Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 4379: Manbayashiyama

He finally said nothing more.

Just watched Lin Fei leave.

But he didn't think too much, anyway, it didn't matter if this thing was on Lin Fei's body.

When the time comes, it will be a big deal to pick it up by yourself when you reach Wanlin Mountain.

It's that simple thing.

Could this guy still be able to stop himself?

"Then let you keep it for a while. Anyway, this thing is of no use to you. This is just one of the fragments. Without absolute fragments, there is no use at all. You want to study and become famous. It’s hard to come here. Just how much can you know as a newcomer? This world is much more mysterious than you think, and it’s much deeper than you think."

The other party turned around and left.

Lin Fei thought this guy would keep following up.

As a result, I found that I was thinking too much, and this guy didn't have that thought at all.

When I thought about it, I knew what was going on.

The other party just wanted to deal with himself in Wanlin Mountain.

It's that simple.

Wandered around.

Lin Fei also returned to the residence.

The two people didn't ask Lin Fei what to do when he went out.

"This place is much more dangerous than expected. Don't go out when you are fine, especially at night and during the day!"

When Lin Fei came in, she woke up.

Lin Fei nodded to indicate that he knew, and went into his room.

When I entered the room, I took out this stone. This stone is indeed quite ordinary. The whole body is black with a certain luster, but there are many cracks around it.

It's like a part of a big thing that has fallen off.

"This stone is definitely not simple. I can feel it when I hold it on my hand. This stone seems to be filled with a sense of vastness. Suspended!"

Lin Fei wondered to himself.

Looked at this stone repeatedly and thoughtfully.

Such a stone is indeed quite extraordinary, and he has seen it for the first time, but he is not sure what it is, but he believes in one thing.

That is that Wu Sheng absolutely knows what this thing is all about.

It seems that if you want to know the news, you have to be on his body.

Nowhere else.

Don't worry, don't worry, it's not a few days anyway, that guy will definitely come to him.

I felt it again.

The guy was really nearby.

There is still a certain distance from him.

Lin Fei knew that the other party had already used tricks on him.

Only by using the means can you find yourself in the first place.

He didn't worry anymore.

After taking a break in this place.

Lin Fei went to Wanlin Mountain with the two of them.

Wanlin Mountain can be regarded as a holy place for collecting medicine.

Many people come here to gather herbs, but this place is also divided into dangerous zones.

Some are divided into general areas.

The medicinal materials in the general area are naturally average, and it is good luck to meet a good one.

It's hard to get good, you have to go to the danger zone.

This time his master asked him to go to the danger zone to pick a medicinal material.

At the same time he gave him a road map.

This road map looks a bit old, and I don’t know what medicine it is.

When I came to Wannian Mountain, there was a trace of medicine wafting everywhere.

The smell of these medicines is a bit strong and some are light, but after being mixed together, it seems to have formed a special existence.

The whole person reacted.

At first, Lin Fei could clearly feel it.

He can even feel that there are some powerful medicinal materials in the deep place. It seems that it's not right to attract him.

It is still said that the body has a certain attraction to them.

He can feel it faintly.

Anyway, the two brothers next to him shouldn't have much feelings, they are always plain and plain.

"It's interesting, it's really interesting."

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