Invincible Protagonist Terminator System

Chapter 202 Ji Yu, upgraded golden finger, Count Lin Yong

This breath of hot air spit out and condensed in the sky without dissipating.

Lin Yong looked at it, and a huge shadow actually formed.

This phantom, with a human head, leopard body, fox tail, and bear claws, looked at Lin Yong with a scrutinizing look, My descendants' bloodline has been inspired by the human race. Junior, why don't you kneel down and worship your ancestors when you see them?

Lin Yong looked at it and knew that this was Ji Yu, no different from the one in the legend.

After all, he is his ancestor, so there is nothing wrong with saying goodbye.

Lin Yong quickly knelt down and said, Meet the ancestors.

Ji Yuxuying seemed to be satisfied, Yes, it's really good to be able to inspire the bloodline in a world where there is no chaotic energy. I originally thought that the elites in the bloodline would be taken to the other side of the starry sky by me, but I didn't expect that there is still Earth.

Hey, what are you, a Kunpeng heart, doing hiding in the body of my descendant? See if I don't crush you...

Kunpeng's heart couldn't help but tremble when Ji Yu's shadow came out. Now after listening to Ji Yu's words, he quickly said, Demon God, please forgive me, I just had no choice but to enter the body of a descendant of your bloodline. , I will leave if there is a good place to go in the future.

Moreover, your descendants have the ability to take away the golden fingers of other living beings. I am willing to have my magical power taken away. Please let the demon god let me go.

Lin Yong also said quickly, Ancestor, he entered my body and never hurt me, and even helped me a few times. I promised him that one day I will find a body for him.

Ji Yuxuying pondered for a moment, That's good. I can't stay too long. You should listen to what I say. First, look for descendants of my Ji Yu's bloodline like you. Second, have the ability. , we must come to the other side of the starry sky. The earth has been abandoned. There is no need to stay.

Third, after stimulating your bloodline, you will be qualified to compete for the position of Demon God in the future. Practice hard. I am waiting for the day when I see you.

With that said, the shadow disappeared.

Lin Yong was confused as to what the last two points Ji Yu meant.

Why is the earth already deserted, and what is fighting for the position of the demon god.

Lin Yong couldn't figure it out, so he stopped thinking about it.

Anyway, his ancestors would probably not harm him.

At this time, Lin Yong felt indeed different.

I feel that my body and body are much stronger.

There is also the natural affinity between the demon clan and spiritual energy and chaotic energy, which makes him feel very comfortable.

Thinking about it, he somehow became a demon clan, and Lin Yong was very emotional.

Suddenly, I remembered that the golden finger that saw through the flaws in other people's martial arts had not yet been upgraded.

I directly spent 50,000 points to upgrade.

Upgraded to become a golden finger that can see through other people's skills, martial arts, and weaknesses.

It’s really heartbreaking to spend 50,000 points all at once.

There are only more than 40,000 points left.

In one mission, I earned 200,000 points, which was a waste of money.

This cheat seems to have not improved much after the upgrade. In fact, it has improved a lot.

At first he could only see through flaws in other people's martial arts, but now he can see through weaknesses.

Moreover, not only can he see through the weaknesses of martial arts, he can also see through the weaknesses of martial arts.

This is the biggest progress.

Weaknesses in martial arts are weaknesses in moves, but weaknesses in techniques are fatal.

Once you see through the weaknesses of your martial arts, you can only use moves to deal with them. You can easily deal with people who are equal to you in strength but weaker than you.

However, once you see through the weakness of the technique, it means pinching a person's life gate. As long as you are not killed by one blow, it is still easy to defeat someone stronger than yourself.

Lin Yong looked at the sky and saw that it was getting late, so he drove the pickup truck and went back.

On the way, my stomach growled with hunger.

It was already afternoon, and he had not eaten lunch, so he would naturally feel very hungry.

When I returned to the bar, I found a very high-end car parked in front of the bar, the Silver Wing, which was not imported by China at all.

There are almost none in China.

The license plate is still a foreign license plate.

Lin Yong suddenly realized that it seemed that he was really going to become a count.

Sure enough, when they entered the bar, they saw two foreigners, wearing black tuxedos and having a proud demeanor. At first glance, they were nobles from ancient families.

The girls entertained them.

They also praised Fang Yu's cocktails.

Seeing Lin Yong coming back, Dongli Yanran said quickly, Our boss is back.

The two people immediately stood up and saluted Lin Yong.

Put your right hand on your chest and bow.

Lin Yong also followed their example and saluted.

One of them spoke, I am the contemporary head of the Meyer family, Marquis Meyer. At the Queen's request, I came to China and brought you your letter of appointment as earl and the Queen's handwriting.

Lin Yong did not expect that this Meyer could also speak Chinese.

Spoken in a clear and tactful manner.

Lin Yong quickly saluted, Thank you.

Meyer took out a stack of documents, including the Queen's letter of appointment appointing Lin Yong as earl, and the Queen's seal, which was very formal.

The Queen even gave Lin Yong three places to choose as his territory.

Lin Yong randomly chose a place near Cambridge.

Lin Yong likes the atmosphere of Cambridge very much. He feels that it is close to Cambridge and it is good to be exposed to some of the ancient cultural atmosphere there.

Marquis Meyer continued, Please decide on your family's crest as soon as possible, and rush to England as soon as possible. The appointment of this earl must be personally awarded by the Queen.

Lin Yong was stunned, You still want to go to England?

Marquis Meyer smiled, You should at least go and see your territory, and then see the subjects in your territory. The Queen will personally appoint you, and you will also swear allegiance to the Queen. This ceremony is indispensable.

Lin Yong nodded. He got the title on a whim. He didn't expect that there would be so many troublesome things.

Marquis Meyer was about to leave after finishing his work.

Lin Yong wanted to entertain him, but Marquis Meyer refused with a smile.

Lin Yong thought for a while, took out three jade ginseng pills and gave them to Marquis Meyer.

Others came from far away just to do things for him, so he couldn't help but express a little.

Marquis Meyer happily accepted the Yu Shen Pills.

Lin Yong also saw that Marquis Meyer was a master of the Human Realm, and the Yu Shen Pill was a very good elixir for improving his strength.

Watching Marquis Meyer leave, Dongli Yanran looked at Lin Yong: This man is now a British earl.

In recent years, the UK has rarely issued titles, let alone titles with territories.

Fang Yu was also very happy, The boss is the earl, and I will be the earl's maid.

The plain girl was even more happy that her brother Yong was actually a noble, and a foreign noble.

Xiao Luoluo was noncommittal, and Mingli was also happy for Lin Yong.

Lin Yong entered the kitchen. He had been hungry all morning and all afternoon. He took out the things the girls left for him and started to devour them.

Kunlun Ruins is about to appear, and Britain must also go. Lin Yong really feels a little overwhelmed.

At this moment, I heard Grandpa Ma's voice, Ayong...

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