What is' memory '?

I don't really think about that deeply.

Normally it is continuous as a matter of course, to the extent that it is vaguely perceived that the existence of 'self' and the inseparable are 'memories', although the more distant ones are blurred.

Is it like proof to be aware of who you are?

To me now, I am "Yagami".

On second thought, I put it in my mouth and I said, "Are you okay?" That's a wording you're sure to be worried about, this.

It's usually too obvious, needless to say.

Naturally, I remember very little about childhood, and I forget about elementary school other than the characteristic events. If I were to say it on a daily level, I'd be as much forgetting about it as I've been since I was in high school.

Even if I sometimes trigger conversations, photos, diaries, etc. to vividly recall them, most of them I completely forget every day.

"What about lunch yesterday? Even if asked," I can't recall if that's anything other than Christina's handmade.

Still, I'm a proper Yagamiji.

Maybe shaping yourself as yourself depends on how you judge and act from time to time, not on the memory itself.

I've accumulated a slightly different experience here than others, but I can take responsibility for "Yagamiji".

Even if black history has surfaced in the field of memory that I'd like to forget a little, I can tell you enough to put up a vanity that it's me.

Whether you've ever been out of town fitting open finger gloves, but confidently using the wrong English word... why pick it up exactly, balls and tsukuyomi...

Besides, Christina and I have been exposed since we got here. All the inaccuracies, assumptions, and clear failures we've had in the process until this happened. It's me - "Yagamiji".

- But...

"He seems to be a master."

Seto sleeps sloppily on a luxurious sofa to share his thoughts with laughter.

Tis, a heterogeneous concentric, sits properly on Seto's head side, smiling and nodding at the words.

- No, Seto, I say so. Shall I say I'm afraid that "it looks like me" will shake...

Recently, Seto and Tis seem like someone else who's just sharing information about each other on an unparalleled level.

If you ask your wife (Christina), she says that's the right answer, but I'm not sure because Seto and Tis don't crack their mouths because they just tease each other when they ask.

I'm not sure if Tis looks grumpy or anything after taking a bath with Seto, but does that mean they're getting properly Seto (brother) and Tis (sister)?

Well, that wouldn't be a bad thing.

It's not just Seto and Tis, it's a floating island, commonly known as the "Rear Palace (SE Lario)", where members who are seen as my own people (Shoo-kar) live.

... I wonder if I can manage the naming senses of the people in Wangdu (Farandain).

The royal court reporter and crest officer are also very interesting and tend to make the common name in Shirai the official name as it is.

Though I think it would be healthier to be amused, only Golden Dragon (Euvwenus) still theorizes that "it is better to be tough there".

Even if you can still forgive me until "The Dragon King of Commerce," "Invitational Golden Dragon" seems to be unforgivable.

If someone finds out who's the bad guy, they'll take care of him...

Anyway, right now, the mansion on the floating island of "The Rear Palace (SE Lario)" has all the members I recognize as my own.

Everyone is scattered all over the 'world' instead of exaggerating when they are working during the day, but "going home at night" is already commonplace for those of us whose use of 'metastasis (teleport)' is becoming the norm.

This mansion, where everyone lives, is quite vast and is definitely a comfortable space because around 20 silver (Algiers) people carry out various tasks as maids.

It boasts a tolerable capacity with no problems with double-digit growth.

The central reception hall (hall), where everyone is gathering now, is a little too large and is filled with luxurious furniture and things.

As much as the Nest of Love (Nest Amoris) became relatively qualitative with Christina's intentions, it is fair to say that its servitude concentrated on the Posterior Palace (SE Lario).

Gifts from various countries alone cannot fit into this mansion, so this is still the result of a careful selection of Royal Palace officials. Though some of them had chosen their favorites.

The people who live here are used to being like that, and it's me and Jean and Nay's roots that are somewhat unsettling are about a trio of ordinary people.

Maybe Jean and Nay are flying around to do the 'request' even on their day off because they're not comfortable taking their time here.

Why don't we get you another island? Interesting to say no.

Because I hate special treatment more than being out of company, those two.

Maybe two people who want to take care of their current bodies, or more than anyone else, who don't need to shy away in their power.

"It's hard to be held accountable until then, even though there was something called..."

- That's right.

Says Aria as she sits back in a simple chair for one and gracefully drinks tea.

Though this guy is getting used to a lot of things in this body, this kind of residence doesn't collapse at all.

He said he still has pretty much anything going on already, but I think the part where he shouldn't collapse as a 'Virgin' is naturally adamant.

The same goes for his wife (Christina) around there, which makes me feel the responsibility that comes with "The Virgin" and the weight of the years that have done it splendidly.

