Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 850: misfortune

Deep in the sea of ​​fire!

The mountains are everywhere!

The flame giant, the sorcerer giants abound, three or five in groups, the waves are rolling, covering half the sky!

These flame giants, the genie giants were born from the sea of ​​fire, containing the violent flames, and when they saw the outsiders appear, regardless of the three seven twenty-one, violent attacks, killing the enemy!


In the dense crowd of flames, a black man came out of it, and between the hands and the feet, the flames of the giants burst into flames and Mars splashed.

This black man is Lin Fei!

After driving away the Mozu disciples, all the way to kill, the flame giant in the fire, almost no enemy, all killed in the boxing!

"With a hint of spirituality, the flame giant is so good. In the past, the ancient fire unicorn, the strength is afraid of the tyrannical!"

Lin Fei was killed in the flame giant, and his fist collapsed. Taishan pressed the top and crushed the flame giant. His heart was also shocked.

"Hey, is there something?"

After killing the flame giant, the starlight appeared and went away!

Lin Fei reacted quickly, reached out and grabbed it. The longevity of the sky, the starlight fell on the hand, emitting a hot and violent breath, faintly visible is a small figure.

"Lin Xiaozi, you are lucky, this is the spirit of fire!"

"The Spirit of Fire? Is there any use?"

Lin Fei looked up and down again, but really did not see any effect.

"This is the fire of the scorpion, the spirit of the flame, the spirit of the flame, the spirit of the flame, after the refining, there can be the body of the fire." River Crab said, "The body of the fire, igniting the fire of nine days. Very overbearing Physical fitness, your kid is a blessing!"

"The Spirit of Fire makes the body of the fire? This is a good thing." Lin Fei touched his chin. Secretly, "I don't need a body of fire. I can do it for my own offspring, and there is no harm in collecting it!"

"However, the spirit of the flame is not easy to find, they are hiding in the flame giant, the flaming giant, the rate of explosion is very low!" River Crab reminded.

"The explosion rate is low? Sweeping the past, not on the line!"

Lin Fei’s heart moved, and suddenly there was a way.

The stick of the ruling appears in the hand and is filled with divine power. Unlimited power bursts out, picking up a gust of wind, and the clouds are pressing.


A large blockbuster of fire giants, the savage giant, was involved in the storm, swaying all the existence, the spirit of the flames burst out, one by one in the control.

Here, the creatures on the sea of ​​fire. It started to be unlucky.


"Ha ha ha, another spirit of fire!"

Near a mountain, a college disciple, his face is excited. A hand is holding a flame of fire.

"The treasures can't be grabbed. If you can collect enough flames, you can cultivate the power of fire!"

This college disciple is planning for himself!

When I am preparing to leave. There was a large whistling sound from the horizon, and the disciples of the college were sinking. The pupil was magnified and saw a scene of horror.

Hundreds of thousands of miles away!

A large flame giant. As if it was stimulated, the pieces into pieces, such as large clouds, cover the sky and cover the sun, go in one direction, the people watching are shocking, sucking a cold air.

"What happened?"

Seeing hordes of squadrons, such as the flaming giant like Wang Yang, can they not be surprised?

These creatures, the strength is only the realm of Jinxian, the defense is good, plus the squad, even if it is a master of law, we must pay attention to it.

At this time, there are not hundreds of thousands of flame creatures. Any one who sees the strong will have scalp numbness.

What's more, hundreds of thousands of flame creatures are not only this, but there is a tendency to increase, and millions are at least.


At the horizon, a huge monster flew out.

It was a flame creature that looked like a mountain. Uninformed people met, and they didn't know if they were killed.

"This is Fireba, damn, how come out!"

On a high mountain, several people are resting, and the huge creatures appearing in the heavens and the earth immediately shocked them.

"It is rumored that the fire tyrant is the will of the fire unicorn will not move all the year round, rarely appear out!"

These college disciples, the knowledge is not bad, can go to the five-level area, all have had an understanding, different from the general college disciples, strolling around.

"Let's go see it!"

The disciples of the college are daring and savage, and they smell the opportunity!

Just a fire tyrant appeared, and the other end, the red storm came, a large number of flame giants were involved, the storm is getting bigger and bigger, and there is a great sweep of the eight ridiculous.

"No, this is a flame storm, the most terrifying existence."


Many college disciples have been alarmed!

The sea of ​​fire was originally calm, and although it was dangerous, it was not so sensational.

Deep in the sea of ​​fire, a huge crater, a wave of college disciples, gathered together, urging the power of the law, united against the majestic pressure of the crater!

Shengtian College, Thunder College, Xuanwu College, Brilliant College, and the top four disciples of the College are here.

Their goal is the crater, the faintly visible mountain, the high mountains, the ancient runes all over the top, constructing a supreme kingdom, the inner Chinese runes flying, the head of the fire unicorn, the upstream and downstream, through Peace and quiet.

This mountain is the unicorn of fire!

The ancient rune blessing, unbreakable!

The beast of the beast is not a burial of the scenery. It is nothing more than the arrangement of the emperor at random. Even so, it still gives people unlimited pressure and cannot be cracked at one time.

In addition to the pressure of the fire unicorn, another group of people are equally eye-catching, and the pressure is no less than the fire unicorn.

Mozu disciples!

They also occupy a position outside the crater!

For a fire unicorn, there are five forces, as for the nearby, the bones are like mountains!

"Sister, the situation seems to be a little bad!"

One of the forces, a young woman whispered, "Look at this neighborhood!"

Sure enough, the woman reminded them that they were paying attention to it, within the radius of the circle, there was a shock below, and the previous situation did not appear.

boom! ! boom! !

On the flames of the earth, the sky is rising from the pillars of fire, and the majestic momentum turns into a huge fire unicorn, a scarlet color, turned into eighteen streams, and goes away.

In this case, the people present were surprised.

Eighteen torrents contain the eternal will of the fire unicorn, how all appeared, and went outside.

"Fast breaks, 18 torrents go, the law is weak, it is the time to break!"

Someone immediately exclaimed and noticed the change!

Fire unicorn, the first-class beast, regardless of the part of the body, is all worthless, the existence of the supreme treasure, get one of them, will be used endlessly!

Districts have changed, they have not been on the mind! (To be continued.)

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