Invincible Protagonist Terminator System

Chapter 249: Hot and hot water, let’s eat together

If the fire spreads, who knows what the consequences will be.

Moreover, Lin Yong didn't want others to know his true strength, nor did he want others to know that he could actually use magic.

Lin Yong was really panicked.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Lin Yong's mind.

He thought of the second spell of the Discrimination Realm, Huge Waves.

It is a water spell.

When released, a water world can be formed within a radius of tens of meters.

Very offensive.

Fire is afraid of water.

Thinking about it, as long as this spell is released, the spread of the fire can be stopped.

Lin Yong exercised his aura and waved his hand.

Huge waves surged into the sky.

In an instant, his eyes were filled with a huge wave.

Water and fire merged, and a hellish scene appeared in front of him.

Soon, the fire diminished and the water weakened.

Gradually, the fire was completely extinguished.

The water flows to different places along the terrain.

After trying two spells in the Discrimination Realm, Lin Yong was very satisfied.

Lin Yong lifted up his boots, which were a little burnt and soaked with water, and left.

Lin Yong didn't know that within a quarter of an hour after he left, two figures came quickly.

A person wearing a green robe, It's a foundation-building spell, but it has the power of a golden elixir spell.

A man with a three-bearded beard said, Back then, our Kunwu sect's Kunwu Xuanling Gong could release such powerful spells during the foundation building stage. Unfortunately, Kunwu Xuanling Gong was lost... …”

Blue robe, This person is very talented.

The three-bearded man nodded and said, It's both a water element and a fire element. I don't know how this person reached the foundation building stage.

Yes, needless to say, people with single spiritual roots, but people with dual spiritual roots, if they have mutually reinforcing spiritual roots, such as water, wood, wind, fire, metal and water, etc., it doesn't matter.

However, if a person has two spiritual roots and the two spiritual roots are in conflict, such as fire and wood, water and fire, metal and wood, etc., it will be more troublesome.

Most people will choose to major in one power system and minor in one, or basically not practice at all.

Both forces are very strong and conflict with each other. If they rebel within the body, it will cause trouble.

Normally it's fine, but if you encounter it when you break through the realm, you'll be in trouble.

People with multiple spiritual roots will also choose to major in one power and minor in other powers.

Three beards, the two spells released by the man in green robe from Lin Yong, I was a little confused when I saw that Lin Yong's two power systems seemed to be on par.

After all, it is still difficult for two conflicting power systems to cultivate to a relatively strong state at the same time.

The man in green robe sighed, Why don't you go to the practice room to practice such a powerful spell? I really don't know what this person thinks. This will destroy the scenery in the sect.

The three-bearded man thought for a moment and was startled, Tell me, could an outsider sneak in?

The man in green robe shook his head, This is unlikely. However, it is true that the person who releases the spell is very powerful. I really want to meet him. If his character is good, it is not impossible to accept him as a direct disciple. possible.

The three-bearded man smiled, This person obviously wants to avoid everyone. I guess he doesn't go to the practice room because the cost of the practice room is too high.

Let's go back and continue practicing. I thought there was an invasion from a foreign enemy, but who would have thought that it was a little guy who released two foundation-building spells. He's old, he's really old... the children of today.

Let's go...

The two figures quickly disappeared.

At this time, Lin Yong was already lying on the bed.

Lin Yong carefully savored the various spells in the Discrimination Realm, feeling extremely itchy in his heart and wishing he could release them one by one.

But, he knew it was impossible.

The power of the discernment realm spell is too great.

Released, it would cause too much damage to the surrounding environment and would be easily discovered.

Lin Yong shook his head: I really want to visit the practice room.

Cast these spells well.

Down, Lin Yong evolved these spells over and over in his mind.

It wasn't until I was very tired that I fell asleep.

I got up early in the morning, washed up, and went to eat halfway up the mountain.

As soon as he sat down, he saw a person sitting opposite him, Is there something wrong? Senior Sister Hua.

Hua Yanyan wrinkled her nose like a little kitten, It's okay. I'll eat with you. I heard that you eat more, and I eat more too. We can keep company.

In an instant, Lin Yong understood what Hua Yanyan meant.

Hua Yanyan is huge, so she naturally eats more.

Maybe it's the same as myself. If I eat too much, others will look at me with blank eyes and look around, so they come to keep me company.

Lin Yong smiled, Okay, I want to eat five meals.

Then you have more than me. Four servings is enough for me.

After finishing one meal, the two of them went to get the second meal together.

Sure enough, when they saw Hua Yanyan's large tonnage and Lin Yong, everyone around them pointed and whispered, not to mention rolling their eyes and expressing contempt.

At first, Hua Yanyan was a little nervous, but when she saw Lin Yong's calm and calm look, she relaxed.

After the second meal, the two started eating while talking.

Lin Yong also knew about Hua Yanyan.

Hua Yanyan was also cute as Yuxue when she was little. When she was seven or eight years old, for some reason, her appetite began to increase dramatically. The more she ate, the more she ate, and her figure began to gain weight.

Hua Yanyan said with a smile, Fortunately, I have spiritual roots. Although I have three spiritual roots, I still have spiritual roots, so I can enter the sect. Otherwise, my family wouldn't be able to support me.

Hua Yanyan's parents are ordinary farmers and peasant women, and the family situation is not very good.

As Hua Yanyan grew up, her family really couldn't afford her big belly.

Lin Yong was surprised, You have three spiritual roots, how can you be a handyman?

Hua Yanyan pouted, Because I lack spiritual stones. I have calculated that with my strength, I can't do anything. Farming is my old profession. I have been helping my family farm since I was five or six years old. Therefore, I chose to grow elixirs in exchange for spiritual stones.

Lin Yong nodded.

Accompanied by Lin Yong, Hua Yanyan also ate a lot of food. When she left, she patted her belly and said, I'm finally full. I haven't been full in the past five years. I'm always afraid of others laughing at me. Every time I eat two portions of rice, I don’t dare to eat.”

Especially at night, it's so uncomfortable to be so hungry that you can't sleep.

Lin Yong smiled.

After returning to the spiritual field, the two of them began to work separately, taking care of their own medicinal fields and herbs.

Water the spiritual spring water, loosen the ground, and remove insects from the flowers.

These all need to be done manually.

At noon, Hua Yanyan came to see Lin Yong again and went to have dinner together. She also said that she would eat with Lin Yong in the future.

Lin Yong smiled and agreed.

After lunch, we returned to the foot of the mountain. Hua Yanyan said she was going to practice.

Lin Yong also entered his cabin.

After taking care of the real fields, it’s time to go take a look at the portable space.

I don’t know if the tangerine flowers in the portable space have sprouted.

Entering the portable space, Lin Yong was stunned.

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