Invincible Scanning System

Chapter 1052: 5-layer coating

Chapter 1052

"Okay, you are now a student in the advanced class, and there is one month to go for a written test. After the written test is passed, the mecha deployment test will be conducted.

Oh, by the way, you have a full repair of the three series, so you have to participate in the assessment of the three series. First, you must submit a mecha design drawing, which must be handed in before the written test, and then built. After driving, your mecha , Go to fight. "

"This is simple, I will send it to you later."

While talking, Qi Xiaosheng turned and left.

He went straight back to Warehouse 88 and began to design the mecha.

"I will also build a super 2-stage mecha. It doesn't need to be too powerful, it just needs to be able to complete the assessment.

My mecha cannot be more than 80 fusion, and cannot mount external weapons. I can only fight with my fists and feet. In this case, the mecha itself must be extraordinarily strong, especially fists, elbows, knees, and footsteps. Strong, but also add some attack characteristics.

Then, the metal selected for these parts needs to be particularly strong and sharp, and at the same time, some features that can be automatically repaired should be added.

Other parts, joints, etc. need to be particularly flexible, so that I can fight personally and even avoid the powerful weapons of other mechas. "

As Qi Xiaosheng said, he began to design the mecha.

Because the problem of the second power source was solved, Qi Xiaosheng quickly designed a set of super 2-segment mechas. In addition, he did not have perfect requirements, and only needed to pass the assessment.

"Super 2-stage mecha, the second power source, this design will definitely not get full marks.

Because in their understanding, the fusion degree of Super 2 mecha cannot be increased by 80%, but it only needs to be designed properly to pass the score. "

Qi Xiaosheng said to himself.

This is the information he learned from Tang Yao.

After Qi Xiaosheng finished the design, he checked it again and found no major problems, so he directly sent the design drawing to the principal.

He didn't wait for the master's reply, but directly started to build the mecha.

There were most of the refitting materials in the warehouse, but some materials were missing. He simply dismantled the No. 1 machine and re-smelted it to create various mecha parts.

Qi Xiaosheng himself is a powerful master of casting, and it is very simple to create various mecha parts.

In just one day, Qi Xiaosheng assembled his own armor. This is a war armor with mixed colors. Every part is the most primitive metal color, because it has no painting, it is the most primitive metal color. ,

At this time, a message came from Qi Xiaosheng's terminal.

Qi Xiaosheng opened, and the virtual influence of the mecha master appeared in front of him.

"I have seen your mecha design. Why do you design a second power source?

I know the Tang 2 design drawings you completed with Tang Yao, but are you sure you want to design the second power source like him? "


"Then I can only give you 60 points, based on the reasonable design of the mecha, and give you the highest score."

"Well, 60 points are fine." Qi Xiaosheng nodded slightly.

"If you get a score of 60, you can't meet the requirements of Dean Bai."

"Don't worry, he will be satisfied afterwards."

"Since you insist, then I won't persuade you."

The host looked dissatisfied and hung up the communication.

Qi Xiaosheng didn't care, and started spraying a layer on his mecha.

The coating is not for simple beauty.

Special material molecules are added to these soil layers. After painting, you can add special attributes to the mecha, such as increasing flame resistance, immunity to lightning, and reducing magnetic interference.

"My mecha has a fusion degree of up to 80, and I can't hang external weapons. In this case, I can only fight with my fists. Then the painting will increase the toughness of the mecha. In addition, the painting can actually form a formation.

Mechas cannot be equipped with external weapons, but it is possible to form formations by painting. "

Qi Xiaosheng carefully considered it, and in the final painting design, he drew five sets of formations.

The first set, plasma shield.

This is a must, because he has to guard against some powerful remote attacks.

The second set, energy storage.

This is a set of formations that can swallow external energy and converge for a short period of time.

The third set, energy injection.

This is an array that directly ejects the energy gathered by the mecha, and it works with the second set of energy storage.

At the same time, the combination of the second and third sets of formations can also enable Qi Xiaosheng to have certain long-range attack capabilities.

Of course, the premise is that the enemy hits him first, allowing him to accumulate energy.

The fourth set, material restoration.

The mecha with close-to-hand combat is inevitably damaged. Although some materials with repair features are added, it is still not enough, and some repair formations are still drawn.

The fifth set, split.

This is the rule that Qi Xiaosheng has understood from the Heavenly Sage Rift. Of course, King Wu can't exert the power of the rules, so Qi Xiaosheng retreats and seeks second place, simplifying the Tiansheng Rifting's characteristic of ignoring defense and choosing to split.

Rupture is a weakened ignorance of defense. When attacking, it can have a certain range of armor-breaking effect, and it has the characteristics of being difficult to repair.

Originally, there was another necessary formation on the mecha, that was the Spirit Gathering Formation.

The Spirit Gathering Array can gather aura and increase the endurance. This is a necessary formation for mecha.

This necessary formation will occupy the coating, and some of the formation masters with insufficient ability can only abandon other attack formations.

However, Qi Xiaosheng is a **** of war, and his own resilience is amazing. There is no need to worry about battery life, so there is no need to draw a spirit gathering array. This saves space for him to draw a 5-layer array.

This is Qi Xiaosheng. If it is Tang Yao's existence, he can only ask the seniors of the formation institute to design the coating. The level of those people is at most the coating of the triple formation method, and there is also a necessary spirit gathering formation.

And Qi Xiaosheng directly drew the 5-fold formation, and this was just what he did casually, and did not design any too powerful formation.

After all, this is just a mecha he designed to meet Tianhao's assessment.

After the coating is designed, the rest is spraying.

This is not an easy task, because this is not just painting, but laying out the formation, which can only be done by people from the formation.

But Qi Xiaosheng doesn't need it.

From mecha design to mecha manufacturing, and finally mecha spraying, he did it all by himself.

This is impossible for outsiders, but for Qi Xiaosheng, it is very simple and easy.

"A guest has applied for entry."

On this day, Qi Xiaosheng is improving the degree of integration, and suddenly a guest arrives.

Qi Xiaosheng looked through the camera and found that it was the teaching assistant Yuan Long who had arrived.

"Let him in."

Qi Xiaosheng opened the hatch while giving the order and jumped out.

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