Invincible Scanning System

Chapter 402: Preach

Chapter 402:

Seeing the quarrel between the two, the ancestor of the Rong family waved and let the two retreat, saying, "The Rong family has been in business for many years, and there are many outside disciples inside.

In this way, you don't need to let them go through the mental state assessment, just need to seriously teach the two of them and let them continue to practice the original exercises.

Our Rong family treats each other with sincerity and hopes that he will feel gratitude in the future, join the Rong family, and pass on the practice. "

"But what if he is not grateful?"

"The ungrateful generation, know how to use it." The ancestor of the Rong family shot Hanmang in the eyes, which made people chill.

At this moment, everyone understood the meaning of the ancestor of the Rong family.

That is to give mercy first, and then let Qi Xiaosheng and Xiaoxue take the initiative to surrender the exercises, so as not to fall into disregard, and make the disciples cold.

But if you don't pay it, it means you don't know what you want, and you live up to the cultivation of the Rong family. Of course, the Rong family will certainly not rob it openly, but look for opportunities to steal it in secret.

"Ancestor wise."

Many elders obeyed and retreated.

After that, the ancestor of the Rong family began to arrange some tasks for Rong Tian to give Qi Xiaosheng and Xiaoxue some preferential treatment so that they could feel the favor of the Rong family.

After many elders retired, Rong Yi walked behind Rong Tian with fear.

He is still outside the door and is managed by the disciple hall.

"Rong Yi." Rong Tian said somberly.

"The disciple is here." Rong Yi came over immediately, his expression nervous.

"This time you are wrong. Identify the unknown."

"Disciples know the wrong."

"If you know what you are wrong, you will need to correct it, and you will do well."

"Please tell the deputy host."

"Well." Rong Tian was very satisfied with Rong Tian's attitude. He ordered: "You know what the ancestor meant. From now on, you have to take care of Qi Xiaosheng and that little blood.

However, you should not be delusional about the exercises in their hands, that is not something you can master. "

"The disciples understand that the disciples will only approach them, make friends with them, let them treat the Rong family as their own, and then let them contribute their merits."

"Okay, just understand what I mean. Well, you have worked hard all the way, go back and rest."

"Disciple quits."

Rong Yi slowly retreated.

After Rong Yi retreated, Rong Tian also walked out the door, thinking while walking.

Early the next morning, Qi Xiaosheng and Xiaoxue got up early to practice.

Although the two entered the city, they were outside disciples of the Rong family, but their residence was not where the outside disciples lived.

Because Rong Tian did not know how to place them at that time, they were placed in Rong Tian's other courtyard, not the residence of the disciples.

Therefore, it is very quiet here.

"Master, it's so boring, that Rong Tian seems to have left us here, regardless of us."

Xiaoxue looked at the sky, where the sun was shining, it was already three shots in the sun.

"Rong Tian shouldn't know how to place us, it's still embarrassing." Qi Xiaosheng smiled slightly and said, "There's nothing left and right. Let's go out for a walk. I want to see Liang Xiao and teach him some exercises. He can't let the big guy." The people are buried in the Rong family."

Qi Xiaosheng said while pushing the door first and walked out.

"Okay, go for a walk."

Xiaoxue quickly went out.

Yesterday's progress, the two have seen the scenery of Rong's family, so this time there is nothing strange.

Soon after, the two came to the gate of the city, showed the waist cards of the disciples outside, and went out smoothly.

Liang Xiao and others failed to pass the assessment and did not have the preferential treatment of Qi Xiaosheng and others, so early in the morning, everyone planted land among the paddy fields.

Outside the paddy field, there were some disciples outside the Rong family watching.

Qi Xiaosheng searched among the paddy fields and quickly found Liang Xiao.

Beside Liang Xiao there are Lan Lingyu, Situ Mu and others.

In addition to Liang Xiao, Yan Yunyun and others were all frowning and sluggishly planting seedlings.

"Liang Xiao, the Holy Emperor came to see you."

Little blood called.

Liang Xiao heard the sound, immediately put down the seedlings, and came over.

"Liang Xiao meets the Holy Emperor."

Liang Xiao knelt directly in front of Qi Xiaosheng.

"I have passed on to the film emperor, let's join the Rong family again, don't mention the title of emperor." Qi Xiaosheng laughed. Kiki's novels are launched online

"One day is the holy emperor, life is the holy emperor." Liang Xiao said respectfully.

"It's just a name, it's up to you."

Qi Xiaosheng lifted Liang Xiao up.

"What did the Holy Emperor call me?"

"You performed well yesterday, but the Rong family's exercises are not suitable for you, so in the future, you will practice the exercises I taught you." Qi Xiaosheng said directly.

"I have practiced the Holy Emperor's "Four Heavens", which is very good. I am very satisfied."

"Hang Tian Si is definitely good, but it's still worse."

Qi Xiaosheng shook his head.

Hundred days and four skills come from Fengyun World's Xiaosanxiao, and the skills are good. However, in Zhongzhou, there will be endless numbers of magical skills. This is a little worse.

Moreover, in addition to the mixed world, Liang Xiao also needs some martial arts.

"In the future, you will practice these two exercises.

"Hui Tian Zhen Jing" is a method I re-edited based on the Hun Tian Si Ju, which barely reached the level of S-level divine skill. Because it comes from the same source, you will not be hindered when you practice.

The second type is "Destiny Tribulation", which is also based on the evolution of the world of "Fengyun" has reached the S level, suitable for you to practice. "

Qi Xiaosheng palm a little, a beam of light shot into Liang Xiao's forehead.

In an instant, Liang Xiao was stiff, and his eyes stared forward.

There is a figure in his mind practicing the sword technique, which is very mysterious.

This is no longer a simple teaching method, but a preaching, which directly imprints the exquisite sword technique and comprehension into Liang Xiao's mind.

In the future, Liang Xiao will be able to watch this shadow when he understands the sword technique. Until the sword technique is fully understood, the sword technique will become great.

Not only that, at that time, Liang Xiao even taught the seeds of preaching.

This is an inheritance of the practice that is imprinted in the mind, and it is also Qi Xiaosheng's ability to master in the near future. Update the fastest Kiki novel https://

During the preaching of Qi Xiaosheng, a disciple outside the Rong family came over and wanted to drive Liang Xiao down the rice field.

But as soon as he moved, he was stopped by the disciples outside him.

"Old Li, slow down."


"You didn't come yesterday, don't know what happened?"


"That guy yesterday challenged Rong Tian, ​​the deputy host, and defeated Rong Tian. He also defeated Rong Tian, ​​the red-haired boy beside him."

"What? There is such a thing?"

"Yes, I can't believe it until now, but he really happened.

So, you don’t have to worry about it, lest you be beaten. "

"Thank you for reminding."

The disciples outside the Rong family retreated, pretending not to see.

However, these two people escaped the disaster, but the others did not escape the past.

I saw the Rongjia city gate open again, and a man and a woman came out.

"Where are the people of the dynasty?"

The man asked.

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