Invincible Scanning System

Chapter 173: Unsuspecting Ward

   Chapter 173

   "Hey, since you asked, then I will start."

  The boss of the prison round punched Danny on the cheek.

  In a flash, Danny felt that the black armor behind him was opened, and a strange layer of energy protected his body, which was stuck on his body.

   This layer of energy is very strange, invisible to the naked eye, but perceptible.


   At this time, the boss's fist also hit Xuanjia, making a dull sound.

   "Fuck, my hand, this guy's face is as hard as iron."

   The boss of the cell held his fist and grinned with painful teeth. At the same time, he found that the palm joints were bleeding.

   His punching strength is not small, but he was indeed injured himself.

   "Hey, I can defend myself, but I don't know if I can block the sniper bullet."

   Danny said excitedly.

   At this time, the police came over and said, "Danny, your lawyer is here."

   "Lawyer? Did Colin invite a lawyer?"

   Danny was overjoyed, and immediately followed the police officer and left the cell to the interrogation room in the police station.

  Interrogation room in addition to Colin, also sat a man in a suit, but he was wearing sunglasses, and there was a blind stick beside him.

   "Blind lawyer?" Danny showed disappointment, but he remembered that it was very difficult for Colin to maintain the martial arts hall, and the economy was not rich. It was already very good to invite a lawyer who he had known for a day.

   "Hey, it's actually him, what a coincidence?"

  Qi Xiaosheng was surprised.

   "Is this person very powerful?"

   asked Danny.

"His name is Matt Murdock, he is a practicing lawyer, don’t look at him as blind, but he is not weak in lawsuits. He is a very good lawyer. ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~ 1zщ.còм

   However, he has another identity. "

   "Another identity?"

   "His other identity is Daredevil.

  A blind man, litigating in the daytime, and playing the Daredevil at night for justice. "Qi Xiaosheng Dao. The newest 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

   "Dammon? Is it also a superhero?"

   "Well, although they are not as powerful as Iron Man, Thor, etc., Daredevil is also very good." Qi Xiaosheng commented.

   "The Holy Emperor said he was good, it must be very powerful." Danny showed a happy look.

   "Right, he actually has a deep relationship with you."

   "Is it still related to me?"

   "The master of the Daredevil is named Chou, who is one of the leaders of the True Pure Society, and the True Pure Society is an organization established by Kunlun to deal with the hand-made association."

   "It turns out so." Danny Mingwu said.

"Danny, he was stunned and didn't come in." At this time, Colin urged and introduced: "This is Mr. Matt, I don't have much money, I can only find you some lawyers who are willing to help the poor." ."

   "I understand." Danny walked in.

   "Hello, my name is Matt Murdoch." Daredevil reached out his hand.

  Danny shook hands with Daredevil, and he could feel that these hands were full of calluses.

   "My name is Danny Land." Danny also introduced himself.

   "Colin has told me about your case, but I will ask you about it." Daredevil is very professional.

   "Okay." Danny said the matter last night again.

After asking some details, Daredevil nodded and said, "This is a typical case of legitimate defense, and the gangster is also a notorious criminal in Hell's Kitchen, and has already confessed, so it should be very smooth.

  However, you do not have a driver's license, a protective cover, etc., so you have to go through the procedures for obtaining a bail pending trial, and you cannot leave New York during this time. "

   "But I have no money." Danny looked embarrassed, then looked at Colin and said, "Can the boss deduct the salary?"

  Colin showed embarrassment.

   Her only savings have helped Danny hire a lawyer, and the rent of the martial arts hall has not yet landed next month.

Even though Daredevil is blind,   's other perceptions are amazing.

   He heard the tone of the conversation between the two and felt the two people's heartbeat, so he guessed the situation.

   "In this way, I also heard about your affairs, it is indeed innocent.

   In this way, this case is very simple, I will be obliged to help, use this attorney fee, you go through the formalities. Said Daredevil.

   "Really? Thank you so much." Danny exulted.

   "You're welcome, I'll go through the procedures for you now." Daredevil said with a smile, and picked up the blind stick to go outside for the procedures.

  After a long time, Danny finally walked out of the police station. Although he could not leave New York, he was still free.

  Danny left Matt's phone, ready to pay the lawyer's fees in the future.

   Then, he followed Colin back to Wuguan.

   "You just came out, take a rest today."

  Kolin was very kind.

   "No, you have already spent a lot of money for me. I have to work faster and work to make money."

   Danny said immediately.

  Seeing Danny insist, Colin nodded slightly and said, "Well, the students will come in the afternoon, let's clean up here first."

   So, Danny began his first day of work.

  When working, the time passed quickly, and unconsciously it was evening.

  Danny found an excuse, left the martial arts hall alone, and came to the door of Rand Daxia. While the security guard was not paying attention, he sneaked into the underground garage and waited quietly.

   Soon afterwards, RAND employees began to leave after get off work.

  After most of the staff left, Danny's goal finally came out.

   " Danny clenched his fists, his eyes full of anger.

   While I was opening the door, Danny quickly approached, throwing Ward into the car, and then he got into it.


  Danny closed the door heavily and looked at Ward again, only to find that Ward pulled out a gun in a hurry.

   He panicked and moved too slowly. Danny grabbed the gun as soon as he reached out and pointed the gun at Ward.

   "Don't kill me, don't kill me."

   Ward panicked.

   "I really can't imagine that we were also playmates when we were young. You actually sent someone to kill me." Danny said in a deep voice.

   "What?" Ward looked puzzled.

   "Still confused?" Danny was furious.

   "I'm not confused, I really don't understand what you're talking about?" Ward panicked.

   "His response was made subconsciously, there should be no lies." Qi Xiaosheng reminded.

   "He didn't lie? The Holy Emperor meant that the gangster was talking nonsense, didn't Ward send them to kill me?" Danny wondered.

   "The gangsters did not lie. It should be someone who used the name of Ward, and always issued orders in the name of Ward, who secretly controlled the Rand Group?"

   Qi Xiaosheng guided the way.

   "It's Harold Mitcham." Danny said in a deep voice.

  Qi Xiaosheng did not speak, because he had already led successfully.

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