It wasn't until soon after that that a horde of demons appeared to ring.

First, a green dwarf, a classic of wolves and fantasy, a goblin, appeared after the wild animals were seen.

"Goblins on Forest Wolf, Trolls on Oak... a little too many... but"

After hearing such a Lionel grunt, the elves took restraint with their bows and shredded Forest Wolf's speed, where Ketty popped out.

"I'll take care of the trolls, I'll take care of the goblins and orcs"

"Momentum stops"

Moving on with the Lionel Shield, Paula also manipulated a three-metre golem into battle.

"Master Luciel concentrates on hanging his heels remotely. I'll crush the demons that come this far."

That said, Dolan stood in front of me with a big axe.

Every time Ketty is different from demons like Forest Wolf and Goblin, the demons scatter their lives.

When Lionel waves the Great Sword, the body of a demon bigger than himself slides and burns and falls bright red as blood erupts.

When the golem swept the oak with a jumping knee pad, touching his left elbow for some reason but raising his left arm high and signaling with his index finger and pinky finger, he ran out and defeated the demon with a sumptuous lariat, moving straight to the giant swing with his opponent's foot. Slow down enemy marches even more while knocking down trees.

"Now I can help you more than Dwarf. [Spirits in the trees, bind evil demons in exchange for my magic in response to my call]"

"Forests are the realm of elves. Dwarf, you can't beat a woman. [Spirits of the wind, be the blade of the wind that cleaves evil demons in exchange for my magic]"

"Wow - you're both amazing. I will use the arrow."

When Milfine casts a spiritual magic, the roots and branches of the tree sprinkle on the legs and body of the demon to stop its action.

As the Lician wind blade passes there, the demon is chopped up, and the arrow released by Crescia hits the eyebrows and torso more and more.

Some of the demons were breaking through, but Kefin and the others took good care of it.

I hang purifying magic in a forest that stinks too much blood, and retrieve the demons that are the source of the smell.

I was thinking about the sounds of the ground while retrieving demons.

(Sure there are a lot of demons, but isn't it weird that this number keeps the ground going forever? No way...)

I thought that far and casually looked around and noticed that there were obviously more trees.

"Doran, there are many trees around. There's a possibility of demons."

"I can't tell what it is."

Everyone may not realize Trent is mixed up in battle.

But I also thought that if I screamed this would turn the corner dominant situation upside down, and I spun my head full and came up with one solution.

"Drun put this on"

"Ugh... no wonder"

Doran hesitated for a moment when he saw the nasal plug, but when he received it in person, he immediately wore it.

The ringing that was ringing when I took out object X. stopped.

"If you're Trent, why don't you try and kill him with this fantasy sword? Protect me with a drain shield."

I bracketed a barrel with object X in it and decided to attack it, assuming it was Trent, turning the fantasy wand into a fantasy sword and moving tree.

When the magic was applied, the sword glowed blue and white, and a red membrane formed on its outer surface.

"... That said, Flaming Dragon would have given me something to protect this too."

When I squealed like that, the tree in front of me slashed me.

The next moment I heard the "Ggaaaaaa" and the interrupter, and Trent collapsed dong when a blue and white flame came out of the slaughter.

I didn't feel anything slashed.

What a cheat weapon you've got, and with that in mind, you keep cutting it and collecting it into a magic bag.

"That's a great performance."

It wasn't when Dolan slashed Trent that he grumbled, it was what he said when he saw that he couldn't slash a normal tree if he tried to slash it accidentally.

Because with all that easy cleavage of Trent, ordinary trees couldn't be cut down to the point where they were slightly scratched.

Accidentally scratched. Dolan started meditating his eyes and talking as I was doing it with my heel hanging on the tree.

"It's a defect as a weapon because only demons can destroy it, but if you're against demons, you have an unparalleled strength... No, you have to be compatible..."

"Dran, come back. We're in battle."

