Finished my meal. I got a map to this point from the Beast Man who's getting a map of each squad written.

Remove the desk and chair from the magic bag and write an easy-to-understand map.

I picked out someone who could write a map yesterday and unified it in my way of writing a map. And if there were any discrepancies or changes to the map in the copy, they were to be filled in.

There seemed to be some traps, but I unlocked them safely, and it even said what kind of trap there was, so I was just surprised by this.

By the time I finished copying all the maps, they seemed to have had enough rest, already ready and waiting for me.

I open my mouth with my desk and chair in a magic bag.

"Good morning. We're going for the thirty tieth tier. There will be more traps and stronger demons from here, so safety first arrives at the 30th level by the end of the day!"


Even if it's not a tight word, I'd tighten it with a voice aligned reply. With that in mind, I hung the area barrier on each squad before leaving.

From the 21st hierarchy, the demon that said Red Ohm changed its name to Fire Ohm.

Demons with fire began to appear in the names Firelat, Firesnake, Firebud and Firerabbit.

It should be a formidable enemy that wraps around fire, or spits fire magic or braces, but the crisp and labyrinth attack goes on.

Traps and demons should be stronger, but they were going around one level for around thirty minutes.

"Are you okay with going at such a high pace?

I said you could be impotent, but aren't you in good shape? Because that's what I thought.

"Tell you what, those two escorts are just unusually strong, and we're not that weak either."

That's what Keffin, who was the leader of the Raiders, replied.

He said the organization was originally a group of halves, even the beasts, with less authority, who had desperately refined their fighting and bandit skills to live.

"And this time, even if you screw it up a little bit, if you live, you'll heal it."

That's how Keffin laughed and took the team.

"... you've got Lord Luciel hanging powerful junction magic, so you've figured out that even when attacked, it's only about a scratch, so they won't really be crushed, either"

Lionel adds that and walks forward.

I have done nothing but area barrier and a few heels since I entered the labyrinth. I haven't even defeated the demon. Every time the hierarchy ends, we're just collecting demon stones from each squad.

The temperature in the labyrinth is gradually rising, but the equipment is perfectly fine.

It was going through the labyrinth with complicated feelings that we were spending time starting and not stressing after we got to Yenis.

"I see it, apparently that's the main room on the thirtieth floor. Is it a base in front?"

There was definitely a place where people were gathered when they looked good in front with Lionel's voice.

"But why not wait in the main room? That's safer, isn't it?

"Let's hear more about it."

"Then please. I'll treat the injured and prepare a meal if I'm not there. It just depends on why you're attacking the main room, and then you're going to get enough food and sleep to feed the English of tomorrow's exploration."

I arrived at the base talking so everyone around me could hear me as well as Lionel.

"Is there an injured person, a condition abnormal? Don't hesitate to say it, even mildly. If you have more, you will be able to cast an area heel for your overall recovery."

There were about fifteen of them in the stronghold here, but Lionel turned up as he recovered from some injured adventurers, realizing once again how highly skilled my slaves were.

"Apparently, it depends on the labyrinth, but if you stay in the main room, sometimes the return door won't open in the main room on the other tier. I think the Adventurers Guild teaches that as manners."

The moment I heard that, there was a labyrinth of trials in my brain that recalled the incident that happened to me from the forty tiers where I couldn't return.

That's why I responded vividly to Lionel's words, "Oh."

When I signed up at Meratoni's Adventurer Guild, I thought that if I had listened closely, it might have been possible to return after the Necromancer Knight War was over.

I can deduce that the door didn't open because the Maiden of War Saints must have dived into the labyrinth and come to the rescue then.

But I waited here for my negative thoughts.

You have such bad luck with Dr. Hao?... Impossible.

I'm sure I couldn't have broken through the labyrinth without clearing it over there.

Yes, self-completing. Apologizing around looking worried, I wanted to sleep slowly but put up with it and not spend the night at this base...

Keffin and the others have whispered that it would be better to stay in the main room on the 30th floor.

"Master S, you should rest inside."

The other slaves advise in the same way.

It felt like every single eye was trying to teach you a little bit of worry or a crisis was looming.


"I'm sorry, but I'll let you rest inside. If we get a few hours of sleep, we're on our way to the offensive, so I'm sorry, but please."

That's what I said before I went into the 30-story boss room with Lionel and the others.

Ask while tensioning the area barrier at about the same time as you go in.

"You got a reason?

"Oh. They're bad adventurers, usually dressed as normal adventurers, labyrinth cleaners who come close with good faces and mix poison in their meals or gather demons with their sucker pills"

"... it's a crime"

"Everything happens in the labyrinth."

That's what Keffin said.

"... Huh. Let's just knock it down and finish dinner and get some sleep."


Thus the thirty tier boss had one firebear, five firewolves and three firebirds, but the battle ended as soon as he expected.

Catching Firebear's proud arm with a big shield with a laugh, Ketty weakened the Firewolf herd with a hit-and-way headed by Lionel, who made a break with the big sword, and Firebird was struck down by Naria with a dagger throw.

Keffins and his criminal slaves stabbed him in the stomach as he joined forces.

Several suffered minor burns, but there was no obstacle at all.

Have the room purified and eaten before each one spends as much time as they want.

Dolan and Paula were inspecting weapons and protective equipment, Ketty and Naria were preparing for tomorrow's meal, and Lionel was colluding with the slaves.

I finished writing the map and told him not to cause problems, then I worked out my magic and then went to bed with an angel pillow.

"Did you sleep? He's a really unconscious, bullshit healer."

Lionel says so and laughs.

"The old man's that S-class slave, isn't he?

Keffin asks.

"Oh, I'm gonna forget about that, too."

"So it turns out that S class is this sweet against slaves?

"That's right. feed them, give them satisfactory equipment, and don't let them do what they can't."

"I never dreamed they'd tell me to go home alive."

When Keffin laughs, the slaves around him also start laughing.

"Old man's a soldier, isn't he? That's a pretty good position too."

"Hmm. What makes you think that?

"Because when we fight, we grasp the whole thing and we move. That's stained. Well, except when we fought bear firebears."

"I needed to see how far that barrier went."

"... that's unusual. It's not strange to get a deeper wound, but it's a scratch."

Keffin answers as he touches his body.

"It's not about recklessness. You guys brush your teeth desperately. Then Master Luciel will never abandon you."

"What about the old man? Your old man seems ambitious."

That's what Keffin told me. Lionel replied with a laugh.

"If you can live as a hu samurai, it's your main hope. Standing on top of people was only painful for me."

"Wouldn't you be able to free me from slavery if my old man was active?

"Master Luciel's enemies are not only this time. I'm sure you'll get caught up in more and more things. If there is a strong man there, it is also a pleasure to see in between. Besides, if it is said that there was the strongest warrior who supported him when the S-Class healer's hero Tan came out, it would be the samurai."

Lionel chuckled.

Looking at Lionel like that, Keffin kept looking at Lionel with envy somewhere.

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