Invincible Scanning System

Chapter 178: Agents of SHIELD

   Chapter 178

   "Yes, if the people in Wuguan make trouble for you, you can drive her away."

  Joy said.

   "Of course I can't get rid of him, he helped me a lot." Danny shook his head again and again, "Not only can't I get rid of, I also have to waive her rent. If it wasn't for her help, I'm still in prison now."

   "The house is yours, you have the final say." Joey smiled.

   "That's it."

   Danny rejoiced, and then chatted with Joey and Ward about homely.

   This is where Ward's secretary, Jenny, hurried in and said, "Boss, two fbi agents came outside and said that he was going to investigate the fact that someone jumped the building the other day."

   "I didn't call the police before and found it back? Why did you alarm fbi?"

   Ward's expression changed.

   There are people from the Ward Group in the police. It stands to reason that he said hello, and the matter should be over.

   "Jumping upstairs is not dead, maybe aliens. It is estimated that fbi thinks things are weird and needs to be investigated, but that person is not from the RAND Group, we don't have to be afraid.

  Jenny, let fbi come up. "Joy told her that she didn't care, because he didn't know that this matter was actually related to the RAND Group."


  Jenny nodded and turned away from the office.

   "Danny, if you don't want to trouble, you can go to another room to hide." Joey said.

  Danny was about to escape, but Qi Xiaosheng's voice appeared in his mind.

   "Don't hide, I want to meet those two."

  Qi Xiaosheng ordered.

   "The Holy Emperor wants to see the two fbi people?" Danny wondered.

   "If I did not guess, it should not be a member of fbi."

   Qi Xiaosheng is very mysterious.

   "Since the Holy Emperor wants to see them, then stay." Danny also showed curiosity, so he said to Joey that he would stay.

   "That will do."

  Joy nodded slightly, and the three of them waited in the office.

   Soon after, two people wearing black suits came in.

   These two men, a man and a woman, walk like wind, straight waist, giving a smart and capable feeling.

   The man has a bright forehead and a slightly high hairline, about 40 to 50 years old. The woman is an oriental face. Although there is no true energy in her body, she has a master temperament in every move.

   "Ding, scanning successfully, SHIELD agent Phil Coulson, who was killed by Rocky in the New York War just now, SHIELD used the Cree gene to resurrect him in the Tahiti plan.

   Extract data, get a little Cree blood, get secret agent detection skills, get a. level gun skills. "

   "Ding, scan code successfully, Agent SHIELD Mei.

   Extract the data, get the reconnaissance and anti-reconnaissance skills, and improve the shooting skills. "

   "It really is them."

  Qi Shengsheng extracted two data, and immediately showed his joy.

   "Danny, these two are SHIELD people, serving the special agent organization of the Avengers."

   Qi Xiaosheng immediately reminded.

  Danny didn’t know about S.H.I.E.L.D., but Avengers was famous, and he certainly heard of it.

   "Actually the person of the Avengers."

  Danny immediately got nervous.

   "Hello, this is fbi agent Phil Coulson, this is my partner May." Coulson smiled slightly and looked very friendly and kind.

   "I am Ward, and I am the person in charge of the company. I heard that you came here to jump off the building a few days ago. That thing has nothing to do with us. That person is not on the company's list at all." Ward shirks his responsibility directly.

   "That man is the Jigang letter from the Japan Handicraft Association. We have his message." Coulson smiled slightly and continued: "I don't say anything about the relationship between the Handicraft Association and your company. I believe you know it."

   Ward's expression changed, he didn't expect fbi to be so magical, he knew such things.

   "However, we don't want to care about this matter." Coulson turned around and looked at Danny aside, saying, "This time we are here, mainly to find Mr. Danny Land."

   "Look for me?" Danny froze a little, and his heart became more tense.

   "What are you doing with Danny?" Joey wondered.

   "Sorry, this is FBI's secret investigation and cannot be said to outsiders." Coulson continued to maintain a professional smirk, saying: "Mr. Danny, can you talk to you alone?"

   "Yes." Danny nodded slightly and said to Ward: "Ward, borrow your office."

   "Okay, Danny, if you have any trouble, tell me immediately, Joey and I are outside." Ward looked at Coulson and May very alertly, and then walked out of the room with a misty plum. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   "Mr. Danny, or Mr. Tekken, re-introduce me. I am Agent SHIELD Coulson, this is my partner Agent May."

  Colson directly identified Danny as a demonstration.

   "How do you know that I am Tekken?"

  Danny was shocked.

   "Kunlun's iron fist has appeared many times before, and we have videos in our hands."

  Coulson took out his phone while talking, and there were videos prepared in advance.

   The video opened, and the picture was very blurry. It was probably what happened in the 1960s and 1970s. A person with a double fist was attacking the enemy. The fists were shining and sparkling.

   After the integration of Qi Xiaosheng into this world, the iron fist system has changed, and the fist is no longer the iconic golden awn, but the electric spark.

   "We have investigated that Mr. Danny had killed a robber before. The cause of death of the robber was consistent with the injuries caused by the ancient iron fist.

   In addition, we also investigated the location and time of Mr. Danny's appearance, which is the same as the time and place of Kunlun's present life.

   So we speculate that you are a new generation of Tekken. "

  Colson made his own admits directly, ask them what they want to do? Qi Xiaosheng's command sounded in Danny's mind, and he immediately sullen his face and asked, "Yes, I'm an iron fist. What do you do after you know?" "

   "Mr. Iron Fist, don't get me wrong.

   Jigang Xin is a member of the Japanese underworld, and the hand association is also underworld organizations. It is normal to attack them. Heroic actions, we will not stop them.

   This time we came, mainly to confirm the identity of Mr. Tiequan.

   Another point is to ask Mr. Tiequan if he is interested in joining SHIELD. "

  Colson asked and did not wait for Danny to answer, but continued: "You also know that after the New York War, although we defeated the alien invasion, it was only temporary.

   Actually, that was just the first alien force, and the army had not yet arrived.

   So we have to recruit more superheroes to join. "

   "Actually Aegis Bureau." Danny immediately moved.

   "Tell him to consider." Qi Xiaosheng ordered.

   He really hopes to join SHIELD, so that it is convenient to get infinite gems, but now his main goal is to find the body.

   "This matter is very important, I want to consider it." Danny said immediately.

   "Well, this is a matter of course. If Mr. Tiequan thinks about it, you can contact me."

  Corser took out a business card and handed it to Danny. Then he didn't continue to say anything and went directly with Agent May.

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