Invincible Protagonist Terminator System

Chapter 281 The King of Thunder

Lin Yong nodded, Well, take one pill first to wash away one spiritual root, which can alleviate the condition in her body.

Black Crocodile nodded, as if he wanted to take one for himself first, but after thinking about it, he decided not to.

He has a water-type single spiritual root. I don’t know what spiritual roots will be produced if he takes it.

If the spiritual root is transformed, even if it becomes a better spiritual root, although he will still be in the realm of an immortal, his skills and cultivated spells will be invalid.

He didn't dare to take this risk, so the black crocodile growled softly at the little white crocodile, like a mother's whisper.

The little white crocodile opened its mouth.

The mythical beast Black Crocodile threw a purifying elixir into the mouth of the little white crocodile, and then looked at the little white crocodile nervously.

Nun Zuan also watched nervously, and so did Lin Yong.

Lin Yong wanted to see how effective the Cleansing Pill was and what the reaction would be after taking it.

After the little white crocodile took the elixir, the water power in his body began to weaken.

Little by little, a weak wave formed and spread out from the body.

As it weakened, the fire power in the little white crocodile suppressed the water power.

After about ten minutes, the water power in the little white crocodile completely disappeared.

The little white crocodile's physical condition feels much better.

Lin Yong grabbed one of the little white crocodile's claws and felt it.

Indeed, the water power has disappeared and is no longer wreaking havoc in the little white crocodile's body. And because of the loss of water power, the fire power has completely gained the upper hand and is no longer wreaking havoc.

The little white crocodile's condition has stabilized.

However, both the fire and wind power increased slightly.

Lin Yong nodded, The effect is very good, everything is fine.

The eyes of the mythical beast Black Crocodile softened when he looked at Lin Yong.

Yan Zuan was even more excited and didn't know what to say.

Lin Yong spoke, I will continue to make alchemy.

Then, Lin Yong began to refine the second furnace of the elixir.

This time it took half an hour to refine.

Including the two pills in the black hand of the mythical beast, there are five pills.

After asking Lin Yong, the mythical beast Black took three pills to the little white crocodile.

This time the fire root was washed away.

The little white crocodile is doing better.

He even crawled on the ground a few times and kissed Lin Yong's hand. He seemed to be very close to Lin Yong.

The little white crocodile had dark eyes and looked naughty, cute, and gentle. Lin Yong unconsciously stroked the little white crocodile's head.

Lin Yong continued to refine elixirs.

This time, three furnaces of elixirs were refined, and together with the divine beast Black Crocodile, there were eleven elixirs.

Lin Yong handed all these elixirs to the sacred beast Black Crocodile, I think that pure wind spirit roots are not bad. Of course, if you wash them again, you can wash out better spiritual roots, but you also have to think about it, you Black Crocodile Does the clan have any techniques for her?

The mythical beast Black Crocodile disagrees.

Yan Zuan said directly, If there are no more exercises, we can just go and grab them.

Lin Yong was helpless. He was indeed a member of the spiritual beast clan and liked to grab everything.

The mythical beast Black Crocodile roared low and talked with the little White Crocodile.

After the conversation was over, he said to Lin Yong, Yao Yao also wants to take the Spirit Cleansing Pill again.

Lin Yong nodded, Then take it.

The little white crocodile opened its mouth, and the mythical beast black crocodile dropped nine spiritual cleansing pills into the little white crocodile's mouth.

The little white crocodile swallowed it all at once.

Soon, the wind power in the little white crocodile began to weaken.

After about ten minutes, it weakened to nothing.

Lin Yong and others were looking forward to it, wondering what kind of spiritual roots the little white crocodile would wash out.

At this moment, the body of the little white crocodile began to emit circles of blue light.

Lin Yong was shocked and immediately crawled away. The mythical beast Black Crocodile showed a happy smile.

It turned out to be Leilingen.

Sure enough, the thunder power of the little white crocodile began to increase.

The little white crocodile couldn't control it yet, and circles of lightning escaped, making the three surrounding creatures feel numb on their skin.

In a moment the drill climbed further.

Until finally, the power in the little white crocodile stabilized.

The mythical beast Black Crocodile smiled and spoke, It's great. After thousands of years, our Black Crocodile clan has finally given birth to another thunder king.

The thunder spiritual root is a better spiritual root for Black Crocodile than the chaotic spiritual root.

Every tens of thousands of years from the black crocodile, a white crocodile with thunder spiritual roots will be born.

The last white crocodile with thunder spiritual roots was ten thousand years ago.

It's a pity that it's not the Nagi family's white crocodile, but the Kuro family's white crocodile.

Now that a white crocodile with thundering roots was born in the Nagi family, the mythical beast black crocodile was naturally very happy.

Lin Yong flew back.

This time, heading to the swamp went really smoothly.

Just like that, I got fifteen spiritual cleansing roots.

The birth of a white crocodile with thundering roots in the Nagi family was naturally celebrated.

Lin Yong did not stay and was ready to go back to Kunwu Sect.

First of all, Lin Yong and these eerie-looking black crocodiles really have nothing in common.

Secondly, Lin Yong was not willing to get too involved with these black crocodiles.

After all, there are two races, one is the human race, and the other is the spirit beast race.

Lin Yong returned to Kunwu Sect, arrived at Fenghuo Peak, and met Qi Liufeng, Senior Brother, the Fifth Ming Lei intercepted me on the road, but I killed him.

Qi Liufeng was confused, The fifth Ming Lei is at the Nascent Soul stage, and you are at the Divine Pill stage. Wait, little junior brother, you seem to have made a breakthrough...

Lin Yong nodded, In order to kill him, I had to break through on the road.

Qi Liufeng said bitterly, Just kill him. This person is not a good person. He actually intercepted and killed you.

Qi Liufeng felt resentful when he thought about how dangerous it must have been for Lin Yong to break through on the road in order to deal with Fifth Ming Lei.

Lin Yong said with a smile, I had just broken through at that time, and I was still no match for him. Fortunately, I had the Dawn Bell given by my senior brother, otherwise I might have died.

Qi Liufeng was frightened for a while, That's good, it's good if my junior brother can use it. These immortal weapons are all refined for me, so you can take them.

Lin Yong wanted to refuse, I have a Dawn Clock, which is enough. Why do I need so many immortal weapons?

Qi Liufeng said with a smile, Brother, when I have nothing to do, I like to refine Qi. I have refined a lot of immortal weapons. You can take it.

Lin Yong was a little moved.

Immortal weapons are difficult to refine. The simplest ones can take dozens of days to refine. It can take more than a year, even years, or even decades.

Qi Liufeng said it so easily. These immortal weapons must be his proud works. He doesn't know how much precious materials, how much effort and how much time he spent.

Lin Yong still wanted to refuse, but Qi Liufeng threw him directly in front of Lin Yong.

Lin Yong spoke, Senior brother, I got fifteen spirit-cleansing roots this time. I want to use your alchemy room here to refine them into spirit-cleansing pills.

Qi Liufeng waved his hand, Okay, you can refine it.

Lin Yong prepared to refine the spirit-cleansing pill and give some to Qi Liufeng.

Lin Yong was about to go to the alchemy room when Qi Liufeng suddenly slapped his head and said, By the way, junior brother, after your breakthrough, you have achieved several Nascent Souls.

Lin Yong smiled and said, By luck, I achieved four Nascent Souls.

It turned out to be four Nascent Souls, and Qi Liufeng was in a mess.

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