Invincible Scanning System

Chapter 318: Adam's growth, counterattack

   Chapter 318

   Adam suddenly felt something was wrong with this test.

   Shangren's strength is too strong, even Sasuke's strength can't **** the bell from Kakashi.

   "Sasuke and I are far more powerful than ordinary people. Ning Ci, Tian Tian, ​​Li Locke, etc. in the school are all our defeaters.

   Even we can't **** the bells from Kakashi's hands, then others are even more impossible.

   Failure to grab the bell means failure, just go back to the village?

   But in terms of Kakashi’s strength, isn’t everyone failing the assessment?

   What happened to the 9 people who passed the assessment before? First launch https://https://

  The strength of those nine people far exceeds us?

   No, it's impossible.

   is stronger than us, that is the shadow. "

   Adam calmed down and soon found that the test was not right.

   "There is a problem with this test.

   Snatching bells is not an end at all, just a test method.

   So, what is the real purpose? "

   Adam began to think about it.

  I have to say that Qi Xiaosheng's cultivation for so many years is still useful, coupled with Adam's own excellent genes, he is very clever and sees the problem.

   "It is cooperation.

  Ninja is a group of several people, since it is a group, it is a group, and it is necessary for the group to know how to cooperate.

   No, the average ninja may not be able to grab the bell with cooperation, and there are only two bells, the remaining one still has to be eliminated?

  Wait, if it is said that snatching bells is the problem, then Kakashi said that the elimination of those who cannot **** the bells should also be the follow-up to the problem!

   Then, as a result, the real project of the assessment is teamwork and progress together. "

   Adam analyzed here that cold sweat had left on his forehead.

   If the assessment project is really a teamwork, then they certainly can not pass the assessment.

  Because the assessment began, he and Sasuke had an internal fight.

   "Sasuke, stop."

   Adam shouted suddenly.

  However, Sasuke would not listen to Adam's orders.

   "Sasuke, you will regret it without stopping, and my father will be very disappointed with you."

   Adam shouted again.

  Sasuke didn't call him Master Qi Xiaosheng, but Zixiao Sheng was very respectful.

  So, Sasuke stopped.

   "What's the matter with you?" Sasuke Shen Sheng asked.

   aside, Kakashi did not catch up, but watched quietly.

   "Mr. Kakashi, we have something to discuss with everyone."

  As he said, Adam took the lead to the woods.

   Naruto trusted Adam naturally and followed without hesitation.

   Sasuke hesitated a little, looking at Qi Xiaosheng's face, he also followed, and finally it was Sakura.

  The crowd came to the woods, and Adam gave his guess.

   Everyone heard it and showed an incredible look.

   "Well, Adam made sense, indeed, it is impossible for this person to pass this test. For such a difficult test, it is impossible for 9 people to pass."

   Sasuke is also very smart, and he suddenly wakes up when he hears the reminder.

   "Really? Actually?"

  Naruto and Sakura look incredible.


   But if the assessment is like this, then we have done so badly.

   I was infighted with Sasuke as soon as I came up, the biggest mistake.

   And Naruto you have been fighting alone, never considered cooperation.

   Sakura, you hit illusion and attacked me as soon as you woke up. If it wasn't for my special constitution, I would be seriously injured.

   So far, all of our evaluations have sacrificed this time, and none of them passed. "

   Adam said in a deep voice.

   "Ah, failed? It's going to be rushed back to school again." Naruto desperately said.

"No, there is still a chance. We have to use these half an hour to grab the bells. Of course, snatching the bells is actually secondary and can only be regarded as an extra bonus item. What really matters is the process of snatching the bells. The teamwork we must show is very important after snatching the bell, and even I think it will be more important."

   Adam said.

   "Adam, what are your plans, come and listen." Naruto exulted.

   Sasuke and Sakura also showed their listening colors.

  So, Adam began to command.

   Soon, Adam finished his command and began to move apart.

  After they left, Qi Xiaosheng landed on the ground, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

   "Yes, Adam grew up very well here, and he has a good analysis and commanding ability of the situation, as well as excellent decisiveness.

   Back to Xuanwu Continent, I can safely give him the Han Dynasty. "

   Qi Xiaosheng showed satisfaction.

  He knows today is the assessment, so he is watching from beginning to end.

  After several people left the woods, Qi Xiaosheng also quietly followed.

  Adam and Naruto trust each other, and they also know Sasuke's temperament, so the tasks assigned to them are very suitable.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

  Only don't know Sakura well, but can also assign some simple work of interference and response.

   In fact, Adam and Sasuke have been able to **** the bell from Kakashi.

  However, their goal this time was not to **** the bells, but to show a sense of teamwork and restore Kakashi’s negative impression.

  Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura knew that their previous assessments could not meet the requirements, so this extra effort made all the tasks assigned by Adam perfectly completed.

  Finally, before the end of time, Adam succeeded in grabbing the pill.

   "Accepted the bell."

   Kakashi was shocked.

   9 people passed the assessment from him, but without exception, they did not get the bell.

  The four Adams were the first.

   was shocked in his heart, but Kakashi didn't show it at all.

   "Adam, you have grabbed two bells and allowed two people to pass the test. Now, who do you want to give another chance to?"

   Kakashi said with a smile.

   For a moment, Sakura was a little nervous.

   He worried that Adam had guessed.

   Only Naruto has absolute trust in Adam. Although Sasuke always competes with Adam, he also understands Adam, so he has no doubt at all.

   "No, I won't choose.

Because we only got the bell through the cooperation of the group Without Sasuke's cooperation, I couldn't get the bell, there was no response and involvement from Naruto and Sakura, and the teacher had long used the avatar to escape. The shadow is gone.

   So, this time it was not me who snatched the bell, but the four of us snatched the bell together. "

   Adam is right.

   "Yes, we got the bell together." Naruto shouted immediately.

   "Yeah, Adam was right." Sakura also quickly agreed, and he was relieved.

   Kakashi frowned slightly.

   "It seems that my assessment contents have been broken through? The broken assessments, are they really united? Or is it an action plan to deal with the evaluation?" Kakashi showed embarrassment because this was not what he wanted.

   "Kakashi, the team needs to run in and train, and it is for this reason that the village will send Shang Ni to direct these newly graduated ninjas.

  Now that they have shown their intention to cooperate, it is up to you to be able to form a team. "

   Qi Xiaosheng's voice reached Kakashi's ear.

   "Master Qi?"

  Kakashi saw the head of the Qi family several times and heard the voice of the head of the Qi family.

   "Yes, they have demonstrated teamwork, and then how the team grows should be the responsibility of my leader."

   Kakashi thought of this, and he came to his senses.

   This assessment not only tested the four Adams, but also made him understand something.

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