Invincible Scanning System

Chapter 171: Murdered

   Chapter 171


   gunshots sounded behind him. The man's marksmanship was not good. He didn't hit Danny, but hit the side trash can.

   At this time, the gunman was ready to continue firing again, but Danny had already ran to another corner and drilled straight in.

   "Damn, it's a dead end."

  Danny is in front of a high wall, there are two people tall enough, the average person can not go.

   At this time, the two blacks also entered the alley.

  The two did not pay any attention to Colin, which proved that Danny's guess was correct. The two men came to kill him.

"Run, where can you go?" The black man with a baton covered his ribs and said viciously to his companion: "Don't kill him, just hurt him, I'll beat him hard and kill again Got him."


  The black gunman picked up the pistol again and aimed at Danny.

  Danny urged the real energy in his body, staring at the gunman's finger holding the trigger. After seeing a slight movement of his finger, he immediately rushed towards the left wall.


  This gun created Danny's original position.

   "Hey, actually escaped."

   The gunman was surprised and shot again at Danny's position.

   At this time, Danny stepped on the wall hard, and then lifted up with the power of the wall. His body was in the air, and his body had fallen on the two-person high wall.


   The gunman made another shot, exactly where Danny fell.

   At this moment, Danny had no way to avoid it, and could not stop it with his flesh.

   "I still want to shoot."

   Qi Xiaosheng sighed and forcibly took control of Danny's body.

  Danny already had a feeling, this time it was natural to let go of the body's control punch.

   took over Danny's body, and Qi Xiaosheng immediately urged Intentional Climbing to Xianbu. His body was still in the air, but he took advantage of it to move it out.

  Danny's body is weak, so he can only move a palm wide distance, but this palm wide distance allows Danny's body to avoid the attack.

   "Hey, am I right? His position in the air has changed."

   "I also saw it, as if teleporting."

   The two exclaimed.

   "Continue to shoot, don't let him escape."

"it is good."

   The gunman aimed at Danny again.

   "Escape? I didn't want to escape."

  Danny sneered, his face was completely away from the original simplicity, but instead showed a devilish cold smile.

  Because Qi Xiaosheng controls Danny's body at this moment.

  Danny stood by the wall and watched the slight changes in the gunman's fingers.

   When the gunman pulled the trigger, his fingers slightly bent, Danny suddenly stepped out, his body moved sideways again, and escaped another shot. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

  At the same time, his body leaped from the wall head and directly pounced on the black gunman.

   The black gunman changed colors and shot again in a hurry.

  In a hurry, the shot lost its preparation, and Qi Xiaosheng didn't even avoid it, because he saw it, and the shot was distorted.

   "Look, this is Wu Di Lei Gang."

  Danny roared as if talking to someone, but there were no other people except two people around him.

  The two were too late to wonder, and they saw a strange scene.

   saw that Danny's palms appeared red and blue respectively, and these two colors appeared for a moment, and a terrible Rayman burst out at the next moment.

   Leimang hit the gunman directly.

Before   , Danny also shot a Wudi Leigang in the summer of Rand, but the current was weak, and only a small spark was released, which was a flash of electric spark, and then the security guard was blown out.

   But Qi Xiaosheng controlled Danny's body, and Wu Di Lei Gang, who released the same true energy, turned into a current visible to the naked eye.


   This palm hit the gunman's head, and the gunman flew out of the body, and then stopped on the ground for several meters.

When    stopped, smoke came from the gunman's head.

   If he is a white man, he can see the burnt black now.

   However, the gunman is black.

   "Kill... kill people."

   At this moment, Qi Xiaosheng suddenly felt a wave of Danny's emotions and gave birth to a rebellion.

  Danny's spirit is not worth mentioning at all compared to Qi Xiaosheng.

   However, the gunman was already dead, and Qi Xiaosheng didn't want to waste his spirit, so he didn't resist and went straight back to Danny's mind.

   "He just wanted to kill you.

   If it is not my shot, you are already dead, so you are just just defending it. "

   Qi Xiaosheng explained.

   "Due defense, according to US law, this is indeed just defense."

  Danny muttered to himself, he killed for the first time, although, to be precise, he was not killed, but it was also very uncomfortable.

   saw Danny in a daze, and the black man with the baton was frightened, and he dared not stay and fled directly.

   But he just fled to the corner, and a katana suddenly hacked out.

   Black people might as well, their arms were cut open and their bodies staggered back.

   "Danny, how are you Danny?"

  Colin walked over with a samurai sword.

   She was ignored by the two blacks, so she went home and took the katana to support her. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   This time she used a real knife. Under the dim light, the samurai sword shone with cold light, and more blood stains flowed from the knife body.

   This is a blood-stained sword.

  Colin walked in with a samurai sword and looked into the alley.

   found that the black man with the gun fell to the ground, unaware of his life or death, Danny froze on the spread his palms in a daze.

  Colin glanced and found that Danny was not injured, so he waved the katana and subdued the black man holding the baton to the ground.

   "Danny, what's wrong with you, are you okay."

  Colin came to check.

   "I...I killed."

  Danny muttered to himself.

   "It's a murder."

  Colin walked over and touched the breath of the black man with the gun, and found that this person was dead.

"It is indeed dead. It's just that they want to kill you. You're a legitimate defense. I can testify." Colin patted Danny on the shoulder, comforting: "Just now he shot you, if you don't kill him, you die. ."

   "Danny, you have time to grieve the deaths of others, so think about yourself.

  You know, they made a special trip to kill you. This time it failed, will there be another time? "

  Qi Xiaosheng reminded.

   "I get it." Danny took a deep breath and restored his mood, then came to the man who was hit by Colin.

   "Who sent you to kill me."

  Danny asked in a deep voice.

   "Don't kill me, don't kill me, it was Ward Mitcham who asked me to do it." The black man was just a fool and immediately confessed.

   "Ward, actually Ward sent someone to kill me."

  Danny showed an incredible look.

  Although Ward often bullied him when he was a child, the two were after all a childhood playmate.

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