Invincible Protagonist Terminator System

Chapter 210 The Origin of the Blue Star Demonic Butterfly

Lin Yong smiled, There is no pollution here, there are no clouds, and the stars look big and bright.

The Enchantress hummed, Well, well, that's it...

At this time, Lin Yong saw Ming Li. Ming Li looked at Lin Yong and Enchantress with wide eyes, as if he couldn't understand why Enchantress could be so casual with Lin Yong.

It looked like he was lying in Lin Yong's arms.

Lin Yong waved to Mingli, Mingli, come here, lie down and look at the stars.

Mingli's face turned red.

But he didn't object. He took small steps and came to Lin Yong's side, carefully lying on Lin Yong's other side.

The rug is very big, with three people lying on it, there is still a lot of room.

Mingli looked at the stars in the sky and felt Lin Yong's body temperature, feeling extremely happy inside.

Lin Yong asked, Does Mingli like Xingxing?

I like it. Ah Wu always told me stories about stars. He also taught me how to identify stars. Speaking of Ah Wu, Mingli felt a little sentimental.

Lin Yong spoke, Awu has killed many living beings, we cannot leave him alone. Otherwise, more living beings will die. He has gone astray.

Mingli said, I know. I don't blame you. I did at first, but then I stopped.

Lin Yong raised his hand and touched Mingli's soft hair.

Mingli's hair became softer and softer.

Enchantress saw Lin Yong stroking Mingli's hair and felt a little disgusted, so she squeezed closer to Lin Yong.

Lin Yong smiled, raised his other hand, and rubbed Enchantress's blue hair.

The demon girl also rubbed her head against Lin Yong's palm, and then sighed, Sigh, I wonder if we, the Blue Star demon butterfly clan, will ever return to our hometown one day.

Then, the demon girl told Lin Yong the history of the Blue Star Demon Butterfly.

Originally, there was no Blue Star Demon Butterfly on the earth.

Lin Yong also felt strange. Creatures like the Blue Star Demon Butterfly were too strange. They just didn't feel like they should exist on earth.

It turns out that in ancient times, the demon race, witch race, and human race on the earth were particularly powerful.

You can go to the other side of the starry sky.

It has plundered many creatures from other planets as slaves, and the Blue Star Demon Butterfly is one of them.

The Enchantress also told Lin Yong that many of the creatures that later became extinct were mostly slave races plundered from other planets.

These races are unable to adapt to the living environment on earth, and their abilities in all aspects have degraded. Some races even have degraded fertility.

Later they became extinct on earth.

There has never been a planet with so many different races like Earth.

There has never been a planet where so many races have been exterminated like on Earth.

To put it into detail, in ancient times, the indigenous races of the earth were too powerful and prospered the earth.

What happened next? Where did these races go? The Witch Clan disappeared. The Monster Clan is not that powerful anymore. Even the Human Clan doesn't seem to be that powerful anymore. Where have all the powerful creatures gone? Lin Yong asked.

Lin Yong has already thought about this issue.

For example, his own blood race, the Jian tribe.

Now, it seems that there are no particularly powerful tribesmen.

If there is, you should be able to feel it.

The Enchantress spoke, I don't know. There is a theory that they went to the other side of the starry sky. For example, the Kunlun Ruins are the ruins left by the Kunlun sect after they went to the other side of the starry sky.

The Enchantress looked at Lyra and pointed at Lyra, Did you see that constellation? It is said that the place where Vega is located is our hometown.

The brightest star in Lyra is Vega.

Then, the demon girl showed an infinitely sad expression, The race of the earth in ancient times was really too powerful. Now, there are no more than five Blue Star demon butterflies on the earth. However, it is said that in Lyra, our people are everywhere . There are green grass and flowers everywhere, which is the most suitable place for our Blue Star Demon Butterfly Clan to exist.

I really want to go back. Master, if one day you can walk across the starry sky, can you take me back to your hometown to see it?

Lin Yong looked solemn, It is difficult to walk in the starry sky. I don't know if I will have that ability one day. So, I can't promise you anything. But if one day, I can, I will I’ll take you back and have a look.”

The Enchantress was happy, Thank you, Master.

Then, Lin Yong used a deep voice to tell the little zombie Mingli the myths and legends about these stars.

The enchantress was also listening.

Mingli's eyes gradually became blurred, and his heart felt extremely soft.

I really hope that moments like this last forever.

Mingli's life experience is also quite bizarre.

When she had intelligence, she was with Ah Wu.

To him, Ah Wu was like a parent or relative.

Professor Awu gave her many things, but he did not tell her about her life experience.

She also asked, but Awu always sighed and said that she would find out gradually in the future.

Mingli didn't know what was wrong, but the name Kunlun Ruins sounded very familiar and cordial, and some excitement surged in his heart.

This was the reason why she wanted to follow Lin Yong to Kunlun Ruins.

Normally, Mingli would not be so willful.

When they arrived at Kunlun Mountain, Mingli was familiar with him, and the feeling of intimacy became even deeper.

She always felt that there seemed to be some voice or some creature calling her.

She always had an impulse in her heart that she must enter the Kunlun Ruins.

Lin Yong talked a lot about stars and myths about constellations, and Mingli whispered his feelings to Lin Yong.

Lin Yong smiled, Mingli, after all, I have to figure out your origin. If you have relatives and friends, you have to find them. If you are willing to go with them, I won't stop you.

If you want to continue to stay in the bar, I have no objection. It depends on you. I also think that your origin is not that simple. Don't worry, it will be revealed.

Yes. Thank you, sir. Mingli whispered.

The night wind was very cold, and we were on the top of a mountain. The altitude here was very high, at least more than 5,000 meters.

Although there was no snow, the chill was penetrating.

Lin Yong, the little zombie Mingli, and the enchantress are not ordinary creatures, so naturally they will not feel cold.

As he spoke, Mingli closed his eyes and seemed to fall asleep.

The enchantress also closed her eyes, leaned against Lin Yong, and fell asleep.

Gu Haitao brought two blankets.

Lin Yong covered Mingli and the little zombie.

Turn your head to the left to look at Mingli, turn your head to the right to look at the Enchantress.

Lin Yong felt extremely satisfied.

At this moment, Lin Yong saw a bunch of people surrounding him.

These people have all kinds of abilities.

The strongest one is an old man who has entered the Earth Realm.

The old man's hair and beard were both snow-white, and he looked at Lin Yong and the three of them with sinister eyes.

Mr. Mo stepped forward and said, I have seen Mr. Hu Youtian, the flying snow eagle.

Hu Youtian glanced at Mr. Mo and nodded, Are you from the Dong'an branch?


Hu Youtian said to Mr. Mo, I am the leader of the capital headquarters this time. Give us the Blue Star Demonic Butterfly. I will return it to you after we come out of Kunlun Ruins.

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