Invincible Protagonist Terminator System

Chapter 267 Tranquility, many spiritual stones

Lin Yong spoke, Are these people trying to harm you?


I didn't harm you, so I died?


Then their things are compensation for you. Lin Yong said.

Finally, after talking for a long time, Hua Yanyan accepted those things.

Hua Yanyan was dumbfounded. Eighty thousand spirit stones, three foundation building pills, a few spiritual weapons, and one treasure weapon. Now she has become a little rich woman?

At this time, Hua Shi and Liu Ruoju came out when they saw that Li Hou and Li Hou were dead.

There was a worried look on Huashi's face, Who is the fifth thunder?

Hua Yanyan said, He is an elder in the Yuan Ying stage of the sect.

Then what should you do? If you kill the person who killed him, will he be willing to let you go? Hua Shi even wanted to take his wife and daughter and fly away.

Hua Yanyan smiled, Junior brother Lin is not an ordinary person. He is the younger brother of Elder Qi in the immortal realm in the sect, and the ancestor of the fifth thunder.

Hua Shi and Liu Ruoju’s eyes widened.

Seeing that Lin Yong was cheerful and did not refute, he knew that his daughter was not lying.

The expressions on their faces became more respectful.

The two of them were also a little scared. They didn't expect that the other party actually had a foundation-building master.

If it weren't for Lin Yong, my daughter would have suffered a tragic fate today.

Because of the fight between Lin Yong and the man in green robe, many places in the yard were messed up and damaged.

The four of them packed up together.

Huashi, Lin Yong dragged the two bodies outside the village, found a piece of wasteland, and buried them.

Although these two people are not good people, they cannot be allowed to die in the wilderness.

After the burial, they returned to Hua's house. Liu Ruoju had already prepared dinner.

During the meal, the four of them were somewhat silent.

Lin Yong felt chilled thinking about Wu Ming Lei's actions.

This person is really a beast, not only harming the common people, but also harming the disciples in the sect.

Although Hua Shi and Liu Ruoju knew that Lin Yong had a high status, they knew that Lin Yong was not the opponent of Fifth Ming Lei, so they were a little worried.

Hua Yanyan was worried about her parents. She didn't know if Li Hou's minions would deal with her parents.

There is no problem if she is here, but what will happen to her parents when she returns to the sect?

Lin Yong asked about Hua Yanyan's concerns and said that they would go to Lijiacun together tomorrow to find out.

The next day, the two of them had breakfast and went to Lijiacun.

Fortunately for them, Li Hou's minions all rolled up Xinruan and ran away.

They were originally people whom Li Hou took in halfway, not loyal servants. Seeing that Li Hou was dead, they each looked for a way out.

The two left worriedly and returned happily.

The family of three and Lin Yong had a good meal. After the meal, the four of them played a game invented by a disciple of the Kunwu Sect.

Using something called playing cards, two people become collaborators and have to defeat the other two.

After playing for a while, everyone took a break.

After staying in Huajia Village until the sixth day of the lunar month, Lin Yong and Hua Yanyan were ready to leave.

Hua Yanyan also couldn't let go of her parents, but she had to go back to the sect.

After all, I still have to work hard to practice.

Hua Shi and Liu Ruoju sent the two to the entrance of the village.

After leaving the village, Lin Yong took Hua Yanyan and ran in one direction.

Junior Brother Lin, the path you are taking is not the path back to the sect. Hua Yanyan asked in confusion.

Lin Yong took out something, This was given to me by my father-in-law before he died. I decided to go and have a look, maybe there is some chance.

Hua Yanyan looked at it and saw that it was a map with a place marked on it, not far from here.

Hua Yanyan nodded, Well, you decide, I will follow you.

The two began to run away.

Soon there were no roads anymore and it was all wilderness.

The two continued running.

Then, I saw a series of mountains.

The two quickly found the place marked on the map.

It is halfway up a mountain peak.

What surprised the two of them was.

It's winter now, and other places are dry and yellow. Only this mountain peak is lush and green, and it seems to be a prosperous summer.

Seeing something strange here, the two of them became more determined that there was something strange here.

After searching halfway up the mountain for a while, the two found a cave.

It looks like it was dug by people, and it can only accommodate one person when you walk in.

Going deeper, I found that it was actually connected to a very large underground cave.

All around are black obsidian.

It looks a bit eerie.

Hua Yanyan pulled Lin Yong's sleeve and said, Junior Brother Lin, this place is full of obsidian, there is nothing good about it, right?

Lin Yong smiled, Do you remember the function of obsidian?

Isolate the spiritual energy.

Lin Yong said, Yes, there must be something incredible down there, but the breath is blocked by obsidian.

The two of them continued walking deeper along this path.

I don’t know how many miles I walked, but suddenly I felt enlightened.

Lin Yong, Hua Yanyan is drooling.

The entire cave is filled with very good quality spiritual stones.

There are low-grade spiritual stones, medium-grade spiritual stones, high-grade spiritual stones, and even top-grade spiritual stones.

They are all like hills, standing on the ground.

Hua Yanyan's eyes were full of little stars, I'm getting rich, I'm getting rich.

The two cheered and started digging for spiritual stones regardless of the situation.

Soon, tens of thousands of pieces were excavated.

Lin Yong estimated that there were millions of spiritual stones here.

It's just a low-grade spiritual stone.

You must know that a middle-grade spiritual stone is worth 100 low-grade spiritual stones, a high-grade spiritual stone is worth 100 mid-grade spiritual stones, and a top-grade spiritual stone is worth 100 high-grade spiritual stones.

Both became happy prairie dogs, hating only that they didn't have enough arms and that they couldn't dig fast enough.

Drink some spiritual spring water when you are thirsty, and eat some solid food when you are hungry. When you are not tired at all, who would be tired after seeing so many spiritual stones.

The two of them had been digging for who knows how many days. Hua Yanyan spoke, Junior brother Lin, my three Qiankun bags are full and I can't put them down anymore.

Lin Yong looked at it and said, Keep digging. I still have room to put it. I'll put it down. When I get back, you buy a Xumi ring and I'll give it to you.

Hua Yanyan waved her hand, I don't want it anymore. I've dug up three hundred thousand spiritual stones, which is enough for me to use for a lifetime. I'll help you dig it down. I'll give it to you.

Lin Yong didn't say anything. He decided to give it to Hua Yanyan in the future.

The two men continued digging.

The deeper you dig, the better the quality of the spirit stone.

Soon the best spiritual stone appeared.

Hua Yanyan gave Lin Yong many of the low-grade spiritual stones that she had dug previously, making room for these high-grade spiritual stones, the best spiritual stones.

However, there are not many top-quality spiritual stones. About 10,000 pieces were mined before they were all gone.

The two of them split it, each with 5,000 yuan.

The top-grade spiritual stone came down. One hundred thousand pieces were dug out, and the two of them divided it.

Later, both of them dug so hard that they lost all energy.

After digging so many top-grade spiritual stones and high-grade spiritual stones, they now have no motivation to dig for medium-grade spiritual stones and low-grade spiritual stones.

Suddenly, Hua Yanyan shouted, Junior brother Lin, come and see what this is? It seems to be the accompanying jade stone of the spirit stone.

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