Invincible Protagonist Terminator System

Chapter 225: No mercy, give him a chance

After hearing Zhao Xu's words, Zhou Jiong glared angrily.

It seemed that he wanted to eat Zhao Xu.

Zhou Jiong liked Lin Yong's plan very much. He found that glass, steel bars, and concrete could also create such beautiful, exquisite, and artistic buildings. He was determined to learn from Lin Yong.

Try to find your own path in the process of learning.

Unexpectedly, this Zhao Xu would come to cause trouble.

Hu Yan wasn't that angry, but he didn't look happy either.

Although he is indeed a waste and does mess around every day, he is not happy to be told that he is a waste.

Zhu Jin didn't know what he was doing at this time. He didn't seem to hear Zhao Xu's words and was immersed in his work.

The whole office was silent.

Zhao Xu looked at Lin Yong with shining eyes.

Lin Yong smiled and said, Zhou Jiong has great ideas. If he matures his designs and techniques a little, he will become a master-level figure. Nonsense is a pistachio that can make everyone happy and relaxed.

What about you? What can you do? The plan is mine and I drew the sketches. Do I need your help? Tell me, what can you do to help? I've seen your design, it's old-fashioned and vulgar. As for I really can’t compliment your freehand drawings…maybe even worse than nonsense.”

What Lin Yong said is indeed true.

Although Zhao Xu is worse than Hu Yan, he is absolutely inferior to Zhou Jiong.

If he hadn't killed and stolen Bai Xuerong, Wang Like's plan would have been really an incompetent one.

Lin Yong was not prepared to make friends with Zhao Xu, so he showed no mercy at all.

Secondly, Lin Yong wanted to arouse Zhao Xu's resentment and make Zhao Xu attack him.

Therefore, when it comes to speaking, there is no room left.

Suddenly, Zhao Xu's face turned red, You, you, you...

Zhou Jiong didn't say anything, glanced at Zhao Xu, turned to Lin Yong and said, Lin Yong, let's get started.

It was nonsense, and he made a face at Zhao Xu like a child.

The three of them got busy.

Details need to be finalized, plans need to be perfected, there is a lot to do.

At noon, the three of them went out to eat together.

As soon as I walked off the Guomao International Trade Center, I saw a beautiful figure.

It turned out to be Bai Xuexi.

Seeing Bai Xuexi, the nonsense wilted.

Lin Yong found that Hu Yan was a little afraid of Bai Xuexi.

When Bai Xuexi saw Hu Yan's expression, she stepped forward and grabbed Hu Yan's ears, Look at your expression? Do you hate seeing me so much?

Hu Yan grimaced, No, no, I'm very happy to see you.

However, the crying face could not be said to be happy.

Lin Yong smiled, Okay, let's go have dinner together, I'll treat you.

Bai Xuexi said quickly, I'll treat you today. Thank you for helping me yesterday.

With that said, the three of them went to eat Japanese food together.

Time is tight at noon, so it’s impossible to eat too much slowly.

Lin Yong, nonsense, and Zhou Jiong were half full.

At the dinner table, the big talker talked about what happened this morning.

It was said that Lin Yong's plan was adopted, and then Zhao Xu wanted to come up to help, but Lin Yong refused.

Bai Xuexi's eyes were full of worry.

After eating, Bai Xuexi grabbed Lin Yong and asked Hu Yan and Zhou Jiong to leave first.

The two of them left after knowing that Bai Xuexi had something to say to Lin Yong.

Bai Xuexi pulled Lin Yong's sleeve, If you accuse him like this, you will be in big trouble. Tell others, I say Zhao Xu may be the murderer. But, I am convinced that Zhao Xu must be the murderer.

Lin Yong was curious, How do you know?

I investigated Wang Like, and her experience was exactly the same as that of my cousin. Moreover, I also got Wang Like's physical examination report one year before her death. Also, her heart was very healthy.

I'm looking for evidence now. Don't offend that Zhao Xu, lest he attack you. I don't want anyone to be like my sister, like Wang Like. Bai Xuexi had a pleading look on her face.

Lin Yong smiled.

This girl looks a little rebellious and likes to cause trouble, but she is definitely kind-hearted.

Lin Yong nodded, Don't worry, nothing will happen to me. Okay, it's time for you to go back to work. It's time for me to go back to work.

Bai Xuexi showed a naughty look, My dad is the vice chairman. No one will say anything to me whether I go to work or not.

Then, Bai Xuexi showed a lonely look, My cousin's father is my uncle, and he is the chairman. If my cousin had studied economics and management and came to our family's company, she would not have encountered this problem.

Lin Yong raised his hand and rubbed Bai Xuexi's hair, There is no use blaming yourself for what happened in the past. Believe me, evil people will be punished, and Zhao Xu will definitely not end well.

Bai Xuexi nodded, You go to work, I'll watch you enter the International Trade Center.

Lin Yong smiled, he was really a girl with naughty thoughts, Okay.

Lin Yong walked to the International Trade Center.

When he was approaching the entrance, he turned around and saw Bai Xuexi looking at him blankly.

He waved to Bai Xuexi, smiled, and turned around to enter the International Trade Center.

The work in the afternoon was just as busy and fulfilling.

Zhou Jiong was very excited. He saw his future from Lin Yong's design ideas.

Even if he was talking nonsense, he didn't waste any time, so he was busy helping the two of them.

After finalizing the plane, all the plain drawings were made using CAD.

In the evening, Lin Yong insisted on asking Zhou Jiong and left in nonsense.

He himself has to work overtime.

After Hu Yan left, he came back not long after and brought Lin Yong a piece of teriyaki chicken rice.

Still warm.

After watching Lin Yong finish eating, Hu Yan left again.

Lin Yong continued to be busy making plans.

And Zhao Xu didn't know what he was busy with, so he never left.

After a while, Zhu Jin also left. Before leaving, he told the two of them not to be too late and to take care of themselves.

The two naturally nodded in agreement.

Lin Yong had been busy. He looked up at his phone and found that it was already past eleven o'clock.

It's nothing after eleven o'clock. When I was in college, I would often stay up all night before handing in my drawings. I would stay up several all-nighters and only sleep two or three hours a day.

Later, Lin Yong returned to Dong'an and worked in a design institute for several months, often staying up late.

Lin Yong ordered a takeaway and after eating, he looked at Zhao Xu and found that Zhao Xu pretended not to care, but in fact he had been paying attention to him.

Yes, there was no need for Lin Yong to stay up so late. He could even take his work home to do it.

However, he just wanted to work in the company, so he could give Zhao Xu a chance.

Give Zhao Xu a chance to get his own body parts and let Zhao Xu enter his dream.

Wang Like and Bai Xuexi were both Zhao Xu's bedfellows. It was easy for Zhao Xu to get their hair.

However, Lin Yong is not, so Lin Yong wants to create this opportunity for Zhao Xu.

Lin Yong stretched, yawned, and said to himself, I'm so tired. I'll stare at it for a while, and then continue to design.

With that said, Lin Yong lay down on his desk and started to sleep.

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