Invincible Protagonist Terminator System

Chapter 102 Eating and looking at the house

After the algebra class, Lin Yong was still distracted, listening to the class and reading at the same time.

As for the algebra book, of course I borrowed it from Maitreya Buddha Zhang Kai.

I also finished reading one class and mastered all the knowledge points.

You just need to do the questions to improve.

When the school bell rang, Lin Yong had never been so happy in his heart.

For Lin Yong, being able to experience middle school life again is extremely precious.

What's more, it's possible for me to become a top student and easily realize my unfulfilled dreams in middle school.

Perhaps, this mission is not only to make up for Zhai Ning's regrets in his previous life, but also to make up for his own regrets.

Zhai Ning looked back at Lin Yong.

Before morning reading, Lin Yong came to talk to her, which made her blood boil. Later, during class, Lin Yong never talked to her again.

Makes her confused.

She thought that Lin Yong would at least talk to her again.

However, every time I looked back, I saw Lin Yong reading a book, looking at it very attentively.

Zhai Ning originally had some doubts and questions about what Lin Yong said.

Seeing Lin Yong working so hard, I suddenly felt that all doubts and questions were gone.

The school bell rang. Zhai Ning glanced at Lin Yong again and happened to see Lin Yong reading a book.

An unwillingness to admit defeat arose in Zhai Ning's heart: Just watch, I won't be worse than you. I will test 550 points, even 560 points, even 570 points, to be on par with you.

Thinking of this, a faint smile appeared on Zhai Ning's face, which looked like a blooming lotus. The boys around Zhai Ning were stunned.

Zhai Ning packed up her schoolbag, picked up her schoolbag, looked back at Lin Yong, turned around and left.

His steps seemed a little brisker.

It feels good to have friends. Not the kind of friends who eat, drink and have fun, but friends who can resonate with you spiritually, guide you spiritually, and give you light.

Friends who can stand shoulder to shoulder with you, have the same ambitions as you, and have the same foreseeable future as you.

It's nice to have friends.

It doesn’t matter if you are male or female.

Lin Yong lazily packed his schoolbag, looked up and found that little girl Zhai Ning had left.

Lin Yong picked up his schoolbag and walked outside the campus.

When he got to the door, he saw a Passat worth more than 200,000 yuan outside the school gate. Next to him was a young boy and another gangster who stopped him.

Lin Yong walked towards them.

"grown ups……"

"grown ups……"

Lin Yong nodded, "Well, are you waiting for me?"

Xiao Pingtou spoke, "Yes, Brother Hei saw you going to school on your first day, and I wonder if you are used to it. Let us drive to pick you up for dinner. And the house seems to have been bought. I said that after you finish the meal, we will come together Go over and take a look.”

"Okay." Lin Yong opened the door and got in the car.

Xiao Bangtou and another gangster got into the car and drove away.

The car drove for about twenty minutes and arrived in the SZ area, stopping outside a Cantonese restaurant.

Guizhou is not famous for its cuisine, but its cuisine is deeply influenced by Cantonese cuisine.

Therefore, if people here treat distinguished guests to dinner, they will go to more authentic Cantonese restaurants.

This restaurant called Yue Shang Huang is very authentic and has a rich menu. It is the most famous Cantonese restaurant in Nanyan. Brother Hei is really sincere in inviting Lin Yong to eat here.

Lin Yong followed Xiao Pingtou into the Emperor of Guangdong.

A waiter came to greet me immediately.

After asking about the box, he took Lin Yong to the second floor.

Entering the box, Brother Hei was already here.

In addition to Brother Hei, there are also his two right-hand men, Fat Pig and Turkey.

Turkey dyed its hair red and looked like a turkey, so that's how it got its name.

Fat pig, as its name suggests, is very fat.

But he is very strong. I heard that he had several fights with other gangs, and Fat Pig put in a lot of effort.

As for Xiao Pingtou and another gangster, Brother Hei asked them to pick up Lin Yong simply because they knew Lin Yong the earliest.

The three Hei brothers did not sit in the main seat, but gave up the main seat.

When he saw Lin Yong arriving, he immediately stood up.

When the waiter saw it, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes: Who is this young man? How could Brother Hei be treated so politely?

Yes, the waiter knows Brother Hei.

Brother Hei is also well-known in Nanyan.

Lin Yong looked calm and sat in the main seat.

Brother Hei waved his hand and said to the waiter, "Okay, let's serve the food."

"Yes, sir."

The waiter went down.

After a while, the food came.

Brother Hei is so expensive, there are Ah Yi abalone, Cantonese Wenchang chicken, roasted suckling pig in the open oven, New Dragon Emperor Night Banquet, Peninsula Imperial Bird's Nest, steamed Eastern Star Spot, hanging oven roasted goose, and raw crab meat braised in the sea. Tiger wings, wild goose flying tea field duck, Teochew braised food...

All the top ten famous dishes of Cantonese cuisine are available.

Also, white-cut chicken, braised squab, honey-glazed barbecued pork, crispy roasted pork, baked lobster in soup, ginseng with abalone sauce, braised shark's fin with vegetable gallbladder, boiled geoduck, coconut rock sugar bird's nest, unicorn seabass, salt and pepper fish Pee shrimp, garlic bone, boiled shrimp...

It has everything, very rich.

Lin Yong was also very satisfied with the meal.

Although Lin Yong has eaten Cantonese food, he has never eaten such authentic food, nor has he ever eaten such comprehensive food.

Now, I have tried all the famous Cantonese dishes and they taste really good.

Seeing Lin Yong eating happily and eating a lot, Brother Hei was full of joy.

Look, the meal was almost done, and Brother Hei said, "Sir, I bought a house. The wedding house of a couple is not very big, 93 square meters, two bedrooms and one living room. They asked for 730,000."

"The environment of that community is very good. The house is also well-decorated and has all the furniture. The couple is going to immigrate to Australia, so they decided to sell the house."

Lin Yong nodded. Housing prices in this city are not outrageous.

93 square meters, 730,000, not bad.

Moreover, it is well-decorated and furnished, which saves a lot of trouble.

Lin Yong wiped his mouth and said, "Let's go and take a look."

Brother Hei, "Okay."

Fat Pig went to check out, and Hei Ge and Lin Yong went downstairs together, got in the car, and drove back with a flat head.

When the car drove into the community, Lin Yong smiled. They are actually in the same community as Zhai Ning.

That's great.

Brother Hei smiled when he saw Lin Yong. Although he didn't know why, he understood that Lin Yong was very satisfied with this community and his heart was a little wider.

When he got downstairs, Lin Yong was even more satisfied.

Zhai Ning lives in Building 35, and the house Hei Ge bought is in Building 34.

Very close.

The house is on the 21st floor, No. 06.

After entering, Lin Yong nodded, Brother Hei is really reliable in doing things.

The house is not very luxurious, but it is elegant and pleasant. The furniture is mainly black and white, which makes people feel very peaceful.

Such a simple style is really what Lin Yong likes.

Lin Yong took out 730,000 yuan from the storage space and said, "Here's the money for you. You are really reliable in doing things. I like this room very much and will move in today."

Brother Hei knew that Lin Yong would be unhappy if he didn't accept the money, so he didn't refuse and put all 730,000 yuan into his bag.

Then, he took out a stack of things and handed them to Lin Yong.

When Lin Yong saw it, he praised Brother Hei for his skills.

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