

These people are quite clever, knowing that they are hiding in some Jedi, which is more suitable for Lin Fei to take action.

With this shot, he directly beat the people half to death.

Even the strength of one body was infinitely suppressed.

Yuanshen Dazhen is not a joke.

Their injuries were suppressed once again.

If Chu Qingqing did it again, it would be very advantageous.

From 1,000 to 800, then to 300, and finally to 200.

Then it reached one hundred and fifty.

This kind of improvement is really fast.

It took only two months before and after.

But for the people on the list, they feel great pressure.

They are not stupid idiots either.

I also know what this is all about.

It is very likely that Lin Fei helped to make Chu Qingqing rank by leaps and bounds.

It seems that this is about to break through to the 100th place.

For the person in front of him, he shivered a bit.

I finally got to this place and met.

Lin Fei is such a terrifying guy, doesn't it mean that this name is going to be a little bit awkward?

After trying several times in a row, Lin Fei was even more satisfied.

Once again, Chu Qingqing broke into a more magnificent secret realm.

This secret realm is divided into nine layers.

From the first floor to the ninth floor.

The ninth floor is the highest.

The first level is the easiest, all the way through six levels, Zhanwujiang came to the ninth level.

After this came to the ninth floor, one by one masters appeared.

These masters directly urged a treasure, seeming to want to transfer Lin Fei away.

Into the endless space.

"You are thinking of a pretty good way to deal with me, but unfortunately I am not as simple as you think."

As soon as this treasure fell on Lin Fei, he punched it open.

Those few people couldn't control the treasure, and their faces were pale.

It turned out to be a few masters who ranked close to one hundred.

Their faces were pale at this moment.

Seeing the ranking changes on the personal list, these people have always been frightened.

It was almost the last ten years, but it was still being found.

Especially Lin Fei was able to find him.

This is the disciple of Cheng Quan Taixu Men.

This is Chu Qingqing.

Chu Qingqing's promotion is fast, it is difficult for everyone to remember.

"Knowing that I came here, I actually thought of using means to move me away, but it's a pity that your treasure is too weak!"

Lin Fei shook his head.

It's just a punch.

This punch directly injured all of them.

The strength of these people is relatively weak, although they have all reached the realm of mana.

The mana in the body is not a lot.

As soon as the primordial spirits followed, they suppressed their strength.

It was Chu Qingqing's turn to shoot.

"Lin Fei of Taixu Gate! You are quite good at playing. We are clearly looking at these people first, so you are ashamed to get on the ground first!"

Several people rushed into the void without warning.

Some of these people are young, and of course there are also a few older ones.

Their eyes fell on Lin Fei.

They also brought people over to brush up the rankings.

"Get out, get out of here as far as you can!"

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