While defeating Trent, who is nearby when he calls out to Doran, who is likely to be gradually swallowed up by the vortex of thought, checking around, the elves' girlfriends were poking their knees about whether they had depleted their magic.

Lionel and Ketty were still smiling and ravaging demons, but they also felt that number was much lower.

"We'll rendezvous first, then we'll step back a little bit."

If you tell Doran that, he will retrieve the demon's body while purifying the route without demons.

"It's time for us both to retrieve it and we'll go back outside the woods once."

When I yelled at Lionel and Ketty, the way they fought became rough, and when they began to defeat the demons in such a way that they didn't miss a whole bunch, the demons got scared of them and gradually escaped.

"Those two are still different."

I reclaimed the demons with such a grunt that I declared myself resting out of the woods because it had been a long time since my magic felt depleted as I purified and circled the battlefield.

"Dear Luciel, what have you done since just now?

"I've been doing a little thinking... Keffin, this forest is unexplored, isn't it?


Milfine asked me, and I couldn't help but think.

"Lionel, were there any unusual demons?

I ask Lionel because I couldn't even tell if it was unusual for me to see a goblin or an oak for the first time.

"... I think trolls and mandrakes that only show up in the thick woods are rare, if you ask me."

Lionel opened his mouth after a short while touching the jaw, which had recently grown a little, but I guess goblins and oaks are still common as I thought.

"Maybe there weren't many demons because they were still shallow... but if this attracted adventurers, it would be a scam, wouldn't it?

"I know it depends on what you say and what you attract... maybe you won't make that much money"

"Once we get back to Yenis, we'll check with the Adventurer Guild"

"That would be better."

Afterwards, Keffins and the others were also raising the level in the labyrinth where Flame Dragon was, and it seems that entering the untapped forest was forbidden to Mr. Dorster, the face actor.

I noticed something wrong with the elves when I thought so.

"What's wrong with you?

"It kind of feels like we're being held back."

"To the Spirit...?

"No, but for some reason I feel a little sad trying to leave"

"Same goes for me. I've never seen anything like it."

The three elves have told me that as they look at the woods.

I look at other things, but nothing else felt that way.

"... maybe there's something there. But now let's take a break. All three of us are feeling depleted, aren't we?

I was able to get out of the woods as soon as I walked to make sure the three of them nodded.

"Once we pinch the break, the Keffins and Yarbo squads exchange assignments. The Milfines need to rest until after lunch. Dolan and Paula will dismantle the demon, so help me. Lionel and Ketty will ask Keffin and the others to preach."

Keffin and the others blued their faces when he told them so.

Lionel and Ketty smiled so well they turned to the Keffins.

One hundred and two retrieved trees can say that Trent is the result of about nine bodies and two hours... but when Doran dug the hole and recovered the demon stone from the goblins and trolls he couldn't eat, he threw it away in the hole.

"Sounds like a lot of demon stones with wind and water attributes and no attributes"

"Right. I hope you do something about the body remaining, but this is a delightful miscalculation."

"Bonus confirmed"

Paula groans as she looks at the demon stone with delight, and her voice mixes there.

"It's not just for you. I'll develop it, too."

Lissian's stuck with Paula, so I left the scene and Doran and I went on with the demolition.

"Didn't we have a little too many demons?

"This is all I have left, so there's no problem."

"Then I'll take care of this place"

"I was entrusted. I'll ask for more meat instead."

"Oh. Hey, time's up, we're gonna barbecue here."

Let it dive into the water once and cook while mixing the spices with the meat that took the smell away.

With the underneath treatment, the elves can eat meat, so the vegetables I bought together had a good barbecue time while cooking in the net.

After a meal by barbecue and a further break, my magic was almost at full speed.

While getting ready to go back into the woods, worrying about whether or not to let the elves rest in the carriage because their magic was depleted, the three elves also recovered a lot, and they wanted us to take them on a quest.

"Fine. But don't push it."


This is how I took them on another quest.

There is this decision. It will call for an encounter, which will shape Luciel's life, but it is a story of a distant future.

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