Invincible Scanning System

Chapter 308: Dragon in Naruto World

Chapter 308:

  Nagato summons the ten-tailed body shell at any cost, but the ten-tailed body shell still does not appear.


  Nagato roared again, and reincarnation eyes were moving rapidly.

   Chakra was exhausted, but he didn't give up.

  Nagato urged the power of reincarnation eyes.

  Reincarnation eyes, control life and death, can be brought back to life, can also use the power of these eyes to sacrifice their life for power.


  Nagato suddenly changed from a muscular young man to a pale and thin patient.


   Xiaonan exclaimed and wanted to come over.

   But Nagato waved his hand and stopped Xiao Nan.

   "Xiao Nan, don't come close, he has lost such a big price, don't you let him in vain?"

  Uchiha took the soil and stopped Xiaonan quickly.

   Xiaonan looked tight, gritted his teeth, and stopped.

  Nagato sacrificed his health in exchange for a large amount of Chakra.

   Finally, the moon has changed.

   The surface of the moon vibrated violently. With a hum, a figure rushed out of the moon.

   This figure is psyched out by psychics, and belongs to the category of space transmission, which does not destroy the integrity of the moon.


  A huge body appeared in the cave.

   This is a giant beast of hundreds of meters, like a greenish-brown rock, surrounded by huge tentacles with ten pieces.

   The cave is already big, but it still can't accommodate the huge body of Ten Tails. After the summoning, Ten Tail's shots are all plunged into the rocks and embedded in the mountains.

  Under the ten tentacles is a body that looks very small.

   is very small, it is a contrast tentacle, in fact, his body is also 100 meters.

   "Ding, scan code successfully, ten-tailed body, also called Waidao Golem.

   Extract the data, and the immortal body is greatly strengthened. "

   "Ding, the immortal golden body is upgraded to level 8 and can be initially protected from attacks by A. level weapons."

   Qi Xiaosheng quickly extracted the data.

  Ten tails have only a body, and Chakra has been drawn into nine tailed beasts, so Qi Xiaosheng did not extract any energy.

  However, Chakra was pulled away, but the ten-tailed body was still strong, actually directly advancing Qi Xiaosheng's immortal golden body.

   "The body of the ten tails may only be injured by the artifact, even the S-level artifact may not be able to hurt it."

   Qi Xiaosheng's eyes flashed, and he was not happy or excited.

   The more powerful the ten-tailed data, the more terrifying the boss he will face in the future.

   "It seems that these years have underestimated the enemy, and the difficulty of nightmares is more terrible than I thought.

  After I went back, I had to retreat and practice hard. I couldn’t just be Adam. "

   Qi Xiaosheng decided.

   "Long door, long door."

  Soulism succeeded, but Nagato fainted faintly.

   Qi Xiaosheng glanced at a distance, and found that the long door breath was weak, and it should not be many years to live.

   In order to summon the ten-tailed body, he spent decades of Shouyuan.

   "In the unsightly original plot, Nagato is a sick and ill-looking, it seems that it is because of the summoning of the gothic golem."

  Thinking of Qi Xiaosheng, Xiao Nan helped Longmen to heal.

  The cave only left Uchiha with soil and black and white to check the situation of Shio.


   Uchiha punched Shimo with a punch, making Shio's body shock.

   "It's not a rock, it's a real body, and it's really hard." Uchiha said softly.


   At this time, a rock above Qi Xiaosheng's head fell.

   It was because the huge tail of Ten Tails plunged into the rock, which caused the rock to crack. At this moment, Uchiha was bombarded with soil and a piece of rock fell down.

   Of course, a rock fell and Qi Xiaosheng could not be injured. His body flickered and hid.


  Uchiha discovered the movement with soil, his body flicked, and rushed straight over.

"not good."

   Qi Xiaosheng's secret way is not good.

   Uchiha's soil and black and white are very strong, but the most important thing is that Qi Xiaosheng doesn't want to be discovered, thus destroying Xiao's plan to collect tail beasts.

   His eyes rolled, his body flicked, and he exhibited a magic dragon.


   His body turned into a dragon, but this time the body was not long, only more than ten meters, and rushed out.

   "What is this?" Uchiha exclaimed with exclamation.

   "It is a legendary dragon, but it is a bit smaller."

   Black and white was also surprised.

  Dragon is just a legendary creature, no one has seen it.

   This dragon appeared and rushed directly towards the earth and black and white, and opened his mouth with a breath of dragon breath.


   The golden red burning dragon breath, mixed with the power of the real fire of the sun, is extremely hot.

  Under this breath of dragon, the surrounding rocks melted immediately, and even the body of Ten Tails turned red.

   "What a terrifying dragon's breath."

   Black and white exclaimed, his body sank, and he hid directly into the depths of the earth.

   Uchiha's eyes flashed with soil, and the kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes were launched, which displayed the Shenwei space.

  Shenwei space was launched, and the body with soil was rotated, also hiding in the Shenwei space.

   appears next time, but it is already on top of Shiao's head.


   Qi Xiaosheng issued a dragon chant, didn't want to stay long, and rushed out directly.

   Uchiha took the soil and jumped, trying to catch up, but Qi Xiaosheng's speed was too fast, directly broke through the sound barrier, and quickly disappeared into the cave.

   Black and white came out from under the earth again, and chased out of the cave with the soil, but saw the dragon flying towards nine, and the golden dragon body has rushed into the sky, turning into a small black spot.

   Both are very strong, but unfortunately they can't fly.

   So They can only watch the ‘Shenlong’ disappear into the moonlight.

   "What's going on with that dragon?" Black and white showed a dumbfounded expression.

   "The dragon foot is more than ten meters long, and it must not be in the cave just now."

   with earthy voice.

   The cave is not small, but the huge body of more than ten meters has no place to hide.

   "Is it called together with Shio?"

   Black and white speculation.

"Only this one is possible." Dai Tu also nodded and said, "Shenlong is a legendary species. Perhaps when the first six immortals exploded the star seal Datongmuhuiye at the beginning, it attracted the Sifang Mountain Stone, just the dragon. I was diving in a mountain, so I was sent to the moon together."

   "It should be, ordinary creatures cannot survive in that environment. But the dragon is a legendary species, more mysterious than the ten tails, and may survive."

   The black and white way.

   "So he won't affect our plan?" Black and White asked again.

   "It should not be, it is a dragon, and it came from the moon.

   However, for the sake of safety, the ten-tailed body was secretly transferred to a safer place. "

   determined with soil.

   "Yes, it's safer to transfer."

   The two quickly returned to the cave and continued to check the status of the ten-tailed body. Suddenly, the number of people was called and they began to transfer the ten-tailed body.

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