That's why I'm glad you're judging me as Christina, Mr. Aria, not as the 'Virgin' for me or my people.

Aria looked somewhat complicated when she returned today.

He has gone out to the Pontifical Agency of Gias to talk to the Pope, but as usual, he was confirmed on the progress of "friendship with me" and sighed at his lack of progress.

On the contrary, he says, because the Cardinals, including under the Pope, have held 'Countermeasures Conferences' and have been tortured to come up with opinions on how I can get my hands on Mr. Aria from a man's point of view and make him worship it.

... I'm so sad.

So when you come back, you say, "Would you like to step on me, mighty? Stop asking" or something.

I don't want to be trampled or stepped on. True.

I wonder why you're scared of smiling at times like this, even though you're beautiful enough to fall in love with me the same way, my wife (Christina).

Nevertheless, Aria used to say when she was drunk.

He said it was a lot more fun when everyone in the Pontifical Agency was now failing him out than when he was being worshipped as a 'Virgin'.

He said he was glad that he felt properly recognized as a member of this world.

I guess Aria doesn't remember that time because she seems like the type to forget, but her troubled memories are still quite blatantly pressing.

He said I would have been happy to have told everyone, but he's the one who wants me to express my regrets.

But, well, I don't know, but I wonder if it's mazo temperament, Mr. Aria.

"Like a lover from a previous life... you must be there"

"... right"

Sarah and Cecil, stop saying things that scare me softly.

No, even if there was one, I'd like to claim innocence as Yagamiji. How about that?

Is it my fault, too?

"As opposed to the previous life, some women saved Tsukasa before she came here (La Vulcanan). That's right, Sarah."

"It's your first ear, Christina, sister."

Disclose the information Christina heard from her balls with a glowing smile.

You didn't forget, that story.

- Bullshit. Remember later.


So don't read your thoughts.

Tsukuyomi, what's going on with the "Thought Tracking (Trace)" block?

@ (; · e) @/please accept my apologies

Something's wrong with my balls and I don't know the bottom.

If you mean it, you can get through the ability control person (Tsukuyomi) as well, it's out of your control.

I guess it's just that my expression is easy to read.

"" "" Heh "" "

To the conversation between the two beautiful sisters, Aria, Seto, Tis and Nay utter the same words with their mouths sideways open with half eyes.

I'm even reacting to Nay, who was eating something at his desk with Jean.

Lilyn doesn't seem to know what she's talking about.

No, you know...


Jean, you too.

Will you betray me too?

No, this guy doesn't do anything to tear me up and play.

There is still a pure interest in its righteous face, the expression "That's surprising".

"No, I can't say it well, but I'm not uncomfortable that 'Mr. Tsukasa before' hasn't changed since he got here, but I'm surprised he said that and panicked."

I see.

... don't oil the fire.

"You don't have to panic if you don't feel guilty."

Tama, you...

"No, I have nothing with that person without joking. I guarantee you I was just trying to save you as a friend. … We will not compensate you until you know what they think of the Lord."

Look at my expression. My balls follow me in a hurry.

I feel like I was saying something extra, but he seemed to think it was unavoidable for everyone who dated my "redo" to "do so".

Everyone sighs, and the pressure on Christina's smile diminishes.

"Besides, I didn't have anything to do with that before, as far as I know."

Though the definition of such a relationship is ambiguous, the balls won't tell the lies of this hand.

It's good to play, but I wonder if I still have the consciousness as an apostle for once to dislike it getting easier with the uncalled for suspicion.

I'm sorry that I don't have the sense of being the Lord.

I really just think of you as a dependable partner now.

"Don't worry about me or the Capability Control Officer (Tsukuyomi). If you can be with the Lord, who seems to be having fun, it's a memory of the past, and it doesn't matter if it's for you, as I said before."

That's certainly what you've been saying to me for a long time.

And I'm not even doubting that.

Besides, I think memory is memory.

The subject is only me now, and I don't think that 'Yagamiji' will become like someone else because I have my memory back.

Although my memory and vast knowledge as a 'Creator' will certainly change me, I vaguely think it's not going to be me anymore.

I don't have any basis, but I think 'who I am now' is the subject.

I'm confident that just because I have my memory back doesn't mean I'm going to be replaced.

I don't think it's the same as when Seto and Tis were together.

Besides, if it was a situation where I didn't have to make excuses for Christina and the others, I don't think I'd be so scared.

I'm thinking...

"You still care why I sealed my memory"

My balls reacted to me watching Jean accidentally.

Yeah, I'm afraid of that.

