Invincible Protagonist Terminator System

Chapter 263: Murderer, Deduction of Kung Fu Techniques

The two walked into the village and couldn't believe their eyes.

There were corpses everywhere, all bloody corpses, and from the looks of these corpses, it was obvious that these people had been tortured and killed.

When they reached the small square of the village, both of them felt a surge of anger rising into the sky.

In the small square were the bodies of more than a hundred children.

These children range from three or four to eleven or two years old.

These children had their chests opened and their hearts cut out.

Many children looked like they were still breathing and still alive when their chests were ripped open.

Of course, they are all dead now.

Hua Yanyan grabbed Lin Yong's hand, It must be reported to the sect, it must be reported to the sect...

Lin Yong nodded.

The matter here is huge, and it is simply not something that the two of them can handle.

At this moment, an old man rushed out. The old man was covered in blood, but he was obviously not injured.

The old man's eyes were full of tears and his face was full of misery. He rushed towards Lin Yong and said, Thieves from the Kunwu faction, I will fight with you. If you killed the whole village, you should also kill me, the old man. .”

Lin Yong quickly got out of the way.

Hua Yanyan said from the side, My father-in-law, please wake up. We are from the Kunwu sect.

The old man became even more angry, It was you, the Kunwu sect, who killed the entire village.

Lin Yong and Hua Yanyan looked at each other.

Lin Yong said quickly, Is it really a disciple of the Kunwu sect who killed everyone in your village? Think about it, what does he look like?

The old man sat down on the ground and cried bitterly, Yes, you are not him. He is very strong. He should be at the Golden Core stage or Nascent Soul stage. He can fly in the physical body.

He was wearing the blue robe of a disciple of the Kunwu Sect. He had redbud flowers embroidered on his chest and cuffs. He looked so upright, but he turned out to be a murderer. It's really unbelievable.

A cool air rose from the soles of Lin Yong and Hua Yanyan's feet.

Listening to the old man talking about redbud flowers, a figure flashed in Lin Yong's mind.

Only that person would embroider redbud flowers on his sleeves and chest.

The fifth thunder, there is no one else.

Hua Yanyan seemed to have thought of it, her face was full of shock, It's him, it's him.

Lin Yong nodded.

System, why did the Fifth Ming Lei kill so many people? Lin Yong felt strange. The Fifth Ming Lei was fine, so why did he kill these ordinary people.

He needs the mental power emanating from a child's heart to deduce the technique.

Lin Yong felt nauseous and wanted to vomit. He didn't want such a bloody golden finger.

Sensing Lin Yong's thoughts, the system spoke in Lin Yong's mind, You can upgrade this cheat finger, so you don't need to deduce like this.

Lin Yong suddenly remembered Han Weilin's rubbish golden finger, which he finally upgraded to a good golden finger.

Lin Yong suddenly thought of a question, Then why did he kill those adults?

Because he is mentally ill. The system said coolly.

Lin Yong walked up to the old man and said, My father-in-law, this man is an elder in the sect. How should I put it? He is very powerful and powerful. It is impossible to convict him based on your words alone.

We will let people handle the matter here, but don't say anything about his appearance, otherwise he will find an opportunity to kill you. From now on, I swear, I will definitely kill him to avenge the people of your village.

Hua Yanyan was stunned, what did Lin Yong say? I want to kill the fifth thunder.

Fifth Ming Lei is a master at the Nascent Soul stage.

He is only in the foundation building stage.

However, Hua Yanyan did not interrupt Lin Yong's words.

The old man looked at Lin Yong without tears, You swear.

Lin Yong raised his right hand, I swear, in the future, when I have the strength, I will kill the Fifth Ming Lei who massacred this village and avenge the people in the village. If I violate this oath, I will be punished by heaven and earth.

The old man smiled, nodded, and took out something from his arms, I got this thing from a very powerful immortal. He was seriously injured, and I took care of him for several months. Finally, he I went anyway.”

That was when I was young. He left this to me. He said it was a good thing, so I gave it to you. I hope you will not forget your oath and avenge our whole village.

As he said this, the old man closed his eyes and died from menopause.

Lin Yongcai discovered that although the old man was not a cultivator, he was a warrior.

It is estimated that with this ability, he escaped the fifth thunder.

Looking at the old man's body, the two of them didn't know what to say.

In the village, there were three to four hundred corpses, the corpses of more than a hundred children, and the corpse of this old man, which made people look so sad.

Hua Yanyan took out a flare, lit it, and threw it into the air.

The flare reached the air, exploded, and stayed in the air.

An hour later, a group of people came galloping over.

Seeing Lin Yong and the two of them, they saluted quickly. The leader clasped his fists and said, Two immortal elders, I am the head catcher in this town. Did you discover what happened in this village?

Lin Yong and Hua Yanyan nodded and described what they saw when they walked into the village.

Avoided the old man's matter. The things given by the old man were also put into the Qiankun bag by Lin Yong.

The catcher recorded what Lin Yong and the two said, and said, Two immortals, you can leave. We will bury the corpses here after the autopsy, and we will take care of the rest. As for the murderer, We will also pursue them diligently.”

Thank you. Lin Yong cupped his hands.

But Lin Yong knew that they would definitely not be able to find the murderer.

On the way down, both of them were silent.

Hua Yanyan looked at Lin Yong with horrified eyes, Why did he kill so many people? How could he be like this?

Yes, Fifth Ming Lei and Zhong Chang Xihe are both leaders of the younger generation within the sect.

Before Lin Yong was born, he was known as the two most promising young people of the Kunwu Sect.

Both of them were very handsome and very popular among the female disciples.

Even Hua Yanyan once said that Fifth Ming Lei was very handsome.

Unexpectedly, Fifth Ming Lei turned out to be such a murderous demon.

Lin Yong was silent for a moment, His Nine Transformations Xuantian Kung only has the first two levels of techniques.

What does that matter?

But he has reached the fourth level of cultivation. I guess that his behavior has something to do with his technique. Lin Yong did not say anything.

It would be bad to tell the truth.

Hua Yanyan nodded, also thinking.

At that time, when Fifth Ming Lei broke through the Golden Elixir stage, many people were shocked because the Nine Transformations Xuantian Kung Fu only had two levels of techniques, and it was impossible to practice to the Golden Elixir stage.

But the fifth thunder has been practiced.

Then, what he did was probably a blood sacrifice, and he practiced in a blood sacrifice way.

There were some discrepancies in Hua Yanyan's speculation, but it was not far from the truth.

When it was dark, Lin Yong and Hua Yanyan entered Huajia Village.

Huajia Village has a small population, just over a hundred people.

The village is not big, but it is very warm. There are houses with blue bricks and black tiles everywhere, and it looks quite wealthy.

Pushing the door open and entering Hua's house, Hua Yanyan shouted loudly, Dad, Mom, I'm back.

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