Invincible Scanning System

Chapter 150: Stop me from dying

Chapter 150

Qi Xiaosheng chose to climb alone to kill the Dragon King.

There was no way out. A fault appeared under his men. He was prepared to say that his strength had improved too fast and opened a gap with his subordinates.

Under his command, only Xiaoxue and Zhao Yuanping are the kings of war, but they are only one or two of them.

"I am alone to kill Emperor Jiaolong."

However, Qi Xiaosheng didn't care.

The peak powerhouse can countless gaps between the number of people to destroy the city and destroy the country.

"I represent the great man, and one person is strong and the country strong."

Qi Xiaosheng has such self-confidence.

He quickly climbed the mountain, continually glanced around, and used the barcode scanning system to check the hiding place of King Dragon King.

However, it didn't take long for Qi Xiaosheng to be blocked.

A group of patrolling guards appeared on his way forward.

This group of bodyguards are wearing Dagan Ban. Wei's costume, at first glance, is the bodyguard of the Dagan Prince.


This group of guards is headed by a martial king. He stopped Qi Xiaosheng and looked up and down, showing disdain between his eyebrows.

Qi Xiaosheng had extracted this person's data before, but had forgotten the specific information because there were too many people before.

But it can be forgotten that the data representing this person is just average and there is nothing worth paying attention to.

"Little princes dare to climb mountains? Do you still want to kill the dragon king?" The head of the bodyguard sneered and said directly: "The big ancestors have participated in the 100 dynasty event. This is the first place you are not eligible to fight. , Hasn't rolled down the mountain quickly."

"Stop me from dying."

Qi Xiaosheng's expression sank, and he didn't mean to stay at all. He continued to walk forward.

"Yeah? Dare to go crazy with the guards of the big royal family

I tell you, even if you are the prince of the great dynasty, it is **** in the eyes of our emperors. "Fastest update Qiqi novel https://

The head of the bodyguard snorted and saw Qi Xiaosheng still admonishing, so he waved his hand and pulled out a sword from his waist.

This treasure knife has a clear blue body, and the blade is wide and thick, like the sea surface.

As soon as the knife appeared, the head of the guard's breath was completely released, and the azure blue knife light reflected the surrounding scenery.


The head of the bodyguard came out with a knife, but the blade was not visible, and even the surrounding bodyguards were gone, only the surrounding mountains and vegetation.


Suddenly, the mountains turned upside down, Qi Xiaosheng fell from the top of the mountain, into the clouds, and into the boundless starry sky.

"It's just a matter of blocking eyes."

Qi Xiaosheng's knowledge is so rich, the average person will be in a hurry when encountering such a situation, lose his balance, and then be killed by the head of the bodyguard.

However, Qi Xiaosheng didn't panic, calming his mind and carefully sensing.

There was no change in his eyes, but there was a knife in his mind, and at this moment, the knife was at his door.

However, Qi Xiaosheng didn't stop it or even avoid it.

With a bang, the azure blue sword directly chopped on Qi Xiaosheng's face gate, making a loud noise, and the sparks flickered, just like chopping on the hard and hard **** stone.

I saw the door of Qi Xiaosheng's face unscathed, and even a knife mark could not be left.

Instead, the head of the bodyguard felt numb in his arms, and the long knife in his hand almost took off.

"His, what monster are you."

Seeing this scene, the head of the bodyguard took a deep breath.

The knife in his hand is a C-class weapon, cutting gold Duanyu, cutting iron like mud, but such a sword did not even hurt the other person's hair?

"Your knife is used to create illusions, and secret attacks can be used, but when you meet a master, it looks flashy."

Qi Xiaosheng commented casually.

"Just rely on you..."

The head of the bodyguard subconsciously scolded, but saw the enemy pointing at him.

This finger seemed mediocre, but the burst of sword gas was extremely terrifying, and only a flash of cold light could be seen. The next moment the sword light had penetrated his head.

"Your knife is not even as good as my sword."

Qi Xiaosheng killed the head of the bodyguard with one finger, everything in front of him returned to normal, there were normal mountains around him, and a group of frightened bodyguards.

"He...he killed Master Zhang with one finger."

"It's so strong, we kill the king of war with one move, let's go to the report quickly."

"Dare to kill Dagan royal guards, even if you are a prince, you will die."


The bodyguards fled in all directions.

Qi Xiaosheng hesitated for a moment and did not stop.

"Despite venting to report, wait for someone to come and solve it once."

Qi Xiaosheng didn't care at all and moved on.

Sure enough, not long after, a large number of royal guards rushed over, among them there were more than ten martial kings, and the first one was a great prince.

Those who can participate in this grand event of the 100 dynasties and come to hunt down the dragon king are all arrogant sons of the heavens. They are masters on the list of young kings. They have extraordinary strength, so Qi Xiaosheng has some impressions.

"This is the eighth prince of the Dagan Dynasty.

The big emperor is really alive, almost every prince is a master of the young king list. "

Qi Xiaosheng muttered.

"This Dragon King is our great emperor's descent, you dare to touch your fingers and kill."

This big crown prince is very overbearing. In his view, since the big crown dynasty sent people to participate in the hundred dynasty then the first reason is of course the big dynasty, and the dragon king is also a big ancestor. In order to touch the finger.

His voice fell, and the King of Wu killed Qi Xiaosheng. Kiki's novels are launched online

"Stop my death."

Qi Xiaosheng snorted coldly, rubbed his fingers into swords, and turned into a sword in the sky.

Under the Jian Gang, the Emperor Wu of the Eighth Prince had no enemies in one unit, and all of them were cut off with a sword.

At this moment, a big man came over and said urnically: "Some skills."

This great man is the tenth king of Wu. He is tall, with a broad waist and a round waist, like a wild bear. He is the master of the eighth prince.

This person has a good strength. Qi Xiaosheng has some impressions of him, but he is a strong man who cultivates external skills. A skin and meat sword is difficult to hurt, and it is also a natural divine power, so that Qi Xiaosheng's physical strength has doubled again.

At this moment, Qi Xiaosheng's Jian Gang was cut over, grabbed by him with one hand, pinched hard, and directly crushed into pieces.

"Huh? This sword spirit is so sharp."

The big man spread his palms, and a trace of blood appeared on his palms, but he recovered instantly.

Bronze Jiangang is comparable to a C-class weapon, and its strength exceeds the expectations of the Han.

"However, it can only hurt me a layer of skin, nothing."

The big man said so, and rushed over.

His steps were heavy, and every step made a roaring roar, without the lightness of a martial art monk.

However, his speed is extremely fast, not at all clunky.

"Take me a punch."

His huge body rushed to Qi Xiaosheng almost instantly, and his fist-sized fist smashed down.


This fist carried the sound of wind and thunder, forming a strong wind pressure.

The wind blew through and cut all the surrounding rocks into pieces.

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