Chapter 159

Large companies have released smart phones one after another to continue to seize the market.

Old and lonely companies are not to be outdone.

Such as Suoxin.

Ever since Soni was acquired by Aisin and the two merged to form Suoxin Mobile, this seemingly powerful company has repeatedly suffered setbacks in the mobile phone market.

The released smartphones have always been criticized by consumers for lack of innovation. Those fans who were loyal to Suoxin have switched to other camps. His fan base has become Huaxing, Jiuxing, Fruit, Norgren, and Jiji. High fans.

One year is worse than one year.

The losses are getting worse, and they are on the verge of bankruptcy.

In addition to Suoxin, Heimei’s mobile phone is also having a headache.

The wave of smartphones was too violent and turbulent, which caught Heimei’s 201 mobile phone by surprise. After finally reacting, the decision of the top management of Heimei’s mobile phone was to continue to maintain the established strategy of the Heimei mobile phone.

That is to continue to take the high-end business model of mobile phones.

Take the path of ensuring information security.

Persevering in this path has indeed allowed the black girl mobile phone to still win over a group of old fans, many fans, including many famous fans, such as politicians from various countries, such as royal princes, such as business people…all still have a soft spot for black girls. .

However, the market for Heimei mobile phones is shrinking.

This is something that can’t be helped.

The smart phones represented by Huaxing are really fun and beyond people’s cognition. Heimei phones are very good. Everyone does not deny it, but they are different from smart phones.

Many people who buy Heimei phones regard Heimei phones as another category.

I will buy a smart phone at the same time I buy a black girl phone.

As a result, although Hei Mei retained a loyal audience, those who were not loyal, even ordinary audiences who watched the market wander around, did not retain much of Hei Mei, which made the situation of Hei Mei embarrassing.

Among these big companies, Motosala is the kind of okay.

For several years in a row, the world’s third-ranked existence, with the rise of only collection, has also encountered a lot of setbacks. Fortunately, the business of the motorcycle salad function machine is still there, and it is still strong.

Now in Great Xia Country, Country M, and Africa, they all have large markets.

You can continue to make money using feature phones.

Although the profit made by each mobile phone is already very small, the number is sufficient, which is not bad.

However, it is definitely not enough to sell only feature phones.

Now that the Chinese market in the mobile phone market is becoming clearer and clearer, the market share of smart phones has already expanded. Although many people doubt whether it can replace feature phones, it is necessary to have the right to speak in the smart phone market.

Their motorcycle salad was rampant in the 2g era.

He and Norgren are called duo.

Even before the Great Xia Kingdom, there were such words.

“Make money, make money, don’t know how to spend it?”

“Buy a Noguan first, and then a motorcycle salad.”

But now, Moto Salad has repeatedly languished in the smartphone market.

Since last year, Motosala has released smart phones to the outside world.

The operating system used, from the initial Symbian, to later Android, to the Vena camp, has already released six smartphones in one go, but the sales of smartphones can only be in the first echelon. At the end, it can even be said that it has fallen out of the first echelon.

Six consecutive mobile phones, smartphones operated by Symbian phones, sold only 120,000 in a single month. Using the Android mobile operating system, the monthly sales reached a maximum of 250,000. That is to say, the Vena mobile operating system was later used. Sales reached 490,000!

This sales volume is also quite dazzling for some small companies.

However, for a large company like Motosala, it is really not enough.

One month’s sales, the highest is less than 500,000!

Their global sales channels for Moto Salad are not weaker than Norgren’s existence.

And compare the current first-tier echelon.

Any smart phone released by Jiuxing has monthly sales of around 2 million units.

The monthly sales volume of smart phones released by a new company in Fruit is about 2 million units.

Norgren is a little bit worse, the monthly sales of smartphones are not very stable…

But there are still 5 million units when it is high.

Even when it is low, there are more than 1 million units.

Not to mention the current king Huaxing, the monthly sales of smartphones released have exceeded 10 million, becoming the absolute boss now.

In contrast, their motorcycle salad is really very miserable!

But Moto Salad has also lost its vigor in the market competition, and didn’t think about how to reverse the situation and return to the top. What he thought of was…how to maintain the situation.

This time, after the release of the Huaxing M3 smart phone, when many smart phones have been launched, Moto Salad Company also plans to release a smart phone of theirs, called the Moto Salad Tiantuo plan a1.

Regarding the final meeting of the Tiantuo plan a1, the words of Moto Salad’s President John represent the current attitude of Moto Salad.

“Our Motorsala has no advantages in smartphones. Therefore, in terms of mobile phone positioning, we must try to avoid direct competition with those who seek opportunities for development, and when it develops in the future, we will compete with Huaxing and Norgren.”

“So, now, as the popularity of Huaxing M3 smartphones has receded, Norgren, Jiuxing and other big companies have not released the neutral gear of their main smartphones, and immediately release our Moto Salad Tiantuo plan a1.”

“Take advantage of this gap to seize the market!”

Unfortunately, Moto Salad’s wishes are good.

The reality is very backbone.

On August 1st, Motosala publicized that it will release the Motosala Tiantuo plan a1 smartphone. The conference will be held soon, but on August 10, Jiuxing announced that the Jiuxing Uranus s2 smartphone will be available!

Instantly hit the Motosala Fear Land!

Make Motor Salad Company a dilemma!

Even more fierce,

On August 11, Petal made an emergency announcement.

K-Swiss will Jiuxing late King s2 smartphone day, the petals release new class of smart phones, named: petals m1 smartphone! ! !

Jiuxing willingness to confront the same stage, very clear! ! !


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