Invincible Protagonist Terminator System

Chapter 236 The Sigh of the Gods, Star Attack

Lin Yong picked up Poyou and slashed at these people with his long sword.

Lin Yong turned around and chopped in a circle.

All the paladin's swords were cut off, leaving only half of them.

Only the sound of clang, clink was heard, which was the sound of the broken swords of the Paladins falling to the ground.

The people around were amazed. Many powerful nobles looked at Poyou in Lin Yong's hands with eager eyes.

Duke Bertram was the worst: If he had such a magical weapon, he could be on par with the Archbishop of the Holy See.

Michelle was a little angry, You are just relying on a magic weapon.

Fang Yu shouted, Being able to obtain magical weapons is also a skill.



The girls all agreed.

Lin Yong smiled, Okay, come down, I will only chop your bodies, not your weapons.

Michel cried out, Sigh of the gods!

Suddenly, these paladins dropped their swords and formed four rows. The people behind them put their hands on the vests of the people in front.

The person at the front was gathering momentum, and a ball of light appeared in his hand.

I saw this ball of light getting brighter and bigger.

Finally, it's about the size of a child's head.

Cheating, cheating, you used magic. Fang Yu shouted loudly.

Marquis Meyer came over and explained, What they do is not a magic. They gather the holy light in the bodies of three people and send it out. The holy light is the same as the aura practiced by you Easterners. It is considered a power attack, not a calculation. Technique.

Fang Yu pouted.

After the first column was ready, the leading paladin threw the Holy Light Ball at Lin Yong.

Lin Yong stretched out his hand and ejected a spiritual ball the size of a child's fist, heading towards the holy light ball.

Bang sound.

It seemed like there was a muffled thunder.

Everyone around felt their eardrums hurt.

The two forces collided.

It turned out to be eliminated.

The second ball of holy light also arrived.

Lin Yong ejected another spiritual ball.

This one spiritual ball consumed Lin Yong's ten cyclones of spiritual energy.

If Lin Yong hadn't had many cyclones in his body, abundant spiritual energy, and had learned how to use spiritual energy, he would definitely be in a hurry.

You know, an ordinary strong person in the realm of reason only has thirty-six cyclones in his body.

Four spiritual balls would consume Lin Yong's spiritual energy of forty cyclones.

Ordinary people with strong rationality will definitely not be able to sustain it.

The third Holy Light Ball also came over.

Lin Yong concocted it according to law.

A spiritual ball shoots out.

Just when Lin Yong shot the spiritual ball, the last holy light ball was also taken away by the knight.

He deliberately took action while Lin Yong was dealing with the previous holy light ball. At this time, Lin Yong had no time to pop up the fourth spiritual ball.

Despicable... Fang Yu shouted.

Shameless... Dongli Yanran also shouted.

The next work... Su Nu shouted in Chinese.

I want to kill you... Little Luoluo was also filled with indignation.

Who would have thought that Lin Yong was still smiling.

He saw Lin Yong open his mouth and swallowed the holy light ball in one breath.

Seeing Lin Yong's actions, several girls clapped their hands and cheered, Eat it, eat it...

Marquis Meyer shook his hand: It exploded outside the body, at least it was just flesh, and the body suffered some damage. If it exploded in the stomach, people would die.

Who would have thought that after more than ten seconds, the holy light ball entered Lin Yong's stomach and became silent.

Margrave Meyer was puzzled.

The twelve paladins were also stunned, wondering why Lin Yong could swallow the ball of holy light without anything happening.

Lin Yong smiled: The golden finger that swallows up all the energy for its own use is really good.

Swallow the holy light ball and it will be digested.

Well, it also replenished the spiritual energy of five cyclones of his own.

If I had known earlier, I would have swallowed up all four holy light balls.

There is no need to consume spiritual energy to eject the spiritual ball.

Seeing Lin Yong looking good, Michelle gritted her teeth and said, Xing Yao attacks.

Suddenly, the twelve paladins formed the shape of swallow wings and lined up in two rows, one row of five people and the other row of six people.

At the tip, there's Michelle.

These paladins put their hands on the shoulders of the previous one.

The two people behind Michelle put their hands on Michelle's left and right shoulders respectively.

Lin Yong felt a rolling energy rolling from the last knight towards Michelle.

Michelle is gathering momentum.

Absorbing the power of the other eleven people to gain momentum.

Sensing Michelle's growing momentum, Lin Yong became a little solemn.

Marquis Meyer looked solemn.

The combined power of twelve masters who have entered the Earth Realm and the Human Realm is not that easy to resist at all.

Moreover, they are not a simple superposition, but a superposition of one plus one which is greater than two.

This power once made the strong in the realm of reason retreat.

Many people joke that such power can even make the gods retreat.

Of course, this trick looks good, but it is actually full of flaws.

As long as there are masters who kill a few people when they are accumulating power, they will have no way of accumulating power successfully.

Then someone else still wins.

However, Lin Yong had no way to do this. Even if he didn't kill anyone and just destroyed their momentum, he would be considered not upright enough.

Therefore, Lin Yong waited, waiting for them to gain momentum and succeed.

The girls began to worry.

As cultivators, how could they not feel the rolling power? How could you not feel that terrifying power?

Especially Xiao Luoluo, who looked serious and pale: if it were him, he would never survive such an attack.

Even Fang Yu, who is beautiful in the east, doesn't look good either.

There was a hint of worry on the Enchantress's face.

The only person who is calm is the plain girl.

She knows better than anyone how powerful Lin Yong is, and knows better than anyone the power Lin Yong possesses, so Su Nu is not worried at all.

I just hope that Lin Yong will show no mercy to these despicable people.

Huh, relying on the large number of people and the competition, I can take advantage of Brother Yong in a fair and just way.

If it weren't for the competition, all of you would have died long ago.

The plain girl was so angry that her teeth were itching. I hope Lin Yong can deal with these talents.

The queen's face also looked a little ugly.

Although the Queen is not a cultivator, she does know some of the attack methods of the Twelve Paladins.

Knowing that this star attack can be regarded as the strongest method of the Twelve Paladins.

I didn't expect to use it to attack Lin Yong now.

The queen was a little worried for Lin Yong.

Marquis Meyer was also worried, worried that Lin Yong would be injured and that Lin Yong would not be able to resist.

Lin Yong, on the other hand, although solemn, was still calm and calm.

At this time, Michelle shouted, Xingyao attack...

A ball of light was pushed out of his hand and hit Lin Yong like a meteor.

Compared with the previous light ball, this light ball is not much different in size, but it has much more energy.

Whistling, dragging a long tail.

Even ordinary people can feel the terrifying energy of the light ball.

Lin Yong stretched out his hands.

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