The man nodded, pointed to the sofa next to him, and motioned for Lin Yong to sit down.

His attitude was natural and noble, as if he was the master here.

Lin Yong sat down.

The man took a sip of tea and said, I am Dracula, Duke Dracula.

A flash of lightning seemed to flash across Lin Yong's heart.

Dracula is a very old family. It is said that he was cursed and became a vampire. Later, all the family members became vampires.

Lin Yong nodded, indicating that he knew the Dracula family.

Duke Dracula smiled, and his smile was so reserved, natural and noble, They gave you the title of earl, which is really wronging you. If you join our Dark Parliament, I will grant you the title of marquis, even when you do It is also possible to be awarded the title of Duke if you make some contributions.

Lin Yong looked a little cold, Do you want me to become a vampire too?

Duke Dracula shook his head, No, no, we in the Dark Council have all kinds of creatures. I, in your words, am a vampire, but not every creature is like this.

When you join the Dark Council, you are still you. There will be no other changes, except that you will gain a more noble noble status. Our Dark Council also has many benefits and advantages for the nobles. You will know after you join.

Lin Yong shook his head, Sorry, I have no interest in the Dark Parliament at all.

Duke Dracula was a little surprised, Then as an Easterner, why did you become an earl to the Queen of England? I thought that since you are willing to become an earl to the Queen of England, you at least aspire to the title.

Lin Yong shook his head again, This earl is basically the product of a bet. I am not very enthusiastic about the title. Therefore, it is impossible to join the Dark Council for the title of marquis.

Although I don't know the Dark Parliament, I think the Dark Parliament conflicts with many of my ideas. Sorry, thank you for your consideration.

Duke Dracula smiled, Young man, I can feel that there is a vitality in your body, which seems to make you look very young. Keep your life alive. Our Dark Parliament has been doing research in this area in recent years...

Lin Yong's eyes widened.

Duke Dracula continued, Don't be surprised. Our Dark Parliament is very powerful. We have established research institutions in many countries and universities. This research is just one of the projects. I hope you can cooperate with our research.

I have researched the results and can share them with you. It is not only money, but also honor, and the mystery of eternal life. When the time comes, the people you care about and those close to you can also benefit.

Lin Yong was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Duke Dracula could even see the golden finger of eternal youth in his body.

It really shouldn’t be underestimated.

However, he was not interested in this research at all.

Anyway, for the people close to me and the people I care about, I just need to transform them into gold fingers.

Lin Yong continued to shake his head, No, I'm not interested in this.

Duke Dracula still kept a smile on his face, It seems that you, a young man, have many misunderstandings about us.

Lin Yong pondered for a moment and said with a smile, I don't know what the Dark Parliament is like, and there is no misunderstanding. I just don't want to join any organization, especially a foreign organization. I will accept the title of earl. I just know that, This title is almost non-binding.

I hope you can understand. We Easterners prefer a life of idle clouds and wild cranes, and hope to live leisurely and leisurely. We don't like to be restrained, and we don't like to take on responsibilities, that's all.

Duke Dracula was still unwilling to give in. Then why did you join the Advocate Central Committee? This organization is also very powerful and has many rules and regulations. Moreover, it has more restrictions, oh, it is equivalent to an official organization.

Lin Yong smiled, That's my country, and I don't mind doing something for the country. Moreover, this concentration of arbiters has almost no restrictions.

Duke Dracula shook his head, obviously disagreeing with Lin Yong's statement.

He picked up the cup and took a sip of water. Young man, when you get to know our Dark Parliament in the future, you will know how good our organization is. Okay, let's end today's conversation.

With that said, Duke Dracula stood up and disappeared in a flash.

Lin Yong was horrified and quickly reached out to investigate.

Under exploration, relax a little.

This Marquis Dracula uses a method similar to teleportation.

Therefore, Lin Yong didn't notice when he came in.

When leaving, Lin Yong detected it and teleported about a kilometer away.


However, this ability is really useful.

Sure enough, the system showed it.

Protagonist: Dracula

Race: Vampire

Goldfinger: teleportation, transformation, immortality, giving a person eternal life...

Time to get the golden finger: 1,500 years

And this Duke Dracula has at least a dozen golden fingers.

Probably, this Duke Dracula was the one Lin Yong had ever seen. Apart from Lin Yong himself, he was the creature with the most golden fingers.

Moreover, every cheat is useful.

The arrival of Duke Dracula made Lin Yong a little depressed.

Lin Yong didn't believe in the Dark Council or that Duke Dracula was a good man and a woman of faith.

If you don't get anything from yourself, you will die.

However, he didn't expect how they would deal with him down the road, so he didn't think about it.

Lin Yong called Fang Yu and asked Fang Yu and Xiao Luoluo to live in two suites separately.

In this way, the girl's safety is slightly guaranteed.

Fang Yu, Xiao Luoluo is the strongest.

Coming down is Dongli Yanran, the enchantress.

The weakest one is the plain girl.

Fortunately, every girl has strength.

It's not just a cat, a dog can move.

Putting aside these distracting thoughts, Lin Yong began to practice.

Nothing happened until the next morning, so Lin Yong felt relieved.

Went to have breakfast with the girls.

Breakfast consists of oatmeal, fried eggs, roasted tomatoes, soybeans with tomato sauce, bacon and grilled sausages.

Typical English breakfast.

After breakfast, Lin Yong took the girls out to play.

First we went to Westminster Abbey, which is not far away.

Westminster Abbey is a typical British Gothic building.

There is a church, plus a monastery.

Ordinary people can only visit the church, but the monastery cannot be entered.

The monastery is a place where monks practice Buddhism, and it is said that there are many ascetics.

Lin Yong estimated that there should be many powerful monks there.

When they walked outside the church, the girls and Lin Yong were shocked by the church.

The church is more than 80 meters high, with majestic towers and several spiers juxtaposed together. It looks majestic and majestic. It makes people feel suffocated when they see it.

After entering the church, there is the hall and the altar.

Lin Yong and others stepped forward and walked to the altar. Suddenly, a dazzling light emitted from under the stone slab of the pointed-back chair in front of the altar.

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