As expected, it would be impossible without Hua Yanyan.

Lin Yong was too lazy to eat.

Every time he ate, there was no one to compete with him, and he felt uncomfortable all over.

There was no one to accompany him on his walks, and he couldn't see Hua Yanyan farming. It seemed that something was always missing.

Hua Yanyan locked herself in the room and couldn't come out.

No one can scream.

Of course, no one called her except Lin Yong and Qi Shaoming.

Lin Yong was sitting on a recliner, drinking tea and looking at the sky.

The sky is very blue, it is already spring, and even outside the sect, the grass has sprouted.

The trees are full of vitality.

Not to mention that the sect is still a lush and prosperous scene.

There are very few people in the Spiritual Medicine Valley and it is very quiet.

Although the number of people coming to the Spiritual Medicine Valley to work as handymen has increased since the ancestor Lin Yong came here, there are still few people.

The vast land and sparsely populated area means the Valley of Spiritual Medicine.

Suddenly, Lin Yong narrowed his eyes.

A man in pink clothes walked towards Lin Yong.

Lin Yong suddenly felt bored.

Ever since Lin Yong was recognized by Linglongbi and became the ancestor of most people in the sect, and also received one million sect points, countless female disciples began to have ideas for Lin Yong.

Properly tall, rich and handsome, okay?

Just that 100 points attracted many flies.

Not to mention Lin Yong's transcendent identity and cultivation talent beyond ordinary people.

Lin Yong looked at the woman walking over.

The woman's slender figure looked graceful, but the way she walked seemed a little awkward.

There are also clothes that seem to be stolen and a little ill-fitting.

As he got closer, Lin Yong saw the woman's face.

Even Lin Yong, who is used to seeing beautiful women, was stunned.

The woman still had a little baby fat, but her delicate and white skin, lips as pretty as petals, dark eyes, and a naughty and cute look made Lin Yong's heart suddenly move.

Well, as long as she doesn't go too far and doesn't make excessive demands, let her have a few words with me, my ancestor.

Lin Yong thought.

Anyway, it is a great honor for these disciples to have a few words with their ancestor.

As we get closer, why do our noses and eyebrows look familiar?

The woman took a step forward, Junior Brother Lin...

Lin Yong was shocked, You, are you Hua Yanyan?

The woman nodded, It's me, thank you for the detoxifying pill. I'm fine.

Lin Yong wanted to slap himself, but he didn't recognize Hua Yanyan.

It turns out that the slang in the earth world is all true. Every fat woman is a potential beauty and an angel who has fallen into the mortal world.

I didn't expect Hua Yanyan to be so beautiful.

Lin Yong was a little embarrassed, Cough, cough, you've become more beautiful.

Hua Yanyan smiled honestly, and from this smile, Lin Yong was finally convinced that the Hua Yanyan in front of him was the real one.

Hua Yanyan spoke, Yeah, I didn't expect such a big change. Just now I went to see Manager Qi, but he didn't even recognize me. When I said it was me, he looked at me with wide eyes for a long time.

Lin Yong stood up and rubbed Hua Yanyan's face, Well, you are not allowed to show it to others in the future, you can only show it to me.

Hua Yanyan was stunned, How is that possible?

Lin Yong was frustrated and knew that it was unrealistic. He waved his hand and said, Forget it, you are not allowed to make others laugh in the future. This can always be done, right?

Hua Yanyan nodded, Yes, I can do it.

After successfully abducting Hua Yanyan, Lin Yong was very happy and said, Let's go have dinner together. What do you want to eat? I'll treat you today.

The two of them walked towards the main peak.

Along the way, many people looked at Hua Yanyan and were amazed.

One disciple was going up the mountain and the other was coming down the mountain. They were stunned when they saw Hua Yanyan, and the two finally bumped into each other.

It caused a roar of laughter.

Almost everyone passing by the two of them would look at Hua Yanyan.

The male disciples were amazed by Hua Yanyan's beauty, while the female disciples were jealous of Hua Yanyan's appearance.

Naturally, it is inevitable that some people will talk about it, Our ancestors got rid of Hua Yanyan when they had such a beautiful woman.

Yeah, who can tolerate Hua Yanyan's appearance? Our ancestors haven't had dinner with Hua Yanyan for several days.

Such a beautiful woman, Hua Yanyan can't even compare with one of her fingers. If it were me, I would also like such a woman.

Hua Yanyan didn't hear it, but Lin Yong opened his mind and naturally heard it.

Hearing these comments, Lin Yong wanted to laugh.

Hua Yanyan started to get nervous, Junior brother Lin, why are they all staring at me?

In the past, Hua Yanyan was fat and unattractive. Although many people looked at Hua Yanyan, there were not so many.

Moreover, those people who used to look at Hua Yanyan immediately looked away when they saw her. It seemed like I saw something dirty.

Now these people, especially the male disciples, are staring at Hua Yanyan.

Hua Yanyan was naturally nervous.

Lin Yong smiled, Of course I want you to look good. Remember, you are not allowed to smile for them.

Hua Yanyan nodded nervously.

It seems that I still can't believe it.

Entering the canteen, the two of them ordered a free meal as usual and sat down to eat.

At this time, a male disciple who had been following the two of them and appeared to be in his early twenties came forward with a red face, Senior sister, can you tell me your name? Don't mind, I just haven't seen you before and I find it strange. .”

Lin Yong secretly felt funny.

Sure enough, the word sex has a knife on its head.

Even though they knew Lin Yong, the ancestor, and even saw Lin Yong eating with this woman, some people still dared to come up.

You may feel that Lin Yong's reputation is nothing more than a false reputation, and if this stunning woman can admire you, everything will be worth it.

Hua Yanyan looked at the male disciple with surprised eyes.

The male disciples next to him also stopped moving and paid attention.

Although they did not have the courage of this male disciple because of Lin Yong's existence, they also wanted to know the name of this stunning woman.

And I want to see if there is any possibility of a terrace near the water.

Hua Yanyan looked at Lin Yong in confusion. This experience was really novel and special. Why was this man staring at her with a shy and expectant look on his face.

It seems that he is an important person.

Lin Yong smiled, looking like he was watching a good show, Tell him your name.

Hua Yanyan nodded, I am Hua Yanyan.

The male disciple looked surprised and said, No way, no way, you lied to me. How could Hua Yanyan be so beautiful? She is worth two of you.

Hua Yanyan spoke, I was poisoned before. My ancestors refined the detoxifying pill for me. I took it and it was fine. That's it.

Suddenly, the hearts of the male disciples around him were shattered.

They knew that it would never be possible to impress Hua Yanyan again.

The only one who can impress Hua Yanyan is Lin Yong.

Lin Yong said to Hua Yanyan, Let's go order some dishes.

Hua Yanyan nodded, Okay.

Lin Yong stood up.

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