Invincible Protagonist Terminator System

Chapter 214 Mingli goes to the other side of the starry sky, the universe

I don’t know why this planet was placed in the center of the hall.

According to the habit of human arrogance and the consistent tradition of the Chinese nation.

The location of I should be the center of the universe.

Then you will understand when you think about it.

This planet is most likely the planet these people went to later.

However, with such a long distance, I really don’t know how the Kunlun people got there.

There are still so many people.

A sect person.

Lin Yong was watching and suddenly found that the starry sky began to rotate, and all the galaxies and planets began to move.

Even the aqua blue planet in the center began to rotate.

However, it still maintains the most central position.

As the starry sky moved, Lin Yong finally found the solar system and the earth in a quiet corner.

It seems that the solar system and the earth are so insignificant.

At the same time, it can also be seen that the surrounding solar system should be relatively desolate, with fewer galaxies and fewer planets.

Moreover, it seems that the solar system and the earth are moving away from the galaxies in the center, moving towards more remote places at a certain speed.

The galaxy in the center is surrounded by numerous stars and galaxies.

It really looks like the center of the universe.

Lin Yong suddenly understood.

People like to go to bustling big cities.

Even during banquets, people like to be in the busiest places.

No one likes a deserted, remote place.

The solar system is a deserted, remote place.

It is estimated that such desertedness and remoteness not only have an impact on the creatures on the earth, but also have an impact on the spiritual energy and resources on the earth.

Therefore, the Kunlun faction left.

Therefore, those powerful races from ancient times have left.

Everyone finally recovered from their sluggish state.

Only Mingli held his heart in his hands and stared at the blue planet, looking at it in a daze.

The expressions on his face are very rich.

There is sadness, longing, heartache, and small expectations.

Lin Yong stepped forward, What's wrong?

Mingli pointed to the planet in the center, There is something I care about there. The call to me comes from here.

Lin Yong said nothing, not knowing what to say.

Mingli looked at Lin Yong, took a step forward, and touched the light blue planet.

Suddenly, a ray of light enveloped Mingli. First, Mingli's fingers disappeared, then Mingli's arms disappeared, and then half of Mingli's body disappeared.

Finally, Mingli's entire body disappeared.

Lin Yong stepped forward and wanted to hold Mingli, but he couldn't.

There seems to be a layer of energy that isolates him.

Lin Yong saw a meteor streaking across the starry sky.

From the earth to the blue planet in the center.

The meteor fell on the blue planet, causing ripples.

Lin Yong watched Mingli disappear, not knowing what to do?

Looking at the aqua blue planet, Lin Yong also clicked it and felt a little fluctuation in the space, but there was no reaction.

He himself did not disappear like Mingli.

The people around him, including Mr. Mo, Dongli Chengming, and Gu Haitao, were also shocked by this scene.

On the contrary, the Enchantress showed an envious look, There are her people on that planet, and she went there through the space passage. Others cannot trigger the space passage.

I'm really envious that I can get together with my own people.

Lin Yong was puzzled, I should have tribesmen on that planet, why can't I trigger it?

Immediately, Lin Yong also thought of it, but fortunately it was not triggered.

It's such a far away place and I don't know if I can come back.

I can't leave the other girls behind.

The Enchantress spoke, Her tribe has left her mark here. She can trigger it when she comes, but other creatures cannot.

Lin Yong was disappointed.

Mingli just went to the other side of the starry sky.

I don’t know if there is still a chance to meet.

Although Mingli doesn't like to talk and is very introverted, Lin Yong has long regarded Mingli as his own.

Now, seeing Mingli leaving, I am naturally extremely sad.

That's all, I wish her and her tribe can reunite and live a good life.

The Enchantress continued, Master, as long as you are strong, it is not difficult to set foot on the other side of the starry sky. We will definitely have the opportunity to meet you in the future.

Lin Yong nodded.

When you have the chance, you must set foot on the other side of the starry sky to see Mingli.

Putting aside the sadness in his heart, he looked around.

There are small rooms on both sides of the main hall.

On the wall of the room on the left is a large Chinese character Zhou written in seal script.

On the wall of the room on the right is a large Chinese character Yu written in seal script.

The ancient definition of the universe includes Huainanzi of the Western Han Dynasty: Throughout the past and present it has been called the universe, and the four directions, up and down, are called the universe.

The universe is related to time, and the universe is related to space.

I just don’t know what a room that is related to space and time would look like.

Lin Yong thought for a while, It's probably a bit dangerous, I'll go in first. Don't go in until I come out.

Mr. Mo was a little worried, Sir, we have gained a lot this time. There is no need to enter these rooms. It is too dangerous.

Lin Yong always felt that if he did not enter these rooms, he would regret it very much, I will enter Yu's side first.

With that said, Lin Yong opened the door of a room and entered.

Inside the door are four walls.

When Lin Yong watched, the four walls were like mirrors, and various patterns began to flash.

First it became the four walls of a room, then it became the four walls of a courtyard, then it became the four walls of a city...

Then, the scenery began to change, with endless desert and the vast sea.

Finally, the walls took on the shape of a starry sky.

Many planets were flashing and whistling, passing by Lin Yong.

Lin Yong felt that those planets seemed to be real, and Lin Yong could even feel the heat on those stars.

Just when Lin Yong thought everything was about to be completed.

Suddenly, the scene changed again.

Lin Yong reached a void.

Lin Yong's side was filled with the energy contained in the black ore.

Brutal, abundant, and suffocating.

Lin Yong felt that he could hardly breathe in such energy.

Although it was a gray void, Lin Yong knew that space was constantly changing.

Then, Lin Yong seemed to become God.

Lin Yong saw every universe.

Some universes are mature and contain beautiful starry skies.

Some universes are extremely desolate, with only some dark nebulae.

There are also some universes where there is nothing, as if there are no mature seeds yet.

Don't ask, Lin Yong just knows that there are universes in this gray void.

It seems quite a lot.

At this moment, Lin Yong suddenly discovered that the jade sign directly broke through the storage space and flew out without Lin Yong's summons.

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