If I had no reason to seal my memories, I wouldn't want to live as the Yagamiji.

The reason for doing so while having the power to be the 'Creator' is, to be honest, a little scary.

I know it's cool to say that if you're other HR, you should face your memory, but when it comes to you, there's some pity around you that can't be, but to be honest.

I guess it also affects my nerdy life on Earth and I don't need the knowledge.

I don't want to feel like O-kun Kobayashi or Ohiko Kasama, who have memories of Mr. Purple O and Mr. Akio Tong.

I think that's tight, because I suffer from sin in my previous life.

And not everything settles for a happy ending.

And close, some beings can be close to it.

"... I didn't meet Tsukasa in the village of Luzakh..."

Jean and Nay don't have memories of the previous circumference.

Because I decided I didn't need that.

But both Jean and Nay question each other while they're together.

Why did I show up before Jean then?

Why did Jean say at first, he was so scared?

As we get along, from the piecemeal gathering of information, Jean apparently assumes that he is doing something extraordinary in the previous circumference.

And that didn't happen without it.

We just rebuilt the world on that basis and followed a route that wouldn't.

Let's get back in time, whitewash Acacic Records, but they'll never be there once.

If my memory returns, I recognize it.

Should that also be held by Jean now?

Is Nay laughing happily, too, something I need to remember?

I don't know.

I just don't think I need it right now.

"... When Mr. Tsukasa returns his memory, we go out with him, too. I kind of imagine you'd be tight, but I'm sure you're fine because you have me and Nay now because of that. I'm going to believe in ourselves right now."

No, thank you.

I really don't know which one is right.

It's more fun, I wonder if it would be a bad idea if I went with the easier one.

"I think that's fine."

Not balls, but Christina answers with a slightly troubled smile.

Christina, can you track your thoughts, too?

Is my thought that easy to read?

"Dear Tsukasa, I care about Jean now. Like. I don't want to lose it. So even if Jean did something terrible to me before, I can accept that because that's what it took to be Jean now. If Jean was bad for someone else besides me, I'd go with him and apologize.... so I think I'm fine"

Nay says it with a serious look.

I agree with you from the bottom of my heart that it's important now.

Now it feels exactly like Jean and Nay are going around doing it to the world.

I wonder if that's okay.

If I had a past like that, would I be forgiven for doing so?

"Forgive me or not, that's why I have to do what I can. Well, as far as I can tell, I don't remember the Lord doing anything traumatic like that."

It helps if you rest, balls.

"Well, isn't that okay when you need it? Because I haven't been compelled to do that at the moment. It is the mystery of the Lord's power that we can do something about even the worst that can't be reversed. It's definitely because I say so. We'll think about it when that happens. More than that now......"

You said something resembling a bad thought break, speaking of which.

Well, I guess that's exactly what it is.

Maybe I should think about it when I've straightened out my whole life as "Yagamiji".

Should I now give my all to living happily as "Yagamiji"?

Let's do that.

"So, Mr. Lilyn wants his memory back?

Yes, this was the subject at first.

Without a doubt, Lilyn, a companion of The Creator's Party, is now living as one of us, losing all memories.

I just have to ask myself if I want to live happily ever after, or if I should regain my memory as Teng himself who planted The Great Disaster.

I don't think it's fair to ask the person who lost his memory, but there's nothing I can do about it.


My face catches on to Lilyn, who smiled and gave her a light endorsement.

Huh? Am I supposed to make that easy decision?

Will the 'Great Disaster' resume when my memory returns?

I'm not sure about that area.

No, listen, I can't do that, so I should get my memories back.

I feel my balls sighing but I can't help that.

Just in case you're ready, I decided to restore Mr. Lilyn's memory.

As a result, there will be one more headache in the "Days in this World (La Vulcanan)" that will continue.

In conclusion, the 'Great Disaster' did not resume.

Instead, I went so far as to ask Mr. Lilyn - the fourth Virgin, the Demon King and administrator of this world, my balls colleague - the stupidity of leaving this world (La Vulcanan) behind until today, even though I have no memory of it as a 'Creator'.

Give me a break.

Do I have to listen to the stupidity of this hand in the future just because of the number of worlds I ran for when I came to La Vulcanan? I'm not convinced that you deserve it.

Fair enough.

I have no complaints if my fun days in this world (La Vulcanan) continue.

In my spare time, I just have to follow up with someone like Lilyn.

For the time being, I would be forgiven enough to do exactly what I wanted to do in this world (La Vulcanan).

Shall we live as adventurers first?

"It's almost my birthday."

... You did.

"Great Disaster Edition" FIN


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