Invincible Scanning System

Chapter 168: Invisible forty-six floors

   Chapter 168


   The elevator quickly reached the 45th floor and stopped here.

   The elevator opens, and the door is a desk. A middle-aged woman sits behind the desk, but the secretary in the office.

"Hello there?"

  Middle-aged woman greeted him, Danny knew that the other party would definitely not allow himself to go in, so he simply ignored it and ran wild.

   "Hey, don't rush here, stop now."

  Middle-aged woman quickly chased over and stopped.

   But he found that Danny was extremely fast, she almost ran up, but still couldn't catch up.

   The office here has completely changed, and not only ceo is here, but also many company executives.

  So, he could only run around for a while.

   Finally, he saw a company ceo sign hanging on the door of an office.

   He took a few steps and entered the office, only to find a young man about thirty years old sitting in the office, not Harold at all.

   "Who are you? Where is Harold?"

  Danny asked immediately.

   "What? Who are you?" The man in the office was surprised, thinking he had heard the wrong name.

   "Sorry, he broke in, I can't stop it."

  The middle-aged woman behind him hurried over, full of worry.

   dong dong dong dong.

   heard the sound of high heels again, and a tall woman walked out with the file.

   She turned and looked at Danny.

   "Oh?" She saw Danny's clothes, revealing surprise.

  Danny-like people are generally not likely to appear in the RAND Group office. First launch https://https://

   "Ward? Are you Ward?"

   At this moment, Danny stared at the young man in surprise, and at the same time, he looked at the woman again, "Joy?"

   Ward and Joey are Harold's children, and both are Danny's childhood playmates.

   "Who are you, do you know us?"

  Joy surprised.

   "I'm Danny, Danny Rand." Danny saw the playmate of the same year that he hadn't seen in ten years. Even though the two were suspected of being children of the enemy, he still felt kind and couldn't help but take a few steps.

  Joy and Ward heard the name and looked at each other, revealing a look of surprise and suspicion.

   "How did you get up?" Ward asked.

  He felt that Danny was a lunatic, but he only heard about Danny on the news, so he came to impostor.

  Pretended to be the missing son of a rich man, he was assigned to his family property, this kind of thing has happened before.

   "Elevator." Apparently, simple Danny didn't understand what Ward meant, and continued: "I'm here to see your father."

   "Listen, I think you are going in the wrong place, I think you should be a mental hospital." Ward said with a smile.

   "No, I'm definitely not wrong. This is my previous home." Danny said with certainty.

   "Sorry, if you don't leave, I will call the security guard."

   Ward picked up the phone.

"Wait. It's me, it's really me, Danny Lander. I know I have been missing for many years, but now I'm back." Hearing Ward to call the police, Danny got nervous and hurried to the desk Stopped, said: "Listen, I just want to see your dad and talk to him, okay? After seeing him, I will leave immediately."

   Joey, who had not spoken, saw Danny spoke sincerely, and looked a little like his childhood companion, so he said: "I'm afraid you can't see Harold Micham, he has passed away."

   "What?" Danny wondered: "Oh? I don't know, what happened?"

   Aside, Ward showed an impatient look and said, "Why is nobody in the security room answering the phone, can you tell them to come up quickly and take the madman away?"

   "Slow down, I just ask."

   Danny hurriedly.

   "My father died more than ten years ago and died of cancer."

   Joey answered.

   "I died more than ten years ago?" Danny showed doubts and questioned in his heart: "Holy Emperor, didn't you say that Harold killed my father in order to save the hands together?"

   Why is Harold long dead now, as if he died before my parents were born? "

   This is the first time Danny questioned the Holy Emperor.

   "Dead? Certainly not dead." Qi Xiaosheng chuckled and said, "He just pretended to be dead. In fact, he has been hiding behind the scenes and is in control of this company. Your friend Ward is just a puppet.

   And, he is now in this company. "

   "Just in the company? How is this possible?" Danny looked surprised.

   "Unbelief, you can test your friend Ward." Qi Xiaosheng said very surely.

  Danny ended the spiritual dialogue with the Holy Emperor and looked at Ward again.

   "Ward, I know your father is not dead, so I hid in this company and took me to see him." Danny just asked tentatively.

   "Maybe you are really Danny, but my father's death cannot be used as a joke, please leave quickly, otherwise I will call the police."

  Joey was very angry.

  However, the look of Ward on the side was obviously changed, revealing an incredible look.

  Danny clearly noticed Ward's expression, and the Saint Emperor knew everything, even this matter.

   So, ignoring Joey's threat, he stared directly at Ward and said, "Ward, take me to your father."

   Ward coughed slightly and regained his composure. He said, "You are rumoring. My father has long been dead. I don't believe you can go to the cemetery to see his grave."

   Moreover, there are so many people in and out of the company, and there are many people working in every place. If my father is hiding in the company, how could he not be found. "

  Danny heard the explanation, and the doubt that had just risen disappeared again.

   "Please leave here." Joey picked up the phone, pressed the number, and placed her finger on the dial key.

  Danny's face is very ugly. Although he can martial arts, he is still very afraid of the police.

  After all, no matter how high the martial arts are, I am afraid of guns.

   "Danny, leave here first."

   Qi Xiaosheng also ordered.

  Danny nodded slightly and left the Rand Group silently.

   walked out of the door of the RAND Group, Danny questioned again: "Holy Emperor, I know I should not question you, but if Harold is really in the company, you can't see it."

  Qi Xiaosheng didn't answer, just commanded: "You look back and take a look at the Rand Group's Daxia."

   "Land Summer?"

  Danny turned and looked at Daxia, his face puzzled.

   "Land Daxia has several floors."

   "Land Daxia has 45 floors, didn't you see it when you took the elevator?"

   "Really? Do you count?"

  Danny counted puzzled.

The outside of Daxia is dark blue glass, reflecting the sunlight, and the higher the floor, the more difficult to see, and the average person will not go to count the Daxia’s floors at also spent a long time, This is clear.

   "46, Rand Da Xia has 46 floors?" After Danny counted, he showed shock. Although he grew up here, he didn't know that the Rand Group had the 46th floor. "

   "Rand Daxia had 46 floors at the time of construction, but the elevator only reached 45 floors, and it was difficult to see the specific number of floors from outside Daxia. Therefore, almost everyone felt that Rand Daxia only had 45 floors.

   The Harold lived on the 46th floor, which was invisible. After he was suspended from death, he never left there. "

  Qi Xiao Sheng Tao.

   "It turned out that Harold had been on the 46th floor. I'll go find him here." Danny said immediately.

   "Don't go anymore, although you are an immortal iron fist, but your cultivation is not successful. If the other party has a gun, wouldn't you find death."

   "Harold dare to shoot me?"

"Your father was killed by him. What about killing you again? What's more, don't forget, you are a smuggler and you have no identity. Even if you die upstairs, outsiders don't know and no one will call the police. ”ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   "So what should I do? Don't care anymore?"

"That Harold is on the 46th floor, it's a turtle in the urn, no need to worry." Qi Xiaosheng persuaded: "Now go to find a place to live and refining Wu Di Lei Gang into. I just found something that can help you practice. "

   "The disciples understand." Although Danny was not reconciled, he could only turn around and leave.

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