Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 726: Pit man

"Booming ~~"

In the dark night, Xiaguang is like a white dragonfly.

A tyrannical force strangled and smashed, what is the shackle, all of them were hit, and the sky was smashed, fluttering, everywhere.

"You are angry."

The Jinxian strongman who has been chasing him is angry and utters such a sentence.

From the pursuit to the present, it took half a hour to go, the fairy boy, the mouth has not been clean, swearing, and difficult to get into the ear.

When the Jinxian strong, when received this kind of treatment, who is not respectful to themselves, can not wait to hug the thigh, seeking all kinds of knots, for fear of offending himself.

At the moment, a stinky boy's bad words are opposite, how ugly is it, how ugly it is, and the Jinxian strong man is angry and has nowhere to vent.

"Bad boy, you can't escape the old man's palm!"

Jinxian strong does not know how many times to shoot, the strength of tyrannical, tearing the void, replaced by anyone who has been torn into pieces, and died many times.

It’s just this kid, who insisted on it, and seemed to cultivate a powerful refining method, all the way, that is, a small step can win the other side.

"Ha ha ha, old things, you said, I have heard the ears smashed, can't you change one?" Lin Fei coughed blood, all the way to escape, a turn of the demon body, all over the wound, shocking.

Lin Fei’s face is relaxed, but the pressure is actually very high. The Jinxian strong is the Jinxian strong, which is extraordinary. If it is not a strong force, it will continue to be rushed. It is estimated that it has been caught up. A turn of the demon body, facing the attack of the Jinxian strong. Feeling weak, if it is the second turn of the gods, it will never be so heavy.

The pursuit of the Purgatory Gate, Lin Fei had expected, the only thing that did not come to mind, is not to kill a few people Xuan Xian and Tian Xian, the other side to arrange the immortal level of the fairy to deal with themselves.

Lin Fei’s calculations are not counted, and the Purgatory Gate values ​​himself so much. Wrong, it should be the attention of the above people, arranged for the Jinxian strong to chase themselves.

The Jinxian strongman deals with a fairy, it is really bullying, and it is a joke to pass it out.

"Come on, fast, and stick to it. I want him to look good!" Lin Fei's eyes flashed in the cold. "I can't vomit with the blood of Laozi. It's important to have a reward."

Behind the golden fairy strong Wushan, blowing his beard and blinking, attacked by the air. The other party is constantly vomiting blood, and every time they have to catch up, the other party bursts out of Xianli, pulls out the distance again, and keeps it at a distance of several thousand miles.

"The old man doesn't believe it. You are iron, you can stick to it for so long!"

Wushan constantly urges Xianli. Do not give the other party any chance to heal.

"Running toward the swamp, I want to get rid of the old man, you want to think about it!" Seeing each other squatting down, it seems to enter a swamp of dense forest.

"Meteor fire!"

The sky is popular, like a fireball, smashing into this swamp.

Wushan has just checked it. There are no powerful beasts underneath. Don't worry about awakening them.

"Booming ~~"

The marshes all over the jungle, with the meteor fire and rain, reveal a dark swamp, and the embarrassing fairy.

Lin Fei sneered, and dared to use the ‘Meteor Fire Rain’ group, you are simply looking for it.

"Hey, your attack is too strong, and you are killing Laozi." Lin Fei laughed and slammed into a jungle.

Wushan's temper has always been very big, especially the above arrangement of himself to chase a fairy boy, which makes him very unhappy, plus three times was stimulated twice, completely broke out.

"Booming ~~"

Wushan constantly urges the sorcerer to seriously hurt the other party.

As soon as the other side wants to enter the jungle, Wushan raises his hand, and the dark clouds cover the sky. He shoots it down and wants to shoot the other party and kill him.


This palm went down, and a sigh of anger rose into the sky, turning into a huge beast, boundless.

"Damn, there are powerful beasts below!"

Wushan’s face changed and he hurried back. In this mountain range, many powerful existences are terrifying. I don’t pay attention to it. It’s not a joke.

When coming, Wushan was careful, and with familiar terrain, he never encountered a behemoth.


A large swamp moved, countless tentacles, flying out from below, even if Wushan is a golden fairy strong, but under the attack of the behemoth, on the spot was knocked off most of the body, the strip of tentacles, the invincible power.

"Bad boy, the old man will not let you go."

A golden light shot out and disappeared into the night.

This powerful beast has a shot, it can be said that it has not really been shot, Wushan, the Jinxian strong, has been flustered. I started to escape.

"Unfortunately, he was not killed!"

Under the swamp, Lin Fei did not dare to move, watching the Jinxian strong man escape, I feel sorry.

The beast underneath is a dark tentacles, like to live in the swamp. The last time it was passing by, it became a prey, and it almost became the mouth of others.

