Invincible Scanning System

Chapter 802: Resurrection props

   Chapter 802

  A dream was chopped into blood beads, and by the impact of the Excalibur, he rushed out.

  He wants to take this opportunity to escape.

  Blood rebirth, the blood demon family has such ability.

  However, Qi Xiaosheng had already reached this stage.

   The blood bead rushed out, and an oncoming giant hand was on the way.

  The five elements of the giant palm emerged and transformed into a five-element small world, in which the mountains and rivers are like flowers and the wind and clouds are gathered like real.


   Congenital Five Elements wiped out the hand to give a swallowing force, and the blood beads escaped were swallowed by a brain whale.

   The appearance of the Five Elements Small World looks beautiful, but after the blood beads enter, the five elements within it immediately transform into each other, confront each other, interact with each other, and circulate immortality.

  During this process, the blood bead also moves along with it, and annihilates accordingly.

   is just a flash of power, and a lot of blood beads have been annihilated.

   The remaining blood beads gathered in the five-element small world, and turned into a dream again, but they were pale and bloodless, and the flesh was still annihilated and dissipated.

   is just a transient technique, his arms are gone, and he is wiped out by the Five Elements Small World.

   The power of the five-element small world continues to run, and the body of Yimeng is rapidly melting. Even if Yimeng resists with all his strength, all forces are attacking, but they are still ineffective.

  He was unable to resist all this.

  Broken crown, self-destructive double soul, blood demon power, burning blood veins and other means have been used, but still can not escape the fate of death.

   The enemy is too powerful.

  A dream knows that if you continue, you will die.

  However, a dream did not give up. As a reincarnation, even if it was about to die, it would be struggling to die.

   "Kill me and I will be resurrected in the world of reincarnation. At that time, I will report everything I have now, but, if you let me go, I will hide what happened today."

   said a dream suddenly.


   The world of five elements trembles, and the operation has not stopped, but the elemental energy has bypassed the body of a dream, and has not continued to hurt him.

   "Do you have a resurrection prop?"

   Qi Xiaosheng's eyes flashed.

   There are very few ways to have a resurrection ability, and resurrection is also extremely difficult. However, there are thousands of reincarnations in the world, and there are still a small number of reincarnations who can get resurrection props.

   Some of these props will be resurrected at the place of the reincarnation god. This kind of props are even more precious and rare. Generally, the reincarnations who can exchange this kind of props are very powerful and are all senior reincarnations.

   "Yes, redeem it at the main god, I spent a lot of points for this." Yimeng said in a deep voice.

   Qi Xiaosheng stared at a dream.

  After Qi Xiaosheng was not attacking, Yimeng's body recovered again, but it was extremely pale and the injury was extremely serious, which had affected the foundation.

   In the process of speaking, a dream looks as usual, and it is impossible to see whether it is true or false.

   "Don't kill me, I won't reveal your information here. In the future, only myself will come to revenge.

   However, you killed me and wasted my precious chance of resurrection. I will tell everything to the reincarnation master and let the reincarnation master send the reincarnation team to hunt you down.

   Although you are strong, but how many can you kill at a time?

  Know that there are many people in the senior samsara squad, many of them are the same generation as your predecessors. "

  One dream said indifferently, the threat in the words was very obvious.

   Qi Xiaosheng looked at a dream lightly. After he finished speaking, he said, "You are right. Those senior samsaras are indeed very strong. Many people can kill me."

   "Yes, let me go, I will not report the news." Yimeng said again.

  Qi Xiaosheng grinned and said, "Unfortunately, I don't like being threatened."

  The voice of Qi Xiaosheng fell down, and the innate five-element rubbing hand was turned on again, and the power to rub off all was born again.

   The next moment, the body of a dream is annihilated again.

  Dream in a dream, his hands, feet and body gradually disappeared, but he did not scream.

   As a reincarnation, it is common to break hands and feet. As long as you have a breath, you can be resurrected in the world of reincarnation. Therefore, reincarnation battles often take the form of self-mutilation, so they have long been used to this kind of pain.

   Finally, only one head was left in a dream.

   "You just wait for the reincarnation of the Lord God."

  Deeply stared at Qi Xiaosheng, and then his eyes also burst, followed closely, and the whole head burst into red blood beads.

  Blood beads continue to explode and turn into ashes, a dream completely wiped out.

   The moment before a dream was completely wiped out, Qi Xiaosheng's eyes changed, and there were regular forces flowing in it. He was observing to see what kind of props a dream had applied.

  Resurrection props, some of them can be interrupted.

Resurrection items such as avatars and dolls can cut off the connection between the body and the mortal dolls. The premise is to determine which resurrection method to strike accurately, because the resurrection may be slow, but it may only be a flash. Things, every way of chopping is different, you must make a judgment quickly.

   He urged the Immortal Sword and turned out constantly, turning into layers of exile space.

  In this process, a dream died, and Qi Xiaosheng vaguely saw a mysterious force connected to Yi dream.

   This power is very magical, and the space barriers of the banished space are ignored. This mysterious connection passes through a heavy space and connects to a dream.

   The moment when a dream died, the reaction produced by this connection.

   "Exile space cannot be Xiaosheng's eyes flashed without any hesitation.

  At this moment, instead of carefully observing this connection, he did not judge the rules of this connection, but directly urged the immortal sword.

   saw a green gem on the immortal sword lit up, this is the gem of time.

  The gem of time runs, covering the five-element small world in front of the palm of Qi Xiaosheng.

  At this moment, time is reversing, and the Five Elements Small World is also reversing.

   To be precise, it is not a reversal, but a time reversal and a five-element small world time retracement.

  During this process, a dream regressed from death, from nothingness, to a drop of blood, and then from a drop of blood to a head.

  Time reversed, and a dream came alive.

   The look of a dream came alive with anger and resentment.

   "Is it resurrected? No, no, why am I still here."

   The look of a dream changed greatly.

   He felt the power of the Five Elements Small World and saw Qi Xiaosheng.

   "It is not a resurrection technique, it is a resurrection prop. The prop is not in the Xuanwu continent, but it is left in the reincarnation space and is resurrected across the world. This is troublesome. It is not a general resurrection prop."

  Qi Xiaosheng quickly made a judgment. There was no precise clue in his mind, but he did not stop.

   He withdrew the Immortal Sword, the Five Elements World continued to operate, and once again wiped out the head of a dream. .

   Exile space cannot be blocked, then break the connection.

   Qi Xiaosheng screamed, and the Immortal Sword directly hacked out. This hacked sword contains the power of rules.

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