Lin Fei remembered this place.

Previously, Lin Fei used the Supreme White Tiger to shake the other side. The people at Shengtian College said that the effect was good, and they tried hard, and it was a success.

The swearing words of the monks are nothing more than stimulating the other party, letting the other person stay calm and pay attention to the changes around them.

"For the time being, I should be safe."

Lin Fei did not dare to stay here for a long time. In case the Supreme White Tiger Bones lost their effect, it was not very good.

In the direction of departure, Lin Fei chose the opposite direction, but he did not want to meet with Jin Jin, even if he was seriously injured, it is also a thin dead camel than Ma Da, this adventure is still not fighting, it is not very cost-effective.


Lin Fei was full of thousands of miles, and this time he found an inconspicuous place, hiding directly in the space of the fire.

The Jinxian strong can be found, what must be left on the body, have to guard, in the space of the fire, to isolate everything, do not need to worry.

Lin Fei took out the ‘Soul of the Soul’ and decided to take it. He remembered the legend. If it is true, it is a big chance.

"I should find a clue to say, lest you eat wrong, it can be a big loss."

Lin Fei turned out those storage rings and began to look for relevant information. This kind of holy grass, taken indiscriminately, is a big loss, not worthwhile.

This search was really found by Lin Fei. In the storage ring of Ying Tianzhen, I found a piece of jade slip, which recorded information about ‘Soul of the Soul.’

"The original ‘God mixed grass’ can be taken directly!” Under this, Lin Fei was completely relieved.

Once again, the ‘Soul of the Soul’ was taken out, and Lin Fei swallowed it down. The bite went down, the medicine was filled, the entrance was instant, and the whole person fell into a wonderful feeling.

This feeling, Lin Fei has never experienced, with the whole plant ‘Soul of the Soul’, the mysterious feeling constantly rushes up, closes his eyes and raises the spirit, and begins to immerse in the mysterious feeling.

The other side.

"The hateful stinky boy, even the old man will be pitted!"

Under a mountain, Wushan was uncomfortable, not a terrible one. The goddess of the body was so blasted. If it was not a goddess, it was not as simple as injury.

Wushan took out the elixir and ate it. When she thought that she was almost killed, I wondered how many times I cursed the other person, and blamed myself for being confused.

"Ha ha ha, how do you become like Wushan?"

Wushan had just eaten the elixir, and there was a taunting voice. Then a figure fell, not far from Wushan, if interested.

It’s hard to escape. Wushan didn’t finish it. When I heard this voice, I knew it was not good.

"Fashion, you mouth, don't say you will die!" Wushan urged the drug, replaced it with a fairy, so that he is no longer so embarrassed.

The immortal who came here is also a golden fairy. It belongs to the purgatory gate. The only difference is that there is hatred between the two people, so that the wind man must laugh at Wushan every time.

"Haha, who told me to see you like a wolf, you are a strong Jinxian!" The windy laughter, it seems that there is no convergence, "This kind of thing is really rare, you will not be a behemoth, let's play it, Hahaha!"

Wushan can't wait to slap a slap in the face of this guy. The smell of the mouth is the same as that of the stinky boy. It is as disgusting as it is, but at this time, Wushan is not an opponent even if he shoots.

"How come you!" Wushan topic turned, do not want to entangle on this.

"The high-level order, you want to quickly catch people, now our purgatory door is very bad, has become a joke in the North." Fengxingzi laughed, "I took the initiative to ask, so I saw this scene. It’s really interesting.”

"Hey, have the ability, you go to chase the fairy to try!" Wushan cold.

"Ha ha ha, no!" The wind is strange. "You won't be pitted, that's really interesting."

"That kid is in this mountain range, you can find it yourself." Wushan closed his eyes and raised his mind, began to heal, no longer nonsense, it is really sad.

"This place, the powerful beasts are everywhere, we are together, we have a care for each other!" The windsman has always been savvy, Wushan strength is even more sturdy than him, and they all get such a stop, naturally do not dare to act alone.

Wushan was pitted by the stinky boy. The windy man did not believe that a fairy can have something powerful. It must have been Wushan’s encounter with a powerful fairy, trying to lie to me, how to deceive.

Fengxingzi is self-righteous guessing.

Wushan heard it and said nothing. That kid is too embarrassing, like a muddy slippery autumn, one person to deal with, not as good as two people, even though this guy has a bad breath. Strength is still ok.

A Jinxian strongman said that he could not grasp the other party. If this kind of words are passed out, it is estimated that he will be laughed at.

Wushan naturally does not say this, the windy child said, coldly, "With you, anyway, catching the stinky boy, just one person is enough."

The wind can not think so, the above emphasis on a fairy, beyond expectations, how to make Wushan a great credit. (To be continued.)

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